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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.239 BTS
Lifetime fees paid10.64 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 1.239
COMPUCEEDS 3,295,303
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
virtual cancel order
8992fc9c sent 4 BTS to
29ff6e00 sent 0.335 XBTSX.STH to
70dba215 sent 1,000 BTCCORE to
b19c16c4 cancel orders (4)
84f52dfc cancel orders (6)
3b1f30bd cancel orders (10)
08848e33 cancel orders (8)
9b6620c6 cancel orders (6)
9450a9c6 cancel orders (6)
883edb29 update account/votes
49ef2a77 wants 1,800 USD for 0.3 BTCCORE
d06de493 wants 6,000 USD for 1 BTCCORE
9e6ddf95 wants 18,000 USD for 3 BTCCORE
1f295f4f wants 18,000 USD for 3 BTCCORE
69689a19 wants 18,000 USD for 3 BTCCORE
63ddd74e wants 18,000 USD for 3 BTCCORE
15b0b04c wants 6,000 USD for 1 BTCCORE
b4df1424 wants 6,150 USD for 1 BTCCORE
846ef6c5 wants 6,150 USD for 1 BTCCORE
5fde5134 wants 6,150 USD for 1 BTCCORE
cf38852d wants 6,150 USD for 1 BTCCORE
d7886902 wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
b59017fc wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
a4bd2e7e wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
6dfd9c3f wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
33c32740 wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
9808e46e wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
236503f2 wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
45369f7b wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
278fa6b2 wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
e891c58e wants 6,200 USD for 1 BTCCORE
1fca49f5 cancel orders (5)
48d0fa0a wants 23,500 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
8ae93cef wants 23,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
96013a22 wants 23,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
d68fecce wants 21,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
a1c5f012 wants 21,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
57594050 wants 21,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
10c6eaad wants 21,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
3645e3ca wants 21,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
1261fad0 wants 2,900 USD for 0.5 BTCCORE
503af2d5 wants 3,000 USD for 0.5 BTCCORE
8630a282 wants 3,000 USD for 0.5 BTCCORE
dd395817 wants 1,680 USD for 0.3 BTCCORE
5cc858c2 wants 1,680 USD for 0.3 BTCCORE
0c6bf9d4 cancel order
728a18f5 wants 1,770 USD for 0.3 BTCCORE
19b39ad6 wants 1,770 USD for 0.3 BTCCORE
e35d0332 wants 590 USD for 0.1 BTCCORE
f8fc3234 wants 580 USD for 0.1 BTCCORE
65b67cef wants 580 USD for 0.1 BTCCORE
01477338 wants 2 BTCCORE for 2.18 BTS
4b5e2c50 wants 4,300 BTS for 0.1 BTCCORE
0e553698 wants 4,200 BTS for 0.1 BTCCORE
8da34fa4 wants 4,100 BTS for 0.1 BTCCORE
2cad20b9 wants 4,000 BTS for 0.1 BTCCORE
aa51686b wants 3,500 BTS for 0.1 BTCCORE
23a97472 wants 500 USD for 0.1 BTCCORE
baaafdc0 cancel order
2c0fa1ec wants 12.9 BTCCORE for 3.21 BTS
2249c34c paid 10 BTCCORE for 3.87 BTS
e6cdbdd1 wants 3.87 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
38d5542e wants 62,997,000 USD for 3,000 BTCPLUS
03619aec paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.000087 BTCCORE
721e2136 wants 4.41 BTCCORE for 0.505 BTS
virtual paid 0.505 BTS for 4.41 BTCCORE
a107f639 wants 10 BTCCORE for 2.856 BTS
virtual paid 2.856 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
10b1d01a cancel order
06d6d755 cancel order
ec1bfdd0 wants 22 BTCCORE for 0.994 BTS
d1a3caee cancel order
603f4834 wants 160 BTCCORE for 2.77 BTS
57d515b5 wants 80 BTCCORE for 1.384 BTS
5586b378 wants 10 BTCCORE for 5.8 BTS
virtual paid 5.8 BTS for 10.02 BTCCORE
df303018 wants 1 BTCCORE for 4.78 BTS
virtual paid 0.0955 BTS for 0.02 BTCCORE
virtual paid 4.68 BTS for 0.98 BTCCORE
3dfd0bee sent 750 BTCPLUS to
46f0bbf3 cancel order
6697fba8 sent 750 BTCPLUS to
e236ddee cancel order
9451afeb sent 750 BTCPLUS to
c081d2f6 cancel order
c7d044da sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
0f8f6e55 cancel order
7cc572ed sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
16398a58 cancel order
b61e8553 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
7c6bee00 cancel order
81224269 cancel order
f4dee378 sent 13 BTS to
02ff930a wants 1,602 BTCPLUS for 16.02 BTS
5f93fba7 sent 4,000 BTCPLUS to
1f0c1b8f cancel order
069eebab sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
980b1687 cancel order
7ad8e212 sent 2 BTCPLUS to
e12913c1 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
40ee5bf1 cancel order
7f527a20 wants 11,248,500 USD for 750 BTCPLUS
7eae50e9 wants 10,123,500 USD for 750 BTCPLUS
af4ae6d9 wants 8,998,500 USD for 750 BTCPLUS
2959b648 wants 8,995,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
ed1552bd wants 7,498,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
5ff58e16 wants 5,998,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
f36fbd7c sent 0.5 BTS to
d171b0fc wants 2,249,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
e016752c paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.0001 BTCPLUS
742a5a90 paid 0.0002966 OPEN.BTC for 2.966 BTCPLUS
51d35888 wants 1,631 BTCPLUS for 0.163 OPEN.BTC
8e0a883b paid 0.00214 OPEN.BTC for 21.4 BTCPLUS
00f88679 paid 0.00533 OPEN.BTC for 53.3 BTCPLUS
15c287a4 paid 0.0662 OPEN.BTC for 662 BTCPLUS
0e18bd3f paid 0.00336 OPEN.BTC for 33.6 BTCPLUS
fd566f6f paid 0.001312 OPEN.BTC for 13.12 BTCPLUS
538c0591 paid 0.0436 OPEN.BTC for 436 BTCPLUS
cd5be8f9 paid 0.001897 OPEN.BTC for 18.97 BTCPLUS
35002042 paid 0.0302 OPEN.BTC for 302 BTCPLUS
8f1a16bc paid 0.000262 OPEN.BTC for 2.62 BTCPLUS
e9923c0e paid 0.001364 OPEN.BTC for 13.64 BTCPLUS
8a8cd5f2 paid 0.0000526 OPEN.BTC for 0.526 BTCPLUS
c5a4af7f paid 0.00512 OPEN.BTC for 51.2 BTCPLUS
524858a6 paid 0.000273 OPEN.BTC for 2.73 BTCPLUS
0b8042fb paid 0.0000391 OPEN.BTC for 0.391 BTCPLUS
cfa1e593 paid 0.000682 OPEN.BTC for 6.82 BTCPLUS
3635e7de paid 0.0000652 OPEN.BTC for 0.652 BTCPLUS
3b6a69e3 paid 0.000559 OPEN.BTC for 5.59 BTCPLUS
2cc38981 paid 0.0000698 OPEN.BTC for 0.698 BTCPLUS
1965a8f9 paid 0.000206 OPEN.BTC for 2.06 BTCPLUS
255a2e55 paid 0.0000683 OPEN.BTC for 0.683 BTCPLUS
2c611be8 cancel order
44559e79 wants 5,363 BTS for 0.163 OPEN.BTC
236c9511 sent 20,000 BTCPLUS to
7e751c09 cancel order
20de4802 sent 7,764 BTCPLUS to
8158eb45 cancel order
9c917341 sent 250 BTCPLUS to
bd4aa2d0 cancel order
3260a178 wants 17,992,000 USD for 4,000 BTCPLUS
1fb0c311 cancel order
cb77e161 wants 19,980,000 USD for 4,000 BTCPLUS
3fc0ab6a cancel order
a0411dcd wants 49,478,000 USD for 11,000 BTCPLUS
58def3ff paid 2,700 BTS for 11,100 BTCPLUS
7e530a00 wants 11,100 BTCPLUS for 2,700 BTS
c0dfd9a5 cancel order
1a28f154 cancel order
ad788297 wants 29,833 BTCPLUS for 1,790 BTS
16ba9850 wants 15,606 BTCPLUS for 936 BTS
46996ac0 wants 8,996,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
397897f5 wants 59,900,000 USD for 20,000 BTCPLUS
b3579548 cancel order
6d2e9075 wants 71,829 USD for 24 BTCPLUS
d7f53b2c wants 24,083 BTCPLUS for 2,890 BTS
virtual paid 2,890 BTS for 24,083 BTCPLUS
754f3e8c cancel order
068a6721 wants 43,527 BTCPLUS for 2,894 BTS
d05cf1e4 paid 206.4 BTS for 1,017 CRYPTOCEEDS
8b732616 cancel order
1303e582 wants 1,017 CRYPTOCEEDS for 206.4 BTS
aec4d2b4 sent 50 BTS to