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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.326 BTS
Lifetime fees paid23.14 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 1.326
COMPUCEEDS 2,808,704
BTCPLUS 0.0344
EPESO 790,000
DEEX 0.1
ARCOIN 0.025
BCL 10
61f1341c sent 1 BTS to
bf2783da update account/votes
f2ddd89b cancel orders (7)
f5ce16ca wants 630,000 BTS for 15 BTCCORE
2ed7e461 cancel order
d9193ca4 wants 380,000 BTS for 10 BTCCORE
247a1765 paid 2 BTCCORE for 790,000 EPESO
554fe1d2 wants 790,000 EPESO for 2 BTCCORE
d688d98e wants 176,000 BTS for 4 BTCCORE
9c37d362 wants 17,850 USD for 3 BTCCORE
7c1dc509 wants 3.48 OPEN.BTC for 4 BTCCORE
9db71b17 sent 18,822 BTCPLUS to
90b97abd cancel order
cb935b61 sent 0.1 BTCCORE to
12ba7d40 sent 2 BTS to
f5f1d993 sent 1 BTS to
860942ee sent 4 BTS to
ffb765f4 sent 12 BTS to
61955729 sent 12 BTS to
b8bfe920 sent 8 BTS to
423d4a2e sent 11 BTS to
7c21a39d sent 11 BTS to
a53107f3 sent 11 BTS to
424a8c64 sent 338 CRYPTOCEEDS to
bfa8f8ab sent 7 BTS to
d4643bd6 wants 282,281,180 USD for 18,820 BTCPLUS
7cb087e6 cancel order
f103212a sent 12 BTS to
e358bd85 sent 12 BTS to
77087092 wants 254,051,180 USD for 18,820 BTCPLUS
b7cce430 cancel order
3a2563b0 cancel order
d67736f5 sent 10 BTS to
829b6a1f sent 67,398,940 COMPUCEEDS to
f726860b wants 35,443,039 COMPUCEEDS for 112 BTS
virtual paid 20.13 BTS for 7,293,970 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 91.9 BTS for 29,072,358 COMPUCEEDS
f6f3f43d cancel order
7802f1c2 wants 87,500,000 COMPUCEEDS for 175 BTS
virtual paid 62.1 BTS for 31,032,616 COMPUCEEDS
719e7121 wants 217,421,880 USD for 18,120 BTCPLUS
3b003f31 cancel order
6e634af0 wants 8,399,300 USD for 700 BTCPLUS
be4b9427 wants 336 BTCPLUS for 50,370,452 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 50,370,452 COMPUCEEDS for 336 BTCPLUS
366e33b5 wants 444 BTCPLUS for 66,600,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 66,600,000 COMPUCEEDS for 444 BTCPLUS
09f75ead wants 163,061,880 USD for 18,120 BTCPLUS
bb051992 cancel order
694ec904 cancel order
b11124c3 wants 28,076,880 USD for 3,120 BTCPLUS
ec4f4be6 wants 2,877 BTCPLUS for 640 BTS
virtual paid 640 BTS for 2,877 BTCPLUS
e66061b7 cancel order
b2569c0a sent 5 BTS to
a70acb82 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000337 BTCPLUS
7ecaf297 paid 0 BTS for 0.0000337 BTCPLUS
6e46eae3 wants 3,059,660 USD for 340 BTCPLUS
a28f5bef sent 6 BTS to
6b8d797d sent 6 BTS to
bc2893a9 paid 102 BTS for 344 BTCPLUS
b60b244b wants 374 BTCPLUS for 111 BTS
virtual paid 8.91 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
89d38ac7 wants 112,485,000 USD for 15,000 BTCPLUS
f9168e3e cancel order
309ad498 sent 101 BTCPLUS to
f3366d73 sent 101 BTCPLUS to
8ddabf3a sent 150 BTCPLUS to
5f466c4b sent 41 BTCPLUS to
66cef395 sent 60 BTCPLUS to
18877ad9 sent 1 BTS to
e4176052 sent 200 BTCPLUS to
31a22885 wants 89,985,000 USD for 15,000 BTCPLUS
721f66dc cancel order
fd4c57dd wants 93,944,340 BTS for 15,660 BTCPLUS
5a687847 cancel order
88b6c974 cancel order
c8983701 wants 1,799,600 USD for 400 BTCPLUS
7cdb88f1 cancel order
f678599d sent 100 BTCPLUS to
7352ee6c wants 397,600 USD for 400 BTCPLUS
bd6182b4 wants 44,990,000 USD for 10,000 BTCPLUS
3822e7c9 cancel order
f797fe2d sent 36,900 BTCPLUS to
8d08882e cancel order
bb6c7511 sent 132 BTCPLUS to
a240958f sent 4 BTCPLUS to
48828c85 wants 47,239,500 USD for 10,500 BTCPLUS
34143a58 cancel order
cfdf7b2c wants 47,846,865 USD for 10,635 BTCPLUS
c8e130e4 wants 10,736 BTCPLUS for 1,216 BTS
virtual paid 1,216 BTS for 10,736 BTCPLUS
32916564 sent 400,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
38698a19 sent 35 BTS to
4dc416f4 wants 31.43 BTS for 2,385 ELOAD
virtual paid 500 ELOAD for 6.6 BTS
virtual paid 1,885 ELOAD for 24.87 BTS
8e4bf5cd sent 38 BTCPLUS to
d36a1e4a wants 110,515,500 USD for 36,900 BTCPLUS
49bf5330 wants 37,038 BTCPLUS for 5,030 BTS
virtual paid 5,030 BTS for 37,038 BTCPLUS
7136aeaa sent 100 CRYPTOCEEDS to
0ddff155 wants 28.57 CRYPTOCEEDS for 80 BTS
virtual paid 8.25 BTS for 42.6 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual paid 16.5 BTS for 85.1 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual paid 55.3 BTS for 285.4 CRYPTOCEEDS
6ed60895 sent 69,001 BTCPLUS to
fa4f40d2 cancel order
540afa9b wants 33,603,708 COMPUCEEDS for 290 BTS
virtual paid 290 BTS for 33,627,406 COMPUCEEDS
ca85e4e0 cancel order
f78f178c wants 34,475,527 COMPUCEEDS for 290 BTS
7428fa7c cancel order
8f4bfbbc wants 64,875,065 COMPUCEEDS for 540 BTS
6402e836 paid 251.5 BTS for 30,209,595 COMPUCEEDS
39d4e765 wants 451 BTS for 170 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 13.57 ZENGOLD for 36 BTS
virtual paid 4.37 ZENGOLD for 11.6 BTS
virtual paid 0.00000377 ZENGOLD for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 152 ZENGOLD for 403 BTS
a3b71b9c cancel order
d99de36f paid 29.44 ZENGOLD for 78 BTS
a3bf2970 wants 530 BTS for 200 ZENGOLD
2b63942f cancel order
271a80f6 wants 34.2 BTS for 2,388 ELOAD
5acaaf31 sent 25 CRYPTOCEEDS to
6ce8f35e wants 55,554,108 BTS for 2,808,600 COMPUCEEDS
23fd5992 sent 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
ed005b31 cancel order
2408d439 sent 200,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
99dc56c0 wants 1,978,000,000 BTS for 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
5496e071 sent 19 BTS to
91f441d1 wants 197.8 BTS for 10 CRYPTOCEEDS
914aa7ce wants 1,978 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
c8f55c21 wants 203,550,000 USD for 69,000 BTCPLUS
a7a9d1da cancel order
5804a71a wants 206,655,000 USD for 69,000 BTCPLUS
4ee2db43 cancel order
92910c05 sent 803 BTCPLUS to
e49031cd wants 206,310,000 USD for 69,000 BTCPLUS
35d111a5 cancel order
5371c423 cancel order
5c44e818 cancel order
435f8869 wants 9,374 BTCPLUS for 3,000 BTS
virtual paid 3,000 BTS for 9,374 BTCPLUS
91e743e6 wants 74,750,000 USD for 25,000 BTCPLUS
5621bd88 wants 25,501 BTCPLUS for 2,800 BTS
virtual paid 2,800 BTS for 25,525 BTCPLUS
601b5dd6 wants 59,800,000 USD for 20,000 BTCPLUS
0ac4c72b sent 900 BTS to
01bf20a7 wants 882 BTS for 42 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 42 OPEN.STEEM for 887 BTS
2c9c1925 sent 10,000 BTCPLUS to
0c0d748f cancel order
0c962afd wants 44,925,000 USD for 15,000 BTCPLUS
4987ed1b wants 2,152 BTCPLUS for 1,500 BTS
virtual paid 1,500 BTS for 2,152 BTCPLUS
91a9f860 wants 1,803 BTCPLUS for 1,358 BTS
virtual paid 1,358 BTS for 1,803 BTCPLUS
562fcb5e paid 1,580 BTS for 1,975 BTCPLUS
34547147 wants 1,975 BTCPLUS for 1,580 BTS
39a82ef6 wants 2,037 BTCPLUS for 1,650 BTS
virtual paid 1,650 BTS for 2,063 BTCPLUS
1b550587 wants 1,969 BTCPLUS for 1,260 BTS
virtual paid 1,260 BTS for 1,993 BTCPLUS
33225cdf cancel order
35a29880 wants 1,993 BTCPLUS for 1,260 BTS
a3870ee4 wants 3,688 BTCPLUS for 2,950 BTS
virtual paid 2,950 BTS for 3,688 BTCPLUS
b4e1e19c sent 15,000 BTCPLUS to
ddea587d cancel order
a6bbb65e wants 22,275,000 USD for 15,000 BTCPLUS
483aac83 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
f07e3e2e sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
246f0b18 wants 7,467 BTCPLUS for 5,600 BTS
virtual paid 5,600 BTS for 7,467 BTCPLUS
77238f01 wants 14,900,000 USD for 10,000 BTCPLUS
afdc77db paid 10 OPEN.STEEM for 172 BTS
021bda11 wants 172 BTS for 10 OPEN.STEEM