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BitShares Block Explorer



4 80%
BTS8RMKSwfwFvf9p8XCoSdxBNegmy6NuVsEGADKQGjRENgnh2AUBY 1 20%
Threshold 1 20%
Lifetime fees paid23.9 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.217 0
QBITS 211.6 0
COMPUCEEDS 370,263 5
BTCPLUS 173 162
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
1e3d19f9 sent 0.833 BTS to
af1b95fa wants 0.821 BTS for 2 QORA
virtual paid 2 QORA for 0.821 BTS
16af5dcb cancel order
843f006a wants 0.985 BTS for 2 QORA
virtual paid 0.00002 QORA for 0.00001 BTS
5c29b4a4 sent 10.35 BTS to
50f7a17d sent 1,500,000 COMPUCEEDS to
5b6576b9 sent 1 BTS to
738e3126 wants 347,048 COMPUCEEDS for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 347,048 COMPUCEEDS
812b9f86 wants 720,000 BTS for 90 BTCPLUS
42f6866e wants 50.4 OPEN.BTC for 56 BTCPLUS
fe68d66c wants 140 BTCPLUS for 40.5 BTS
virtual paid 40.5 BTS for 140 BTCPLUS
86927ea5 wants 43.1 BTS for 0.001294 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001294 OPEN.BTC for 43.1 BTS
bbc42af7 wants 47,200 USD for 16 BTCPLUS
5b831b8f wants 52.1 BTCPLUS for 15 BTS
virtual paid 15 BTS for 52.1 BTCPLUS
8871731a sent 0.051 OPEN.BTC to
c90145d4 wants 5,000 COMPUCEEDS for 0.623 BTS
virtual paid 0.623 BTS for 5,000 COMPUCEEDS
fd48a482 wants 10,000 COMPUCEEDS for 1.246 BTS
virtual paid 1.246 BTS for 10,000 COMPUCEEDS
e902e331 cancel order
c6323dee wants 25.6 OPEN.BTC for 8,000 COMPUCEEDS
7e3352ab cancel order
65056fa5 wants 25.6 OPEN.BTC for 8,000 COMPUCEEDS
df732c91 paid 22.4 BTS for 8,000 COMPUCEEDS
00cf5dca wants 8,000 COMPUCEEDS for 22.4 BTS
1f139994 paid 8,000 COMPUCEEDS for 24.8 BTS
deb5b7b8 wants 24.8 BTS for 8,000 COMPUCEEDS
96ee933b wants 8,200 COMPUCEEDS for 23.56 BTS
virtual paid 23.56 BTS for 8,200 COMPUCEEDS
f7c6d778 sent 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
ed18b921 paid 3,072 BTS for 990,000 COMPUCEEDS
0e8ad151 wants 990,000 COMPUCEEDS for 3,072 BTS
ec2579dd paid 0.036 BTS for 0.0001 CRYPTOCEEDS
a96bd9c5 paid 9,251 BTS for 25.7 CRYPTOCEEDS
0b71c8f4 wants 27 CRYPTOCEEDS for 9,720 BTS
virtual paid 469 BTS for 1.303 CRYPTOCEEDS
be2e1972 paid 22.96 BTS for 10 COMPUCEEDS
028d6966 wants 10 COMPUCEEDS for 22.96 BTS
7e7ca16e sent 2,000 BTS to
a49bd491 wants 30,000,000 BTS for 5 COMPUCEEDS
f9d8603b paid 0.009 OPEN.BTC for 5 COMPUCEEDS
ad7360c6 wants 5 COMPUCEEDS for 0.009 OPEN.BTC
c3cb4f76 sent 0.0166 OPEN.BTC to
865a35c2 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
b95e8453 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d3cf7ebe sent 0.000044 OPEN.BTC to
6d805be7 sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
f7ead28a update account/votes