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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.675 BTS
Lifetime fees paid54.5 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 1.149 0
COMPUCEEDS 300,180 300,180
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
e2054086 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
0cc0aa20 sent 25 CRYPTOCEEDS to
933c2478 sent 299,820 COMPUCEEDS to
3f3e06aa sent 900 BTCPLUS to
9075fb34 cancel order
4f851fad sent 1,317 BTCPLUS to
5c9d3fb6 cancel order
f9f9d462 sent 1,100 BTCPLUS to
242e13ef cancel order
92e533a9 wants 6,749,100 USD for 900 BTCPLUS
6f07a41a paid 189.5 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
9bca3f0a wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 189.5 BTS
069e6b74 wants 7,897,354 USD for 1,317 BTCPLUS
fd25c6c8 wants 1,451 BTCPLUS for 184.5 BTS
virtual paid 139.8 BTS for 1,100 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 44.7 BTS for 352 BTCPLUS
ab5b57dc wants 4,947,800 USD for 1,100 BTCPLUS
64aebbe5 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000743 BTCPLUS
b689944f paid 161.6 BTS for 1,200 BTCPLUS
bce93891 wants 1,200 BTCPLUS for 161.6 BTS
c40825bd sent 96 BTCPLUS to
01d86070 cancel order
f82d43b7 paid 0.0887 BTS for 2.524 CRYPTOCEEDS
7893aec8 wants 25 CRYPTOCEEDS for 0.878 BTS
virtual paid 0.79 BTS for 22.48 CRYPTOCEEDS
307d2082 sent 17 BTS to
69db2a03 sent 16.5 BTS to
0f5571c8 cancel order
cf1bc2dc wants 25 CRYPTOCEEDS for 15.44 BTS
1c1d45dc wants 791 BTS for 40 COMPUCEEDS
4d9fc749 wants 791 BTS for 40 COMPUCEEDS
391c09b4 wants 989 BTS for 50 COMPUCEEDS
557d6bae wants 989 BTS for 50 COMPUCEEDS
fb0308e2 wants 1,978,000 BTS for 100,000 COMPUCEEDS
d3109b85 wants 1,978,000 BTS for 100,000 COMPUCEEDS
56f33393 wants 1,978,000 BTS for 100,000 COMPUCEEDS
1ab6d887 wants 278,400 USD for 96 BTCPLUS
842912a1 sent 1,611,867 COMPUCEEDS to
51f02f48 update account/votes
8257d08b paid 1,676 BTS for 1,611,543 COMPUCEEDS
8e82eaf1 wants 1,611,543 COMPUCEEDS for 1,676 BTS
e3be002e paid 0.00058 BTS for 0.455 COMPUCEEDS
132a74fb wants 6.31 COMPUCEEDS for 0.0094 BTS
virtual paid 0.0094 BTS for 6.31 COMPUCEEDS
b411ae64 wants 0.455 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00058 BTS
521c5210 sent 100 COMPUCEEDS to
6653a515 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
c74d6f2c sent 10 BTS to
034a020c sent 10 BTS to
e066d13d sent 10 BTS to
a53ce0af sent 10 BTS to
cfcfdcc4 sent 10 BTS to
e61bc5b1 sent 50 BTS to
a15d7184 sent 25 BTS to
60254be8 sent 10 BTS to
c722560c sent 10 BTS to
9c29f018 sent 10 BTS to
7485af1c sent 30 BTS to
7f9b625b sent 10 BTS to
03223783 sent 10 BTS to
fdcd03cf sent 10 BTS to
d315200c sent 10 BTS to
b7432183 update account/votes