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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1495 BTS
Lifetime fees paid118.4 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1495
BTCPLUS 0.01148
ZENGOLD 0.2007
DEEX 0.1
XBTSX.STH 0.02857
350fc67d sent 0.00000225 OPEN.BTC to
934014ca sent 25.1 CRYPTOCEEDS to
09dfe157 sent 2 BTS to
be9131c0 sent 1.3 BTCPLUS to
d5d437e3 sent 99,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d3a9fbe6 sent 0.02857 XBTSX.STH to
ae0457a9 sent 0.1 DEEX to
641dc46e sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
19dd6983 sent 757 BTCPLUS to
50d15216 cancel order
d8b73edd sent 635 BTCPLUS to
d10785b4 cancel order
d097b928 sent 99 BTCPLUS to
f17bfda0 cancel order
f0a0f57e sent 0.258 BTCCORE to
0dddb200 paid 9 BTS for 0.258 BTCCORE
d0ec478d wants 0.258 BTCCORE for 9 BTS
ea3ed85c sent 452 BTCPLUS to
9e4343fc cancel order
4dbf0889 sent 817 BTCPLUS to
cb03f176 cancel order
c7ee3a88 sent 1,471 BTCPLUS to
22b43bd5 cancel order
1ad0c8cd sent 91 BTCPLUS to
1dd52ac0 cancel order
c69d110e sent 3,135 BTCPLUS to
8db0499a cancel order
7304b752 sent 701 BTCPLUS to
24844154 cancel order
3669387d sent 0.035 ARCOIN to
ad83c07e sent 9,900,000 COMPUCEEDS to
fe8babe2 sent 85 BTS to
8be9d412 sent 235 OCEANIA to
4dfc69e6 sent 130,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
eb6e8c0d sent 10 BTS to
447f5b71 sent 11 BTS to
31ece8de sent 11 BTS to
093c0a25 sent 11 BTS to
d378df32 sent 1,993 BTCPLUS to
4529d94d cancel order
62c89579 sent 20 BTCPLUS to
4a6155f6 cancel order
5733cb10 paid 0.00175 OPEN.BTC for 141 BTS
fc687786 wants 141 BTS for 0.00175 OPEN.BTC
10594d9c cancel order
a7cec115 wants 144.5 BTS for 0.00175 OPEN.BTC
2892cf28 sent 83 BTCPLUS to
1b7006c2 cancel order
0ca4a83d wants 11,347,430 USD for 757 BTCPLUS
ee53dbbb paid 99 BTS for 842 BTCPLUS
e352f824 wants 842 BTCPLUS for 99 BTS
0d24b5f3 wants 1,221,685 USD for 81.5 BTCPLUS
26358780 paid 18.3 BTS for 91.5 BTCPLUS
011527ff wants 91.5 BTCPLUS for 18.3 BTS
3b5a887a cancel order
be50d492 wants 118.2 BTCPLUS for 18 BTS
ea322f26 sent 12 BTS to
740ca7a2 wants 7,616,825 USD for 635 BTCPLUS
0e7bfcb4 paid 155 BTS for 706 BTCPLUS
9a92c307 wants 706 BTCPLUS for 155 BTS
3c883d3e cancel order
8e86c046 wants 776 BTCPLUS for 155 BTS
331363eb cancel order
d39723d0 wants 827 BTCPLUS for 155 BTS
5af128ab wants 1,187,505 USD for 99 BTCPLUS
b0a5f33d sent 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
b80df462 wants 4,065,740 USD for 452 BTCPLUS
9f4335e6 paid 123.5 BTS for 502 BTCPLUS
cbc343b1 wants 502 BTCPLUS for 123.5 BTS
ac826f86 cancel order
e26e1170 wants 778 BTCPLUS for 123 BTS
332c31d7 cancel order
14dac8bc wants 780 BTCPLUS for 123 BTS
c4df2e89 cancel order
1793adca wants 1,333 BTS for 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
7187878c cancel order
4b151cac wants 1,550 BTS for 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
d68b041f wants 7,348,915 USD for 817 BTCPLUS
bd240561 paid 163 BTS for 906 BTCPLUS
b8d18dc2 wants 906 BTCPLUS for 163 BTS
26ef0b6a wants 161.7 BTS for 0.002044 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00082 BTS
virtual paid 0.002044 OPEN.BTC for 163.6 BTS
07b2c7a7 cancel order
abb340e5 wants 168 BTS for 0.002044 OPEN.BTC
30faedc5 cancel order
86d9a6d3 wants 168.8 BTS for 0.002044 OPEN.BTC
9730f8c8 paid 22.35 BTS for 236 OCEANIA
904d1cdd wants 236 OCEANIA for 22.35 BTS
f35d532d cancel order
53d3abc0 wants 250 OCEANIA for 21.84 BTS
3536b093 cancel order
4902ff0e wants 313 OCEANIA for 22.5 BTS
b41e7ee9 paid 0.000288 OPEN.BTC for 22.8 BTS
85122bbc wants 22.8 BTS for 0.000288 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00153 BTS
e37af0e7 cancel order
7dfea0a9 wants 22.68 BTS for 0.000285 OPEN.BTC
23547b3e sent 2 BTS to
25f66968 wants 10,958,950 USD for 1,471 BTCPLUS
5d6c02d2 paid 294 BTS for 1,572 BTCPLUS
e7b3d7b6 wants 1,572 BTCPLUS for 294 BTS
d7e810c3 wants 545,545 USD for 91 BTCPLUS
b146409c paid 20 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
519cc372 wants 100 BTCPLUS for 20 BTS
87523a91 cancel order
43727a5e wants 18,794,325 USD for 3,135 BTCPLUS
bbf0cb87 paid 550 BTS for 3,235 BTCPLUS
7ba6f6b6 wants 3,350 BTCPLUS for 570 BTS
55a4a2dc cancel order
57eaf0e0 wants 3,800 BTCPLUS for 570 BTS
f0daf961 cancel order
6cfdbf63 cancel order
6137fc95 wants 1,540 BTCPLUS for 248 BTS
2e01bbea wants 245.6 BTS for 0.0024 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0024 OPEN.BTC for 247.5 BTS
6260e859 cancel order
48772e56 wants 2,093 BTCPLUS for 322 BTS
ca8f90ea cancel order
b335cfcb paid 0.00001482 OPEN.BTC for 1.742 BTS
7940d32d wants 284 BTS for 0.002416 OPEN.BTC
d7bfb065 cancel order
8b46a1ea wants 13.24 USD for 0.002416 OPEN.BTC
b21075f6 wants 2,368 BTCPLUS for 321 BTS
20891666 paid 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 322 BTS
1885822b wants 322 BTS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
db949107 cancel order
831b0010 wants 444 BTS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
cb44261d wants 4,202,495 USD for 701 BTCPLUS
b41d0909 paid 79 BTS for 781 BTCPLUS
8a6284c3 wants 781 BTCPLUS for 79 BTS
a98e3520 paid 9,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 79.9 BTS
83c6c7ee wants 79.9 BTS for 9,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
7b3e581c wants 89,800 USD for 20 BTCPLUS
ce35402b paid 1.65 BTS for 22 BTCPLUS
df10b2de wants 8,958,535 USD for 1,993 BTCPLUS
f1dbd8ee cancel order
c36943d8 wants 9,955,035 USD for 1,993 BTCPLUS
9d934fa1 cancel order
e9dba990 cancel order
510de65b cancel order
da8636d9 wants 22 BTCPLUS for 1.65 BTS
a127d562 cancel order
0d1083bc wants 108 BTCPLUS for 1.8 BTS
722922ae sent 630 BTCPLUS to
ea95ad62 cancel order
0ec4174b sent 6,025 BTCPLUS to
d7c04517 cancel order
99e59749 wants 773,140 USD for 172 BTCPLUS
bf46bf33 paid 40 BTS for 191.6 BTCPLUS
c84eb392 wants 191.6 BTCPLUS for 40 BTS
aebae795 paid 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 40 BTS
53a0e817 wants 40 BTS for 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
889f065d cancel order
9e68f1f9 wants 2,750,940 USD for 612 BTCPLUS
a8bdc2f6 wants 680 BTCPLUS for 69 BTS
virtual paid 69 BTS for 680 BTCPLUS
8c2f9a1a wants 5,434,455 USD for 1,209 BTCPLUS
072f8b85 paid 52,245,382 COMPUCEEDS for 69.3 BTS
7e3d3f12 wants 1,243 BTCPLUS for 146 BTS
virtual paid 146 BTS for 1,243 BTCPLUS
7e9daa04 cancel order
fc121c12 paid 110,119,865 COMPUCEEDS for 146 BTS
a408e8eb wants 0.281 BTS for 0.2007 ZENGOLD
594337ab wants 195 USD for 65 BTCPLUS
12bc672e wants 65 BTCPLUS for 10.11 BTS
virtual paid 10.11 BTS for 72 BTCPLUS
20cd6eff paid 7,542,456 COMPUCEEDS for 10 BTS
9295512c paid 437 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00058 BTS
f1499080 paid 958 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00127 BTS
a617d71e paid 90,902 COMPUCEEDS for 0.1205 BTS
bf1125d6 wants 225.4 BTS for 170,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
92182f84 cancel order
c2494a0d wants 5.42 BTS for 0.2007 ZENGOLD
e8a8bc0e cancel order
a9cc3c17 wants 8,820 BTS for 49,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
66497012 cancel order
9d6b94f8 sent 300,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
252644eb wants 19,110 BTS for 49,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
860b1b4d wants 0.179 ZENGOLD for 0.57 BTS
virtual paid 0.57 BTS for 0.1792 ZENGOLD
9525c0e1 wants 0.022 ZENGOLD for 0.07 BTS
virtual paid 0.07 BTS for 0.022 ZENGOLD
1db5633e cancel order
765ab4a9 wants 1,842,750 USD for 630 BTCPLUS
4f1d5b4f wants 701 BTCPLUS for 179 BTS
virtual paid 179 BTS for 701 BTCPLUS
c66374fd paid 21,547,314 COMPUCEEDS for 121.9 BTS
f04d9de3 paid 4,250,414 COMPUCEEDS for 24.04 BTS
c359b5c4 paid 4,060,757 COMPUCEEDS for 22.96 BTS
3a29fa67 paid 1,863,556 COMPUCEEDS for 10.54 BTS
806f7003 wants 381 BTS for 49,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
b1b154d9 wants 17,593,000 USD for 6,025 BTCPLUS
2ba07415 cancel order
c4280c77 cancel order
68d7b5f1 cancel order
776057f3 cancel order
2f3a6ff5 wants 295,800 USD for 102 BTCPLUS
ed2b47bd wants 14.82 BTCPLUS for 4 BTS
virtual paid 4 BTS for 14.82 BTCPLUS
f512a6fd paid 551,066 COMPUCEEDS for 2.455 BTS
b0c6456d paid 448,934 COMPUCEEDS for 2 BTS