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BitShares Block Explorer



4 80%
BTS7r5pGALpHcuDox146hFikYi528nPve3T9Et6bYWhxMAkyrv6cX 1 20%
Threshold 1 20%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00001 BTS
Lifetime fees paid19.37 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00001
QBITS 47.7
BPSCX 0.326
f86022e9 wants 0.326 BPSCX for 0.653 BTS
virtual paid 0.653 BTS for 0.326 BPSCX
virtual cancel order
d212332c sent 100 BTCPLUS to
1205bcb8 cancel order
c91b51b6 sent 1.508 QORA to
fdbd6150 sent 10 BTS to
3ca9f50f sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
6f3a9e8a sent 10 BTS to
c195df26 cancel order
7204b557 cancel order
920fab74 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
394330e8 cancel order
22118acf wants 449,900 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
3b345773 wants 1,440,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
21ef2521 cancel order
4e9b7a26 cancel order
251af5dd cancel order
65e77ce6 sent 1 BTS to
d900781a sent 5 BTS to
28565875 sent 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
fd6142d7 wants 236,000 USD for 80 BTCPLUS
2e4ad962 wants 1,987,000 BTS for 100,000 COMPUCEEDS
e29d1a6e wants 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 16.6 BTS
virtual paid 16.6 BTS for 2,000,001 COMPUCEEDS
763bc4ad wants 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 16.6 BTS
virtual paid 16.6 BTS for 2,000,001 COMPUCEEDS
0c1bdbd5 wants 200 BTCPLUS for 35.9 BTS
virtual paid 35.9 BTS for 200 BTCPLUS
47961b46 wants 296.7 BTS for 15 CRYPTOCEEDS
39406a81 wants 216 OPEN.BTC for 240 BTCPLUS
5b04cf3d wants 586,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
475a7e65 wants 500 BTCPLUS for 106.4 BTS
virtual paid 106.4 BTS for 500 BTCPLUS
ddddf648 paid 0.00626 OPEN.BTC for 170 BTS
69593d90 paid 0.00000427 OPEN.BTC for 0.1162 BTS
58cf47f7 paid 0.00023 OPEN.BTC for 6.25 BTS
cc64d10f paid 0.0000278 OPEN.BTC for 0.755 BTS
2121f40a wants 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 97.7 BTS
virtual paid 97.7 BTS for 2,000,410 COMPUCEEDS
53017829 wants 192.5 BTS for 0.00708 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000563 OPEN.BTC for 15.3 BTS
df2b7901 wants 100 BTCPLUS for 21.3 BTS
virtual paid 21.3 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
2c9e9912 wants 30 CRYPTOCEEDS for 20.52 BTS
virtual paid 20.52 BTS for 30 CRYPTOCEEDS
05439760 paid 0.000809 OPEN.BTC for 100 BTS
a8948c26 sent 2,000 BTS to
3567f088 wants 100 BTS for 0.000809 OPEN.BTC
c136e175 sent 0.0166 OPEN.BTC to
9a0e5894 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
67ed9757 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
76c29bdc sent 0.000044 OPEN.BTC to
8562427a sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d40ee6ba update account/votes