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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.02475 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.94 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.0467 0
BTCPLUS 300 300
BADCOIN 10,000 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BTCCORE 0.000133 0
PROTON 0.0005 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
31fbd90f sent 0.1 DEEX to
41f99da1 sent 2.4 BTCPLUS to
238db1b3 sent 229,700 COMPUCEEDS to
4dd7226d sent 250 BTCCORE to
95e4093d sent 0.7 BTS to
98a6ce1c sent 1,000 BTCCORE to
ca05ef0f sent 1.5 BTS to
756d47e9 wants 750 BTCCORE for 110.2 BTS
virtual paid 110.2 BTS for 750 BTCCORE
1839f59c sent 100 BTS to
dccb57c9 wants 500 BTCCORE for 73.5 BTS
virtual paid 73.5 BTS for 500 BTCCORE
c1c32e70 sent 20 BTS to
60558b88 sent 20 BTS to
847c4828 sent 20 BTS to
c6379adf sent 50 BTS to
d48dd3a3 sent 1,000 BTS to
14420e92 sent 500 BTS to
8c49429d sent 10 BTS to
2a11fad4 sent 1,020 BTCPLUS to
5668b282 cancel order
40f93d8b sent 900 BTCPLUS to
1fed247d cancel order
d1e0133e wants 1,349,700 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
4c7e3944 wants 3,958 BTS for 200 COMPUCEEDS
c29ddc3b wants 1,978 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
f9bcd7ec wants 3,054,900 USD for 1,020 BTCPLUS
0345b344 wants 2,695,500 USD for 900 BTCPLUS
763169fc cancel order
075d01f4 cancel order
acd05056 cancel order
132e654a cancel order
c675cb3b cancel order
63da9e06 cancel order
b925f0e0 cancel order
d882592b cancel order
1d0e50b4 sent 0.015 OPEN.BTC to
e606425a paid 1.75 BTS for 230,000 COMPUCEEDS
c039bbdf wants 230,000 COMPUCEEDS for 1.75 BTS
2fde3125 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000588 BTCPLUS
d6d7f703 paid 0 BTS for 0.0000588 BTCPLUS
ba3935a9 paid 0 BTS for 0.0000588 BTCPLUS
bc4b5200 paid 0 BTS for 0.0000588 BTCPLUS
a4cdae6e wants 897,000 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
aed3083a wants 1,496,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
ef226880 wants 598,600 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
db39110b wants 598,800 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
3e071ee2 wants 599,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
9d71ca3d paid 39 BTS for 229.4 BTCPLUS
eaf7d102 wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 170 BTS
virtual paid 131 BTS for 770 BTCPLUS
174ef848 wants 200 BTCPLUS for 34 BTS
virtual paid 34 BTS for 200 BTCPLUS
511ef59d wants 100 BTCPLUS for 17 BTS
virtual paid 17 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
ad6921fe wants 599,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
ebc32393 wants 598,800 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
4212f89c cancel order
651c896a cancel order
144c81e7 wants 149,750 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
a7e63502 wants 299,200 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
f62f5b15 wants 299,000 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
6491aa92 wants 100 BTCPLUS for 68.5 BTS
virtual paid 68.5 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
59959259 wants 10 BTCPLUS for 6.85 BTS
virtual paid 6.85 BTS for 10 BTCPLUS
021549e9 paid 500 BTS for 625 BTCPLUS
57a90230 wants 625 BTCPLUS for 500 BTS
71bcc51a wants 100 BTCPLUS for 80 BTS
virtual paid 80 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
8966b7ac wants 1 BTCPLUS for 0.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.8 BTS for 1 BTCPLUS
7bfe7216 update account/votes
62b0cce3 update account/votes