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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight410 BTS
Lifetime fees paid89.7 BTS
Cashback/vesting71.7 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 411
CNY 0.471
USD 0.0016
LAB 1.4
BADCOIN 20,000
DEEX 0.2
XBTSX.STH 0.0166
6d92173e sent 25.13 BTS to
a6834239 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
5a8495a0 sent 0.1 DEEX to
ef699d3e sent 0.0166 XBTSX.STH to
693dff20 sent 200,069 CNC to
5b646279 sent 99,900 CNC to
dd65e05d sent 100 CNC to
95a732bf sent 300,000 CNC to
13cd1313 sent 243,500 CNC to
7b96e9b9 sent 99,900 CNC to
8ac6b33a sent 100 CNC to
3ce06406 sent 200,000 CNC to
8ffe0c6d sent 99,900 CNC to
8153b0f3 sent 100 CNC to
31535bf4 update proposal 1.10.9759
9f048919 update proposal 1.10.9758
72ad02b7 sent 1 BTS to
ce004c86 update proposal 1.10.9736
d774912d sent 248,648 CNC to
d1ad0537 sent 100 CNC to
1d95ddda sent 99,508 CNC to
f9452efa sent 0.01 BTS to
e3f7df0c sent 10,000 CNY to
f40b496a sent 1,075 CNY to
e91d2ebf cancel order
4aa60f2c cancel order
cfdddc25 wants 238 OCT for 240 CNY
48e1fe1f wants 97 OCT for 100 CNY
01df1ba8 cancel order
d44cc253 wants 97 OCT for 100 CNY
b16ddc3d cancel order
1bc81caf wants 97 OCT for 100 CNY
62ac3240 cancel order
882d3523 wants 97 OCT for 100 CNY
ecb8e1b3 cancel order
52b13d7e wants 65.3 OCT for 66 CNY
318517a9 cancel order
fd020e46 wants 255 BTS for 513 CNY
b91f82cb cancel order
12e6a666 paid 9.9 CNY for 4.54 BTS
7411f69a paid 9.9 CNY for 4.54 BTS
4d4d0405 paid 5.78 CNY for 2.65 BTS
12fdbf8d wants 200 BTS for 436 CNY
d0c8c0e5 paid 80 BTS for 41.4 CNY
7cebd90f wants 41.4 CNY for 80 BTS
b4e607fe sent 4,800 BTS to
f05c1f3c paid 109.7 BTS for 54.5 CNY
a8dc0e31 paid 50 CNY for 110.8 BTS
5ecb4e37 cancel order
5ecb4e37 wants 54.5 CNY for 109.7 BTS
5ecb4e37 wants 110.8 BTS for 50 CNY
d01ce2d7 paid 129 BTS for 54.5 CNY
7acbf1c9 cancel orders (2)
7acbf1c9 wants 54.5 CNY for 129 BTS
7acbf1c9 wants 130.2 BTS for 50 CNY
f0a75fe4 cancel orders (2)
f0a75fe4 wants 54.5 CNY for 128.1 BTS
f0a75fe4 wants 129.4 BTS for 50 CNY
1dd2b5b2 cancel orders (2)
1dd2b5b2 wants 54.5 CNY for 128.8 BTS
1dd2b5b2 wants 130 BTS for 50 CNY
95146ed6 cancel order
95146ed6 wants 54.5 CNY for 129.2 BTS
7e39bbf3 cancel order
7e39bbf3 wants 54 CNY for 129.2 BTS
61011a16 cancel orders (2)
7250fde3 wants 54.5 CNY for 129.3 BTS
7250fde3 wants 130.6 BTS for 50 CNY
62fd3ab5 cancel orders (2)
62fd3ab5 wants 54.5 CNY for 129.3 BTS
62fd3ab5 wants 130.6 BTS for 50 CNY
963ba006 cancel orders (2)
963ba006 wants 54.5 CNY for 129.8 BTS
963ba006 wants 131 BTS for 50 CNY
08febad0 cancel order
08febad0 wants 130.7 BTS for 50 CNY
4c51dd75 wants 54.5 CNY for 129.3 BTS
4c51dd75 wants 132 BTS for 50 CNY
0c062a5a wants 542 BTS for 220 CNY
virtual paid 220 CNY for 542 BTS
63867a84 wants 371 BTS for 150.6 CNY
virtual paid 150.6 CNY for 371 BTS
14580963 cancel order
f033436e cancel order
85682dd5 cancel order
2c369eb8 wants 860 BTS for 321 CNY
00abfbee cancel orders (2)
00abfbee wants 55 CNY for 133.5 BTS
00abfbee wants 137.5 BTS for 50 CNY
407cdad6 cancel orders (2)
407cdad6 wants 55 CNY for 128.4 BTS
407cdad6 wants 132.2 BTS for 50 CNY
5cab5280 cancel order
5cab5280 wants 136.8 BTS for 50 CNY
67f2ab12 cancel order
67f2ab12 wants 55 CNY for 132.8 BTS
a01e8cf2 cancel orders (2)
a01e8cf2 wants 22 CNY for 53.1 BTS
a01e8cf2 wants 54.7 BTS for 20 CNY
4f57e286 cancel orders (2)
4f57e286 wants 22 CNY for 52.6 BTS
4f57e286 wants 54.2 BTS for 20 CNY
3958ed80 cancel orders (2)
3958ed80 wants 22 CNY for 52.2 BTS
3958ed80 wants 53.7 BTS for 20 CNY
b379b249 cancel orders (2)
b379b249 wants 22 CNY for 51.7 BTS
b379b249 wants 53.3 BTS for 20 CNY
be580d22 cancel orders (2)
be580d22 wants 22 CNY for 51.4 BTS
be580d22 wants 52.9 BTS for 20 CNY
dd864de2 cancel order
dd864de2 wants 22 CNY for 51 BTS
ae85d9e4 cancel order
ae85d9e4 wants 52.5 BTS for 20 CNY
41522723 wants 21.4 CNY for 50.9 BTS
63cb9731 paid 0.00023 BTS for 0.0001 CNY
virtual cancel order
cdb77b91 cancel order
cdb77b91 wants 21.4 CNY for 50.8 BTS
64795582 paid 50.8 BTS for 21.4 CNY
8887c2a3 cancel order
8887c2a3 wants 21.4 CNY for 50.8 BTS
e55fc4e3 paid 50.8 BTS for 21.4 CNY
35ba711a cancel order
35ba711a wants 21.4 CNY for 50.8 BTS
33022a17 paid 50.8 BTS for 21.4 CNY
05da3093 cancel order
05da3093 wants 21.4 CNY for 50.8 BTS
93ee6a38 paid 39.1 BTS for 16.44 CNY
4ea7d047 cancel order
4ea7d047 wants 21.4 CNY for 50.8 BTS
f40626f4 paid 50.8 BTS for 21.4 CNY
792a53b5 cancel orders (2)
792a53b5 wants 21.4 CNY for 50.8 BTS
792a53b5 wants 53.4 BTS for 20 CNY
e563da8a paid 50.8 BTS for 21.4 CNY
7d1e8473 paid 14 BTS for 5.78 CNY
38c64665 cancel order
38c64665 wants 21 CNY for 50.9 BTS
3166f820 paid 36.9 BTS for 15.22 CNY
aee1e25f cancel order
aee1e25f wants 21 CNY for 50.9 BTS
a47a9d83 paid 50.9 BTS for 21 CNY
f684fbc0 cancel order
f684fbc0 wants 21 CNY for 50.9 BTS
414dd358 paid 50.9 BTS for 21 CNY
79e4858a wants 21 CNY for 51 BTS
abb61c2d paid 51 BTS for 21 CNY
8a401734 paid 11.95 BTS for 4.92 CNY
virtual cancel order
61da79ae wants 21 CNY for 51 BTS
cc5c61ac paid 39.1 BTS for 16.08 CNY
353d4ad0 paid 11.95 BTS for 4.92 CNY
c57acf9f wants 21 CNY for 51 BTS
c57acf9f wants 53.6 BTS for 20 CNY
e3df81cc paid 39.1 BTS for 16.08 CNY
b81fc902 cancel order
7f35962b wants 20.2 CNY for 50.8 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 20.3 CNY
0b09f600 wants 20.2 CNY for 50.8 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 20.3 CNY
0135165a wants 20.2 CNY for 50.8 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 20.3 CNY
ec736316 wants 20.2 CNY for 50.8 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 20.3 CNY
c65c0dfa wants 20.2 CNY for 50.8 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 20.3 CNY
6b29d193 wants 20.2 CNY for 50.8 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 20.3 CNY
6b29d193 wants 51.3 BTS for 20 CNY
fff52baf sent 4,370 BTS to
13ed53b3 claimed 594 BTS, 0.0016 USD, 0.4 LAB, 182.5 BTS, 15.27 BTS, 2,907 BTS, 243.3 BTS, 596 BTS, 49.9 BTS, 136 BTS, 68.9 BTS, 5,130 BTS, 0.0034 CNY