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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight14.63 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.866 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 13.68
47f952d3 sent 35,535,338 BRIDGE.SCP to
79191a8d cancel order
3eef398b cancel order
8faf12e0 wants 0.0001173 BRIDGE.BTC for 13 BTS
1ce6f718 wants 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
18fe4b3c paid 0.002514 BRIDGE.BTC for 314,276 BRIDGE.SCP
ec06b742 paid 0.00622 BRIDGE.BTC for 777,580 BRIDGE.SCP
bdbcdf96 wants 1,091,856 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00873 BRIDGE.BTC
abd4524c sent 500,000 BRIDGE.SCP to
b55a35aa sent 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC to
aeabd260 cancel order
c88d8e2c paid 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250,000 BRIDGE.SCP
a031cdc9 wants 10,008,713 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.04 BRIDGE.BTC
6d67eb35 cancel order
cad4f054 wants 5,004,352 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.04 BRIDGE.BTC
1cd70fea wants 1,250,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
0963de90 cancel orders (2)
13ba9a34 paid 0.000515 BRIDGE.BTC for 58,376 BRIDGE.SCP
8cb8855c cancel order
95046566 cancel order
862a54ae cancel order
7a1917fd cancel order
85f7a31b cancel order
400d3332 paid 0.0558 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,575,793 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00752 BRIDGE.BTC for 851,960 BRIDGE.SCP
c2e281d3 wants 0.002753 BRIDGE.BTC for 243,665 BRIDGE.SCP
7decd9fc wants 0.000393 BRIDGE.BTC for 38,187 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 38,187 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000394 BRIDGE.BTC
175cc7a7 wants 0.000776 BRIDGE.BTC for 74,650 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 74,650 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000779 BRIDGE.BTC
c9438f26 wants 0.000369 BRIDGE.BTC for 35,183 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 35,183 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00037 BRIDGE.BTC
b1e1688c paid 0.0882 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,823,466 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC for 882,347 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.0441 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,411,733 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.0442 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,424,207 BRIDGE.SCP
7d100294 wants 10,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
000902fd cancel order
6f6a0b88 cancel order
62168875 cancel order
273f7d5f cancel order
c26b79a4 cancel order
1e3b8fe3 cancel order
ddf0ddf4 cancel order
1de0cabd wants 4,411,733 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0441 BRIDGE.BTC
05e99189 cancel order
6e69bdf6 wants 882,347 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
25a01561 cancel order
0ec627a1 wants 8,823,466 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0882 BRIDGE.BTC
f0b0f488 cancel order
645d0206 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
dedb79f1 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
99789db8 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
625f791b wants 5,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0441 BRIDGE.BTC
7dd61de4 wants 10,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0882 BRIDGE.BTC
c1b2aaf0 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
19b2a2d6 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
87b35ec1 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
252931ac wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
0a3d489f wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
8acdacb0 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
9060a72a wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
94beb468 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
958e6795 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
c8919e11 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
e28d1a76 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
6aa0e6b8 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
783bff61 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
8c13f6bf wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
6a1c8376 cancel order
5fb93616 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
47a9845f cancel order
cd40e919 cancel order
4556fd6d cancel order
767db73c cancel order
e219cb28 cancel order
d349217a cancel order
816d85f0 wants 33,184,851 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.293 BRIDGE.BTC
5de1f057 cancel order
df226207 cancel order
3132517e cancel order
806f9db0 cancel order
1ab79b3e cancel order
66222b17 cancel order
ecc19490 wants 1,133,342 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
5ec604bc wants 1,133,342 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
1ebe12a5 paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.001285 BRIDGE.BTC for 127,252 BRIDGE.SCP
03d8b621 cancel order
b52d416e wants 2,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0202 BRIDGE.BTC
1d3e198e wants 0.000322 BRIDGE.BTC for 27,795 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 27,795 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000323 BRIDGE.BTC
2910a5ce wants 0.000339 BRIDGE.BTC for 27,795 BRIDGE.SCP
e95429c3 wants 0.0002884 BRIDGE.BTC for 23,641 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 23,641 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0002884 BRIDGE.BTC
75206ea0 wants 0.000342 BRIDGE.BTC for 27,795 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 27,795 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000343 BRIDGE.BTC
de60ad19 wants 10,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.101 BRIDGE.BTC
f2de3fdd wants 500,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
527fb231 wants 500,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
54c31164 wants 500,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
f108f34d wants 500,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
ab8b71e9 wants 5,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0505 BRIDGE.BTC
1597e9df wants 5,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0505 BRIDGE.BTC
92a1500f wants 5,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0505 BRIDGE.BTC
5dc21a7c wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
aea87d03 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
633c5b0b wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
76ed5ffd wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
435c2157 wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
32500c53 wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
f84b96a6 wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
338706ef cancel order
25c7fb49 paid 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP
1a5194b2 wants 20,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.176 BRIDGE.BTC
39d8d194 wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
a5d7c1ca wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
a7618f13 wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
26c1ccb9 wants 50,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.000505 BRIDGE.BTC
06830b91 wants 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC
d3684ced wants 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC
862ba938 wants 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC
b76e7442 wants 100,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00101 BRIDGE.BTC
667b4bee wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
226e8e69 wants 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC