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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.265 BTS
Lifetime fees paid10.56 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.265
USD 0.87
9b0e1802 sent 499,000 BTS to
c8f0bb59 sent 1,000 BTS to
efbe6fc8 sent 499,999 BTS to
63f445ee sent 19,433 BTS to
7c6bb27b sent 300,000 BTS to
d51530bc sent 1,000 BTS to
45ffab22 sent 7,000 BTS to
86510eae sent 500,000 BTS to
0478f331 sent 10,000 BTS to
8cfc96a8 claimed 1,482 BTS, 0.0511 BTS, 0.00057 BTS, 2,337 BTS, 60.7 BTS, 21,182 BTS, 4,585 BTS, 0.1344 BTS, 0.439 BTS, 2,348 BTS, 2,957 BTS, 101,128 BTS, 1,075 BTS, 9,500 BTS, 712 BTS, 2,969 BTS, 3,503 BTS, 1,648 BTS, 3,056 BTS, 4,969 BTS
ec46cf4f sent 1,000 BTS to
5fb03900 cancel order
f0175964 wants 200 OPEN.ETH for 642,000 BTS
0ae9c638 claimed 374 BTS, 11,118 BTS, 458 BTS, 13,631 BTS, 120,575 BTS, 1,910 BTS, 29,880 BTS, 2,406 BTS, 1,552 BTS, 5.3 BTS, 1,903 BTS, 2,950 BTS, 1,604 BTS, 1,839 BTS, 1,967 BTS, 0.0705 BTS, 2,608 BTS, 2,254 BTS, 3,198 BTS, 0.0865 BTS, 208,010 BTS, 865 BTS, 778 BTS, 1,061 BTS, 954 BTS, 1,232 BTS, 0.02683 BTS, 1,511 BTS, 0.0329 BTS, 239,569 BTS, 0.0003 BTS, 0.87 USD, 1,558 BTS, 0.00037 BTS, 53,079 BTS, 792,000 BTS, 65,078 BTS, 1,227 BTS, 564 BTS, 1,504 BTS, 692 BTS, 93,844 BTS, 4,986 BTS, 31.9 BTS, 6,114 BTS, 39.1 BTS