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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid5.8 BTS
96938cba sent 20,868 BTS to
ef7faab1 paid 0.0002 CNY for 0.00119 BTS
9c25c9ed wants 20,869 BTS for 3,485 CNY
virtual paid 538 CNY for 3,223 BTS
bcd03cbc paid 2,947 CNY for 17,646 BTS
bd10e6af wants 1,693 CNY for 6,341,132 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,341,132 BTSUCN for 1,776 CNY
virtual cancel order
ef7b12d7 sent 4,332,926 BTSUCN to
fe887104 paid 2,947,525 BTSUCN for 324 CNY
virtual cancel order
b935b2b7 paid 8,356 BTSUCN for 0.92 CNY
74d4e21d paid 910 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
a014009c paid 5,752 BTSUCN for 0.633 CNY
32313803 paid 4,106 BTSUCN for 0.452 CNY
27a1a6aa paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.11 CNY
d92f48e0 paid 9,847 BTSUCN for 1.083 CNY
bb45aeb6 paid 10,944 BTSUCN for 1.204 CNY
5f4957d4 paid 6,255 BTSUCN for 0.688 CNY
7122ef6a wants 329 CNY for 2,994,694 BTSUCN
f327ca74 cancel order
bfe1e367 wants 329 CNY for 2,994,694 BTSUCN
d58448ae cancel order
803e1e37 wants 329 CNY for 2,994,694 BTSUCN
c55cd0d0 cancel order
576859c8 wants 329 CNY for 2,994,694 BTSUCN
9fa31914 cancel order
8854bee8 wants 329 CNY for 2,994,694 BTSUCN
d3e3b9fa cancel order
d8507a5c cancel order
bf189458 wants 306 CNY for 2,783,304 BTSUCN
a667071b sent 26,546 BTS to
a43365b2 paid 387,548 BTSUCN for 1,385 CNY
ef2c34dc wants 1,385 CNY for 387,548 BTSUCN
78bc8d0a wants 873 CNY for 211,390 BTSUCN
4bcf38e5 paid 6,663 CNY for 26,544 BTS
710569d0 wants 26,544 BTS for 6,663 CNY
5dcbb32c paid 249,977 BTSUCN for 792 CNY
f851a326 paid 1,157,138 BTSUCN for 3,668 CNY
1e849b09 paid 630,915 BTSUCN for 2,000 CNY
e375d479 paid 65,830 BTSUCN for 208.7 CNY
feb44615 wants 6,669 CNY for 2,103,861 BTSUCN
d7a8efc7 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
95e79837 sent 912,406 BTSUCN to
61a12ac6 wants 845,031 BTSUCN for 1,994 CNY
virtual paid 1,994 CNY for 845,031 BTSUCN
58b1acc9 wants 1,996 CNY for 8,900 BTS
virtual paid 8,900 BTS for 1,996 CNY
58693047 sent 3,400,000 BTSUCN to
b161c6e7 wants 3,462,973 BTSUCN for 8,183 CNY
virtual paid 8,183 CNY for 3,467,375 BTSUCN
313b4a04 paid 2,546 BTS for 570 CNY
virtual cancel order
020def8f paid 14,307 BTS for 3,207 CNY
03e54038 paid 5,384 BTS for 1,207 CNY
04019cf6 paid 14,307 BTS for 3,207 CNY
416f6dba wants 8,191 CNY for 36,545 BTS
d7651050 cancel order
9c9ecfd5 wants 8,191 CNY for 36,545 BTS