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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight12.8 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.874 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 12.8
OPEN.ETH 0.000039
OPEN.BTC 0.002385
DEEX 0.1
be183843 sent 3.9 TATCHCOIN to
48c6202d sent 4 BTS to
f13655af paid 23.27 CVCOIN for 0.00239 OPEN.BTC
25d62704 sent 0.0744 OPEN.BTC to
578408ab paid 726 CVCOIN for 0.0745 OPEN.BTC
3e886d91 wants 0.0769 OPEN.BTC for 749 CVCOIN
4492dc32 sent 749 CVCOIN to
fc91efeb sent 0.1 DEEX to
95e28ff4 sent 0.1102 OPEN.BTC to
c61baec8 wants 0.0769 OPEN.BTC for 768 CVCOIN
virtual paid 768 CVCOIN for 0.0769 OPEN.BTC
83e87c70 wants 0.0325 OPEN.BTC for 325 CVCOIN
virtual paid 325 CVCOIN for 0.0325 OPEN.BTC
8be3f3ef sent 1,795 CVCOIN to
171be33d sent 50 CVCOIN to
ad5c3c79 sent 1,845 CVCOIN to
6460ca0c cancel order
93bca808 wants 0.275 OPEN.BTC for 1,845 CVCOIN
c9eafd21 cancel order
715872e0 wants 9,208 BTS for 1,845 CVCOIN
cfc540b5 cancel order
9c7b3802 wants 0.275 OPEN.BTC for 1,845 CVCOIN
1863b864 wants 0.00103 OPEN.BTC for 10 CVCOIN
virtual paid 10 CVCOIN for 0.00103 OPEN.BTC
8695f62d cancel order
a1470b16 wants 0.306 OPEN.BTC for 1,855 CVCOIN
c91564f4 update account/votes
6ded71d2 update account/votes
b7006830 update account/votes
14f8df1b wants 9.4 BTS for 2 CVCOIN
virtual paid 2 CVCOIN for 9.4 BTS
c799556d cancel order
16080452 wants 10 BTS for 2 CVCOIN
5c9b0e19 cancel order
9a9ef20b wants 9.8 BTS for 2 CVCOIN
41e5f86c sent 1.973 OPEN.ETH to
e67c4344 paid 2,411 BTS for 1.053 OPEN.ETH
79068008 wants 1.053 OPEN.ETH for 2,411 BTS
dabbd5a7 paid 0.000039 OPEN.ETH for 0.0873 BTS
18cf61c8 wants 2,411 BTS for 1.077 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.00549 OPEN.ETH for 12.5 BTS
virtual paid 1.072 OPEN.ETH for 2,398 BTS