立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



BTS5q2ady2aBP4cPn4eEH5kpDswrByvCyg2A7Pwtd8s8bfKUfPcTn 1 50%
BTS5ii1NrWxz9ozVPtajNpCwAqGubqFThAo7EVQJGEy4wcyGvUnn5 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight6.68 BTS
Lifetime fees paid319 BTS


Asset Balance
DEEX 0.1
EBAYCOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
BAZZTOKEN 40,009,996
b0cdef51 sent 5.95 BTS to
cddb6eaa sent 2 BTS to
f6a5cd51 issue 50,000 BAZZTOKEN to
0ed476ed update account/votes
9868023e cancel order
50c5e9fc wants 22.93 BAZZTOKEN for 0.229 BTS
virtual paid 0.229 BTS for 22.93 BAZZTOKEN
36753979 paid 1.858 BAZZTOKEN for 7.43 BTS
925b98b3 wants 160,039,900 BTS for 40,009,975 BAZZTOKEN
21807595 wants 6,509,996 BAZZTOKEN for 6.51 BTS
virtual paid 6.51 BTS for 6,509,996 BAZZTOKEN
bde5a0e5 cancel order
01e219cb paid 8 BAZZTOKEN for 8 BTS
e9713746 wants 10 BTS for 10 BAZZTOKEN
5eabe35b wants 8,000,000 BAZZTOKEN for 8 BTS
virtual paid 8 BTS for 8,000,000 BAZZTOKEN
8467a886 paid 8 BAZZTOKEN for 8 BTS
7c8bcb60 wants 8 BTS for 8 BAZZTOKEN
c004260a wants 8,500,000 BAZZTOKEN for 8.5 BTS
virtual paid 8.5 BTS for 8,500,000 BAZZTOKEN
05e5c210 cancel order
ecf528f4 paid 8.5 BAZZTOKEN for 8.5 BTS
ae4b2e45 wants 100 BTS for 100 BAZZTOKEN
7221bda6 cancel order
fc97f6f9 wants 8,000,001 BAZZTOKEN for 8 BTS
virtual paid 8 BTS for 8,000,001 BAZZTOKEN
bc943f07 paid 8 BAZZTOKEN for 8 BTS
270901b6 wants 9 BTS for 9 BAZZTOKEN
122e9136 wants 9,000,001 BAZZTOKEN for 9 BTS
virtual paid 9 BTS for 9,000,011 BAZZTOKEN
ebc5c786 issue 140,000 BAZZTOKEN to
d17a4fd1 issue 100,000 BAZZTOKEN to
4cdf2c62 issue 25,000 BAZZTOKEN to
947eda7f issue 30,000 BAZZTOKEN to
3cf2fc20 issue 5,000 BAZZTOKEN to
c9c53641 issue 125,000 BAZZTOKEN to
86ca5e69 issue 5,000 BAZZTOKEN to
343754b8 issue 25,000 BAZZTOKEN to
bb2a166d issue 25,000 BAZZTOKEN to
9ba7d801 issue 100,000 BAZZTOKEN to
18df5e4b issue 100,000 BAZZTOKEN to
67045e07 issue 250,000 BAZZTOKEN to
d368d127 issue 140,000 BAZZTOKEN to
efe0abc3 issue 140,000 BAZZTOKEN to
e1d9d263 issue 140,000 BAZZTOKEN to
d7a9c5ac update asset BAZZTOKEN
8f2c4cb9 issue 14,850 BAZZTOKEN to
345313e3 issue 29,700 BAZZTOKEN to
8e0021ca issue 20,000 BAZZTOKEN to
b1abf977 issue 15,000 BAZZTOKEN to
ace1b923 issue 30,000 BAZZTOKEN to
c3170ff8 issue 1,000 BAZZTOKEN to
9e3abb43 issue 38,750 BAZZTOKEN to
f14762ae issue 101,220 BAZZTOKEN to
53b7d571 issue 35,000 BAZZTOKEN to
331b04b9 issue 41,935 BAZZTOKEN to
d9f19e7e issue 91,700 BAZZTOKEN to
1cb3975b issue 40,000 BAZZTOKEN to
031753dd issue 8,333 BAZZTOKEN to
114db3db issue 50,000 BAZZTOKEN to
4cf6d22d issue 10,000 BAZZTOKEN to
07442740 issue 50,000 BAZZTOKEN to
700eeb69 issue 10,000 BAZZTOKEN to
0ca4fc87 issue 100,000 BAZZTOKEN to
virtual cancel order
4c94a797 issue 10,000 BAZZTOKEN to
b21b23cc issue 40,000,000 BAZZTOKEN to
8ca9b2b4 issue 230,000 HEARTBIT to
3e6d6066 issue 9,000,000 HEARTBIT to
c01c21fa sent 215 BTS to
ab008caf sent 88,000 HEARTBIT to
cea42335 update asset HEARTBIT
114d0395 create asset BAZZTOKEN
ae8654de sent 1,000 HEARTBIT to
1a90b5bc issue 10,000 HEARTBIT to
570b84fb issue 10,000 HEARTBIT to
35675588 issue 100,000 HEARTBIT to
b6f88625 issue 400,000 HEARTBIT to
9a2fa0dd sent 1,000 HEARTBIT to
36b25111 issue 75,000 HEARTBIT to
257c1efa wants 1 BTC for 10,000 HEARTBIT
a502355d issue 75,000 HEARTBIT to
e8674318 issue 100,000 HEARTBIT to
a79d52fd create asset HEARTBIT