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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight8.72 BTS
Lifetime fees paid21.7 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.02044 0
BRIDGE.SZC 0.00002 0
NOBLE 0.0002 0
BRIDGE.LGS 0.0000125 0
BRIDGE.PAWS 0.001517 0
BRIDGE.CUX 0.0000191 0
BRENT 0.0001 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
BRIDGE.P2P 0.0728 0
BRIDGE.FDC 13,747 13,747
BRIDGE.UFY 0.681 0
BRIDGE.EXPI 0.0199 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
virtual cancel order
b1731597 sent 7.48 BTS to
a7aa8833 sent 0.00303 BRIDGE.BTC to
3e96d18b wants 0.000204 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,269 BRIDGE.P2P
virtual paid 2,269 BRIDGE.P2P for 0.000204 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cead1ee5 wants 0.002404 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,173 BRIDGE.PAWS
virtual paid 7.3 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00001498 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,166 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00239 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3c1699a2 cancel order
bce524db wants 0.000453 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,007 BRIDGE.P2P
3987290e cancel order
98c05333 wants 0.000735 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,007 BRIDGE.P2P
bd599056 paid 184.3 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.000345 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d1664a6a wants 0.000428 BRIDGE.BTC for 228.6 BRIDGE.PAWS
virtual paid 3.62 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00000694 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 9.28 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00001773 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2.69 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00000509 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 28.74 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.0000539 BRIDGE.BTC
b0d16493 cancel order
fdf87133 wants 0.000615 BRIDGE.BTC for 228.6 BRIDGE.PAWS
2d370094 sent 0.0613 BRIDGE.BTC to
87e9d756 cancel orders (7)
134245b7 wants 2,347 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
bf40e1cb cancel order
8a45c5d4 wants 83,333 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
d1257daa cancel order
d7ae39b6 wants 16,386 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
ad1d249a cancel order
006818f3 wants 38,883 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
0ac84ebb cancel order
6a34858b wants 23,810 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
4a28503f cancel order
e47eb0f0 wants 22,689 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
bbf1815f cancel order
4ce5b177 wants 49,488 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
44b4283b cancel order
39e2fd6d wants 20,342 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
9d8518d9 cancel order
ba58bd02 wants 23,668 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
4c609b21 cancel order
dfc143ec wants 35,714 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
34725474 cancel order
c43a884c wants 21,848 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
b7dd6561 cancel order
b3511165 wants 18,519 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
b26f0c68 cancel order
5839abc5 wants 34,023 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
c35c40bc cancel order
ab41cbf4 wants 6,369 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
16667f17 cancel order
77e8dc80 wants 41,667 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
b003e252 cancel order
83e5a4e7 wants 14,706 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
67c4e655 cancel order
ee652ad1 wants 23,668 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
0e20584e cancel order
cf61b521 wants 6,623 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
b06982b7 cancel order
4f44d1a8 wants 83,333 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
9ddd7d71 cancel order
8b850d05 wants 16,393 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
f3da600e cancel order
9a25f256 wants 880 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
b811984b cancel order
b4419e79 wants 32,772 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
969d5e77 cancel order
3eec318c wants 17,544 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
b95c1a17 cancel order
12c1966b wants 882 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
a246be29 cancel order
11485bee wants 250,000 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
65a69beb cancel order
62ed68c3 wants 28,091 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
fa43c152 cancel order
434d4ad0 wants 34,023 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
3d5ad8a4 cancel order
9ef21610 wants 865 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
2c3a3498 cancel order
8a4f6cce wants 111,111 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
bdd65808 cancel order
aa2dfa9b wants 36,869 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
4fe72af5 cancel order
95e1cfdf wants 166,667 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
f3a0bbdd cancel order
10476122 wants 45,377 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
773b6b85 cancel order
3ca3da4d wants 18,182 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
93880762 cancel order
afdecd83 wants 888 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
4f7cf9ef cancel order
481ac4f2 wants 53,628 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
33ddfb69 cancel order
f636ea1f wants 32,022 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
feef73c6 cancel order
273ec117 wants 866 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
aae5fdcc cancel order
882178af wants 65,545 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
65922b6b cancel order
e8765219 wants 30,243 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
0c223f83 cancel order
5db2ddcd wants 117,981 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
169e8a2f cancel order
d2e9977f wants 2,370 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
b31145ea cancel order
e6c1d14e wants 45,377 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
a6563324 cancel order
2ea19b30 wants 34,023 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
bcfd9a2f cancel order
826fa179 wants 53,628 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC
f8cba956 cancel order
98dec558 cancel order
44f6e7cd wants 0.000858 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,049 BRIDGE.EXPI
virtual paid 1,122 BRIDGE.EXPI for 0.000213 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.EXPI for 0.00036 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,927 BRIDGE.EXPI for 0.000328 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5849a1cf cancel orders (8)
dfe86db4 wants 888 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
2d11b901 cancel order
ce5fd667 wants 9,804 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
7244b0cd cancel order
db8a17e3 wants 0.000349 BRIDGE.BTC for 67.8 BRIDGE.PAWS
fb19929f wants 24,744 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
2ae307c9 cancel order
d45cf815 wants 0.000376 BRIDGE.BTC for 588 BRIDGE.EXPI
0e67f07f sent 507,586 BRIDGE.MNPR to
bb91a4e8 wants 500,000 BRIDGE.MNPR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000274 BRIDGE.BTC for 144.4 BRIDGE.MNPR
virtual paid 0.00000547 BRIDGE.BTC for 288 BRIDGE.MNPR
virtual paid 0.00191 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.MNPR
virtual paid 0.00808 BRIDGE.BTC for 408,171 BRIDGE.MNPR
89459551 wants 866 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
768fa932 cancel order
d9cb42e7 wants 58,824 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
7511c90a cancel order
4bbb672d wants 62,500 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
3d4fac69 cancel order
7f9d344a wants 8,197 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
f9f732ff cancel order
15b88224 wants 26,316 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
3368dbbc cancel order
4a7d4ee4 wants 2,433 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
2d1897ce cancel order
d67790c3 wants 23,668 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
ceff84da cancel order
0914cb9d cancel order
012726fd wants 0.000698 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,011 BRIDGE.EXPI
d8bef314 cancel order
516a6cd8 cancel order
05843dec cancel order
884f23c6 cancel order
67273555 cancel order
23753340 cancel order
190fd843 wants 0.000362 BRIDGE.BTC for 524 BRIDGE.EXPI
7d5417bf wants 0.001166 BRIDGE.BTC for 956 BRIDGE.EXPI
virtual paid 956 BRIDGE.EXPI for 0.001166 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8b3acb2b wants 0.000705 BRIDGE.BTC for 356 BRIDGE.EXPI
635bbe4f cancel order
135be481 wants 890 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
9b4cbf03 cancel order
bdb95058 wants 83,333 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
544d2cb0 cancel order
b82011f0 wants 0.001872 BRIDGE.BTC for 800 BRIDGE.EXPI
e0f0466b wants 999 BRIDGE.HBET for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
c7eb639d wants 0.00075 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.EXPI
e969713a cancel order
a86b4f37 wants 24,286 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC
f366475c cancel order
f3cf64fd wants 888 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
e1fbf49b cancel order
a88b8653 wants 0.000793 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.EXPI
b81fe55c wants 0.000504 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.EXPI
776846e7 wants 18,519 BRIDGE.GHR for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
345e5930 cancel order
a2e34ec3 wants 55,556 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
f272b78e cancel order
c1009812 wants 0.000897 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.EXPI
691d62bc wants 0.0082 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,816 BRIDGE.EXPI
virtual paid 2,816 BRIDGE.EXPI for 0.0082 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8775805f paid 300 BRIDGE.EXPI for 0.000873 BRIDGE.BTC
cfb98011 wants 31,250 BRIDGE.XGA for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC