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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00464 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1,460 BTS
Cashback/vesting2.39 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00464
CNY 1.473
YOYOW 0.1002
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
SEER 0.000533
TIREX 0.15
f37df958 sent 6,754 GTS to
3f7774bb cancel order
749293df wants 6,190,714 TIREX for 1.733 CNY
2c66141d wants 0.774 CNY for 774 SEED
virtual paid 100 SEED for 0.1 CNY
2c260898 paid 337 SEED for 0.337 CNY
f7d97fd8 paid 337 SEED for 0.337 CNY
a76976ff sent 6,666 GTS to
43d3a052 sent 88 GTS to
a467ea29 sent 8.8 CNY to
3d190860 wants 9.91 CNY for 745 SEER
virtual paid 745 SEER for 9.91 CNY
virtual cancel order
0dfe0491 wants 185.4 SEER for 19.36 CNY
virtual paid 19.36 CNY for 185.4 SEER
e5e049c4 cancel order
df857ccc wants 1,490 SEED for 19.36 CNY
efccf0f8 paid 16.82 BTS for 19.4 CNY
b0b1993e wants 19.4 CNY for 16.82 BTS
e8cd8778 wants 560 SEER for 58.2 CNY
virtual paid 58.2 CNY for 560 SEER
e22e34f8 cancel order
ae8e60d2 wants 582 SEER for 58.2 CNY
2bcadf25 cancel order
3c6a92ba wants 582 SEER for 58.2 CNY
6b2b0dc4 wants 58 CNY for 50.5 BTS
virtual paid 50.5 BTS for 58 CNY
e4e1dfc9 cancel order
f9740adf wants 58 CNY for 50.5 BTS
ae2025ae sent 89,110 CNY to
850bd927 sent 20,000 CNY to
b174ede8 sent 20,000 CNY to
dce46835 sent 50,000 CNY to
346f00c3 sent 2,000 CNY to
eaf4da0c paid 360,793 SEER for 54,119 CNY
virtual cancel order
c179daa5 paid 5,000 SEER for 750 CNY
dc93baae paid 6,124 SEER for 919 CNY
5ce21d52 paid 183,861 SEER for 27,579 CNY
e7680b51 wants 98,593 CNY for 657,289 SEER
virtual paid 5,000 SEER for 755 CNY
virtual paid 50,000 SEER for 7,550 CNY
virtual paid 25,828 SEER for 3,900 CNY
virtual paid 13,516 SEER for 2,029 CNY
virtual paid 7,167 SEER for 1,075 CNY
dd1e0c8c cancel order
bef44dff paid 51,103 SEER for 7,717 CNY
0ffd706a paid 45.5 SEER for 6.87 CNY
09e07b39 paid 1,301 SEER for 196.4 CNY
936ccba7 paid 569 SEER for 85.9 CNY
580b4e7d paid 347 SEER for 52.4 CNY
a91f791d paid 356 SEER for 53.7 CNY
da3f9af8 paid 284.5 SEER for 43 CNY
ea7dc5f3 paid 71.1 SEER for 10.74 CNY
6672267e wants 130,710 CNY for 865,630 SEER
virtual paid 1,324 SEER for 200 CNY
virtual paid 62,213 SEER for 9,400 CNY
virtual paid 1,500 SEER for 226.5 CNY
virtual paid 79,478 SEER for 12,001 CNY
virtual paid 1,722 SEER for 260 CNY
66fb49fa paid 3,536 SEER for 534 CNY
0f54fa64 paid 380 SEER for 57.3 CNY
fca9df6b paid 284.5 SEER for 43 CNY
7219b84b paid 3,386 SEER for 511 CNY
f06d3feb paid 442 SEER for 66.7 CNY
79b65473 cancel order
b522979b wants 15,500 CNY for 100,000 SEER
virtual paid 11 SEER for 1.705 CNY
d50e6902 cancel order
bd9f331c cancel order
d3f7b46e wants 95,274 CNY for 630,497 SEER
c9c0fb21 cancel order
95822db8 wants 35,533 CNY for 235,144 SEER
5077eba0 paid 44,923 SEER for 6,788 CNY
02b1e737 wants 45,330 CNY for 300,000 SEER
virtual paid 10,000 SEER for 1,511 CNY
virtual paid 10,000 SEER for 1,511 CNY
virtual paid 24,131 SEER for 3,646 CNY
virtual paid 210,946 SEER for 31,874 CNY
d5423f59 cancel order
9a1b76f3 wants 378 CNY for 2,455 SEER
da3e6445 wants 5,635 CNY for 34,359 SEER
virtual paid 34,359 SEER for 5,635 CNY
3292e451 adjust collateral by -65.5 BTS, debt by -10 CNY
4cfa9e33 wants 11.94 CNY for 2 BTS
virtual paid 2 BTS for 11.94 CNY
45632037 sent 2 BTS to
f9ffdfd3 sent 2 BTS to
9a623af7 sent 36,450 CNY to
30c40fdd cancel order
2c6a9026 wants 26,315 YOYOW for 10,000 CNY
8c3382da wants 2,627 CNY for 4,780 BTS
virtual paid 4,780 BTS for 2,627 CNY
b7147783 cancel order
3f51360b wants 10,000 BTS for 5,188 CNY
e1310a4d cancel order
c2dca00f wants 2,494 CNY for 4,788 BTS
0f68ff9f cancel order
a8ba60a7 cancel order
251d3f59 paid 2.44 BTS for 1.302 CNY
071879cf wants 2,555 CNY for 4,791 BTS
e424e407 paid 5,136 BTS for 2,717 CNY
dc73bd9f paid 32.9 BTS for 17.4 CNY
49f70ecd paid 117.4 BTS for 62.1 CNY
9b492ff2 paid 36.7 BTS for 19.4 CNY
532cf7fb paid 15.07 BTS for 7.97 CNY
2d9b8eb3 paid 3,567 BTS for 1,887 CNY
fb0f6a62 wants 5,330 CNY for 10,076 BTS
virtual paid 690 BTS for 366 CNY
8321a1da paid 373 BTS for 197 CNY
77f47ce8 paid 32.7 BTS for 17.3 CNY
12b0e128 paid 65.8 BTS for 34.8 CNY
6ad7b022 paid 8.36 BTS for 4.42 CNY
98aeea72 paid 8,748 BTS for 4,634 CNY
6248e6fd wants 5,330 CNY for 10,062 BTS
virtual paid 1,314 BTS for 696 CNY
52109c4d cancel order
132e5e4f wants 5,330 CNY for 10,000 BTS
454f1f64 cancel order
7b63e4b9 wants 2,750 CNY for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 3,105 BTS for 1,708 CNY
a7dcdef1 paid 3,761 WHITECOIN for 1,128 CNY
virtual cancel order
75795e93 paid 8,753 WHITECOIN for 2,626 CNY
b0d5875c wants 5,580 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 5,580 CNY
a84e4a6b wants 5,210 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 5,210 CNY
98b5f4c4 cancel order
f54cd9f3 wants 5,210 CNY for 10,000 BTS
24b9dfdc cancel order
b36d2b41 wants 5,210 CNY for 9,971 BTS
virtual paid 0.00152 BTS for 0.0008 CNY
virtual paid 3,866 BTS for 2,020 CNY
virtual paid 1,127 BTS for 589 CNY
6228ef20 cancel order
5527fc05 wants 1,040 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 152.6 BTS for 79.4 CNY
virtual paid 1,117 BTS for 581 CNY
3aad3b70 cancel order
7cadda21 wants 5,200 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 5,463 BTS for 2,841 CNY
c71c9412 cancel order
e96ad74f wants 1,040 CNY for 2,000 BTS
bc71d93d wants 3,754 CNY for 12,514 WHITECOIN
5cd0a67e cancel order
24a33f5a paid 833 WHITECOIN for 297 CNY
2f369024 cancel order
f3f9e4a6 wants 22,063 YOYOW for 20,000 BTS
ad01aceb cancel order
70299e8f wants 5,516 YOYOW for 5,000 BTS
86248f3e paid 6.25 WHITECOIN for 2.227 CNY
ced0be37 wants 4,757 CNY for 13,353 WHITECOIN
846d1c13 cancel order
4cc6971a wants 2,671 CNY for 13,353 WHITECOIN
78adb359 wants 0.013 CNY for 0.1 WHITECOIN
virtual paid 0.1 WHITECOIN for 0.013 CNY
fb820377 cancel order
89d7309a cancel order
b303972d wants 13,323 WHITECOIN for 2,265 CNY
virtual paid 2,265 CNY for 13,324 WHITECOIN
d43688ee cancel order
19718597 wants 13,353 WHITECOIN for 2,270 CNY
virtual paid 5.1 CNY for 30 WHITECOIN
36f5f21b wants 1,408 WHITECOIN for 200 CNY
15da1cf7 wants 1,429 WHITECOIN for 200 CNY
8b7ea20e wants 770 WHITECOIN for 100 CNY
39c7b933 cancel order
bd27b3ba wants 0.1 YOYOW for 0.06 CNY
virtual paid 0.06 CNY for 0.1 YOYOW
3e78f1f7 wants 1,022 HPB for 2,770 CNY
a5919504 cancel order
7449c74e wants 1,026 HPB for 2,770 CNY
ea0ffecd paid 4,000 CNY for 10,352 BTS
cc5952f7 wants 10,352 BTS for 4,000 CNY
a0eaef64 cancel order
c7e1da85 wants 4,052 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 4,052 CNY
9474eb47 wants 8,506 YOYOW for 2,718 CNY
778c4c2b paid 187.5 YOYOW for 62.1 CNY
a40d1a97 wants 62.1 CNY for 187.5 YOYOW
238753e8 paid 8,000 YOYOW for 2,656 CNY
2720d8fa wants 2,656 CNY for 8,000 YOYOW
29f45564 wants 13.2 BTS for 5 CNY
virtual paid 5 CNY for 13.2 BTS
2f5e7b0a paid 2,461 CNY for 6,484 BTS
569298f3 paid 1,334 CNY for 3,516 BTS
6c9da60e wants 10,000 BTS for 3,795 CNY
8255452d cancel order
8dcaca4c wants 10,054 BTS for 3,750 CNY
a525720f wants 3,800 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 3,800 CNY
87579029 wants 1,432 YOYOW for 401 CNY
virtual paid 401 CNY for 1,432 YOYOW
b5280119 cancel order
a8307c88 wants 1,443 YOYOW for 400 CNY
a5bafda0 paid 527 BTS for 200 CNY
8facd506 wants 200 CNY for 527 BTS
virtual paid 527 BTS for 200 CNY
8a2d6084 wants 200 CNY for 527 BTS
b32a7963 wants 6,363 YOYOW for 1,902 CNY
virtual paid 1,902 CNY for 6,363 YOYOW