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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS8hEhtXdHxGDfnWmy91d3Ty6TA1CSPhsRsiu32F5HqmJBCwhWCr 1 50%
BTS55m7dcJvHmzYpzDWkoEzs6ecdPNwKRvgk9t7j5gKh668d2xQ6c 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Lifetime fees paid15.4 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -
484d7988 sent 16.64 BTS to
997e598f wants 15.68 BTS for 67 CNY
virtual paid 67 CNY for 15.68 BTS
f25cb2f1 wants 67 CNY for 5,000 MALAGEBI
virtual paid 5,000 MALAGEBI for 67 CNY
de4ed5c8 cancel order
8f7438e1 wants 104 CNY for 5,000 MALAGEBI
82be86dc sent 1 BTS to
27d542ff sent 5,000 MALAGEBI to
f41e79c2 sent 0.751 BTS to
1d49dd1a sent 19.77 OPEN.EOS to
d697c61a paid 990 CNY for 19.8 OPEN.EOS
405f0c7f wants 19.8 OPEN.EOS for 990 CNY
76ebbab6 wants 990 CNY for 18.34 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 1.707 OPEN.EOS for 92.3 CNY
virtual paid 16.63 OPEN.EOS for 898 CNY
74e339ac cancel order
34835a8c wants 1,064 CNY for 18.34 OPEN.EOS
bf82deaa cancel order
708186a1 wants 1,064 CNY for 18.34 OPEN.EOS
ebd464f0 paid 554 CNY for 18.37 OPEN.EOS
a6af9011 wants 18.37 OPEN.EOS for 554 CNY
bd18b22a wants 33.5 CNY for 7.98 OCT
virtual paid 7.98 OCT for 33.5 CNY
5511042f sent 23,785 CNY to
a2d136a2 cancel order
ce58e32e cancel order
6723ee1a sent 130,634 YOYOW to
74844087 paid 1,500 CNY for 907 YOYOW
dd53ddf0 wants 907 YOYOW for 1,500 CNY
397bc68c cancel order
f19eb969 wants 20,567 YOYOW for 20,567 CNY
f96573bd cancel order
c18f83a6 wants 18,805 BTS for 20,567 CNY
2bec1b25 cancel order
213414d2 wants 200,000 CNY for 50,000 YOYOW
47d956d2 cancel order
0334a7c9 wants 2,475 YOYOW for 3,218 CNY
4c385936 paid 1,500 CNY for 890 YOYOW
280eb601 wants 890 YOYOW for 1,500 CNY
960b8c90 wants 1,000 YOYOW for 1,500 CNY
22da62be wants 1,000 YOYOW for 1,700 CNY
virtual paid 1,700 CNY for 1,000 YOYOW
61caeb95 cancel order
00a8d1db wants 17,919 YOYOW for 17,919 CNY
235e6246 wants 3,413 CNY for 1,219 YOYOW
8d22ef65 paid 579 CNY for 305.6 YOYOW
46aadb83 paid 15.64 CNY for 8.26 YOYOW
ad4f401c paid 1,136 CNY for 600 YOYOW
3d466044 paid 8.08 CNY for 4.27 YOYOW
766948b8 paid 30.24 CNY for 15.97 YOYOW
6dca8393 paid 30.24 CNY for 15.97 YOYOW
d949ac0f paid 30.24 CNY for 15.97 YOYOW
082bd061 paid 30.24 CNY for 15.97 YOYOW
261a634e paid 30.24 CNY for 15.97 YOYOW
4db1bfe1 paid 3.79 CNY for 2 YOYOW
3df017d9 wants 1,000 YOYOW for 1,894 CNY
2b8a5016 paid 37.9 CNY for 20 YOYOW
a523437a wants 20 YOYOW for 37.9 CNY
ddc500a1 paid 200 CNY for 100 YOYOW
d59d11a7 wants 100 YOYOW for 200 CNY
9945081a paid 200 CNY for 100 YOYOW
86781b96 wants 100 YOYOW for 200 CNY
0a9bd942 paid 13,500 YOYOW for 20,250 CNY
669c4d04 wants 20,250 CNY for 13,500 YOYOW
c7e085b6 sent 0.2 BTS to
811fbeec update account/votes
fcaeb7f5 update account/votes
8b65d908 sent 0.5 BTS to
d8702f8e update account/votes
c2818132 update account/votes
ad34fbb1 sent 100 CNY to
6d1aa03c sent 1,071 BTS to
4765b096 cancel order
842a4e48 wants 738 BTS for 100.1 CNY
7a8d694e update account/votes
070204b7 update account/votes
e14096cc update account/votes
e2624450 sent 1 BTS to
801b91b2 update proposal 1.10.1997
d10eefec sent 1 BTS to
0659c1d1 update account/votes
b5488cd8 paid 105 CNY for 981 BTS
52c45734 wants 981 BTS for 105 CNY
0a396295 cancel order
224fbee6 cancel order
224fbee6 wants 265.5 BTS for 30 CNY
6b13a4d7 cancel order
6b13a4d7 wants 265.5 BTS for 30 CNY
fe2576dc cancel order
fe2576dc wants 265.5 BTS for 30 CNY
38d98ad0 cancel order
38d98ad0 wants 265.6 BTS for 30 CNY
dc8308e9 cancel order
dc8308e9 wants 266 BTS for 30 CNY
6994dbf3 cancel order
6994dbf3 wants 266.7 BTS for 30 CNY
db902f07 cancel order
db902f07 wants 267 BTS for 30 CNY
81ec1403 cancel order
81ec1403 wants 268 BTS for 30 CNY
aa467c2e cancel order
aa467c2e wants 268.3 BTS for 30 CNY
883a05af cancel order
883a05af wants 268.6 BTS for 30 CNY
0df7ad8b cancel order
0df7ad8b wants 269 BTS for 30 CNY
d6fd10d0 cancel order
d6fd10d0 wants 269.6 BTS for 30 CNY
673220c8 cancel order
673220c8 wants 269.7 BTS for 30 CNY
8a90453a cancel order
8a90453a wants 270 BTS for 30 CNY
f25462ce cancel order
f25462ce wants 270 BTS for 30 CNY
d8d2aa1a cancel order
d8d2aa1a wants 270 BTS for 30 CNY
40eb95a0 cancel order
40eb95a0 wants 270 BTS for 30 CNY
ea15d676 cancel order
ea15d676 wants 270.5 BTS for 30 CNY
4c8305b0 cancel order
4c8305b0 wants 271 BTS for 30 CNY
f8ac0db7 cancel order
f8ac0db7 wants 271 BTS for 30 CNY
6a70df31 cancel order
6a70df31 wants 271.6 BTS for 30 CNY
24077ff7 cancel order
24077ff7 wants 272 BTS for 30 CNY
feffe6e1 cancel order
feffe6e1 wants 273 BTS for 30 CNY
b876491f cancel order
b876491f wants 273.5 BTS for 30 CNY
aa5e33ee cancel order
aa5e33ee wants 274 BTS for 30 CNY
9d4f7a43 cancel order
9d4f7a43 wants 274.4 BTS for 30 CNY
3964a2cb cancel order
3964a2cb wants 274.5 BTS for 30 CNY
b6ae7e9f cancel order
b6ae7e9f wants 275.6 BTS for 30 CNY
045aa26e paid 113.6 BTS for 12.8 CNY
8d5b634d cancel orders (2)
8d5b634d wants 275.6 BTS for 30 CNY
8d5b634d wants 12.8 CNY for 113.6 BTS
39dad817 cancel order
39dad817 wants 13.12 CNY for 113.6 BTS
e0643e7b cancel order
e0643e7b wants 12.74 CNY for 113.6 BTS
fabc90cb cancel order
fabc90cb wants 276.3 BTS for 30 CNY
6942e542 cancel order
6942e542 wants 12.7 CNY for 113.7 BTS
9e1df0b3 cancel order
9e1df0b3 wants 276.7 BTS for 30 CNY
395eb020 wants 12.63 CNY for 113.8 BTS
b35b341f paid 274 BTS for 30.4 CNY
0f4a2341 wants 30.4 CNY for 274 BTS
e753ef7e paid 274 BTS for 30.4 CNY
d926b2a5 wants 30.4 CNY for 274 BTS
03ba0fca paid 274 BTS for 30.4 CNY
5dc3fa93 wants 30.4 CNY for 274 BTS
f6fa47c7 paid 274.5 BTS for 30.4 CNY
9c4a9891 cancel order
9c4a9891 wants 277.5 BTS for 30 CNY
9cd11a1f wants 30.4 CNY for 274.5 BTS
de251799 paid 275 BTS for 30.4 CNY
4e1e33ee cancel orders (2)
4e1e33ee wants 278.3 BTS for 30 CNY
4e1e33ee wants 30.4 CNY for 275 BTS
3179106d cancel orders (2)
3179106d wants 279.6 BTS for 30 CNY
3179106d wants 30.4 CNY for 276.3 BTS
5b177255 cancel order
5b177255 wants 280.6 BTS for 30 CNY
5b177255 wants 30.4 CNY for 277 BTS
8465a3a3 paid 23.76 BTS for 2.55 CNY
80399146 paid 64.5 BTS for 6.92 CNY
a3e0415e paid 83.2 BTS for 8.94 CNY
592be7e1 paid 111.5 BTS for 11.98 CNY
c96eb303 cancel orders (2)
c96eb303 wants 95.5 BTS for 10 CNY
c96eb303 wants 30.4 CNY for 283 BTS
53ec62fa wants 95.2 BTS for 10 CNY
53ec62fa wants 30.4 CNY for 282 BTS
ec2deed8 cancel orders (2)
bece67a4 cancel order
bece67a4 wants 95.2 BTS for 10 CNY
cd5fecf0 cancel orders (2)
cd5fecf0 wants 95.4 BTS for 10 CNY
cd5fecf0 wants 30.4 CNY for 283 BTS
96365989 cancel order
96365989 wants 30.4 CNY for 280 BTS
16d1058a cancel order
16d1058a wants 94.4 BTS for 10 CNY
2fa2f8f9 wants 95.3 BTS for 10 CNY