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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight54.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid9.87 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 54.5
CNY 0.935
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
SHUMAN 450,888
CHICOIN 0.0002
TIREX 0.36
TELETON 0.0002
IMASK 0.0002
SEED 158
NOBLE 0.0001
XBTSX.STH 0.0641
eb89d6c2 sent 0.0001 NOBLE to
8ea60570 sent 0.0641 XBTSX.STH to
4df6b672 sent 0.1 DEEX to
16a32385 sent 7,500 BTS to
a9d583b1 sent 242,300 BTS to
a01fa2ca sent 10 BTS to
689ec640 sent 50,000 BTS to
0bbd4b63 sent 100,000 BTS to
28e9c9c8 sent 100,000 BTS to
de6a4148 sent 100,000 BTS to
554f460d sent 10 BTS to
4548e503 cancel order
9576f1b6 wants 6 CNY for 1 BTS
8ebaf3d6 cancel order
3507f76e adjust collateral by -16,000 BTS, debt by -1,000 CNY
a5885b7e adjust collateral by 16,000 BTS, debt by 1,000 CNY
263ff6f8 sent 7 BTS to
e36b5237 sent 5 BTS to
995a99c3 sent 9 BTS to
98b82dec sent 10 BTS to
b7c3eaf3 paid 38,387 CNY for 18,107 BTS
100b9dd5 paid 31,102 CNY for 14,671 BTS
fd3b4151 paid 0.544 CNY for 0.2566 BTS
a3d0237c paid 10.3 CNY for 4.86 BTS
c713f208 paid 5.16 CNY for 2.43 BTS
aa9266aa paid 211.3 CNY for 99.7 BTS
a01bd009 paid 10,563 CNY for 4,983 BTS
c6c71e5b paid 165 CNY for 77.9 BTS
fb9eec90 paid 4,378 CNY for 2,065 BTS
2fb6cca6 paid 34.8 CNY for 16.42 BTS
39f50ab9 paid 165 CNY for 77.9 BTS
7a61a67e paid 165 CNY for 77.9 BTS
9dfc8720 paid 165 CNY for 77.9 BTS
a5d9a89d paid 211.3 CNY for 99.7 BTS
09044578 paid 62.5 CNY for 29.5 BTS
98ac0890 paid 41.3 CNY for 19.46 BTS
d7b9483d paid 25.8 CNY for 12.17 BTS
59b6d1b6 paid 165 CNY for 77.9 BTS
bc89552c paid 10.32 CNY for 4.87 BTS
154ccc55 paid 1,000 CNY for 472 BTS
305386a4 wants 51,996 BTS for 110,232 CNY
virtual paid 1,635 CNY for 774 BTS
virtual paid 18,576 CNY for 8,775 BTS
virtual paid 43.2 CNY for 20.4 BTS
virtual paid 2,129 CNY for 1,005 BTS
937d9127 paid 662 CNY for 312.4 BTS
1374fb00 paid 211.7 CNY for 99.9 BTS
407133ad paid 52.9 CNY for 24.97 BTS
bc76216e paid 26.5 CNY for 12.5 BTS
e985a86a paid 20.7 CNY for 9.76 BTS
87ad6e99 paid 5.17 CNY for 2.437 BTS
cf409e9d wants 48,077 BTS for 100,000 CNY
virtual paid 100,000 CNY for 48,077 BTS
f715f113 wants 10,000 BTS for 20,800 CNY
virtual paid 2,818 CNY for 1,355 BTS
virtual paid 832 CNY for 400 BTS
virtual paid 2,080 CNY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 249.6 CNY for 120 BTS
virtual paid 1,048 CNY for 504 BTS
virtual paid 13,772 CNY for 6,621 BTS
a22a33e9 wants 50,000 BTS for 104,000 CNY
virtual paid 3,726 CNY for 1,800 BTS
virtual paid 7,660 CNY for 3,700 BTS
virtual paid 293 CNY for 141.7 BTS
virtual paid 92,321 CNY for 44,385 BTS
c7ba1e36 wants 1,967,968 CNY for 361,095 BTS
bb7900c2 paid 300,000 CNY for 72,289 BTS
4305c9a8 wants 72,289 BTS for 300,000 CNY
252d3c8a paid 209,777 CNY for 62,620 BTS
fd4eada0 paid 24,870 CNY for 7,424 BTS
57ad0bde paid 124,221 CNY for 37,081 BTS
a1ee4ee0 paid 7,094 CNY for 2,118 BTS
5caedfaa paid 434,037 CNY for 129,563 BTS
a32177f8 wants 238,806 BTS for 800,000 CNY
efa048cd cancel order
f108f4e8 cancel order
dc5da272 cancel order
405cb13f cancel order
7f6cb4a8 cancel order
b2433b9e wants 100,000 BTS for 245,000 CNY
d01c65fc wants 50,000 BTS for 120,000 CNY
233f5754 wants 50,000 BTS for 120,000 CNY
dc3b28c6 cancel order
becdf165 paid 132,500 CNY for 50,000 BTS
0ba3c9dd wants 50,000 BTS for 130,000 CNY
a3646a65 wants 50,000 BTS for 132,500 CNY
cdb9cbbc wants 50,000 BTS for 125,000 CNY
c436187b wants 50,000 BTS for 130,000 CNY
0ac1f52a sent 208,714 BTS to
7a3f73b9 sent 10 BTS to
7b393dbf sent 100,000 CNY to
7ec564e7 sent 10 CNY to
3abeb33c cancel order
fd3ea2a5 sent 170,000 BTS to
a77bc124 sent 200,000 BTS to
36ef8d47 sent 200,000 BTS to
38493dfc sent 15 BTS to
676b22b6 wants 210,000 CNY for 200,000 BTS
20c62abd cancel order
eff55a39 sent 158,559 BTS to
d1170835 sent 200,002 BTS to
a6ab7ee4 sent 200,000 BTS to
7f2fe854 sent 14 BTS to
5b5aa1c7 cancel order
475ec344 cancel order
37447844 cancel order
637e161c cancel order
75c927c2 cancel order
ea2dce87 sent 42,500 BTS to
34f4d3bc sent 200,000 BTS to
029fa4ba sent 200,000 BTS to
8c9fbb60 sent 200,000 BTS to
bac6de96 sent 12 BTS to
6b6f5ffb wants 10 CNY for 10 BTS
abe09845 sent 200,000 BTS to
76d31224 sent 200,000 BTS to
b79ff26f sent 6 BTS to
1525c345 paid 3.125 BTS for 2.96 CNY
5f7d5c90 paid 450 BTS for 427 CNY
cb44674f wants 32,539 CNY for 34,324 BTS
2a51fef5 paid 188.3 BTS for 178.5 CNY
6b237654 paid 50 BTS for 47.4 CNY
1b1c0977 paid 82.4 BTS for 78.1 CNY
8e61a26a cancel order
54e7042e cancel order
338d449f cancel order
97ad2741 cancel order
cecb6308 cancel order
747942d1 cancel order
74802419 paid 5.01 BTS for 4.9 CNY
29e6a10c paid 1,754 BTS for 1,715 CNY
868536dd paid 2,924 BTS for 2,860 CNY
2b2bf446 paid 736 BTS for 720 CNY
9a96c6a3 paid 414 BTS for 404 CNY
61ec2c9f paid 19.53 BTS for 19.1 CNY
5fd2e26b paid 4.82 BTS for 4.71 CNY
fa5eeff1 paid 438 BTS for 429 CNY
e32be851 paid 10,571 BTS for 10,338 CNY
dcb618f4 paid 15,173 BTS for 14,839 CNY
virtual paid 5,277 BTS for 5,161 CNY
5c11605f wants 48,900 CNY for 50,000 BTS
ac3945d0 paid 53,391 BTS for 52,216 CNY
e7872175 paid 10.02 BTS for 9.8 CNY
e557adc6 wants 67,065 CNY for 68,574 BTS
a9b7760f cancel order
5f671e0c cancel order
df3f2b78 cancel order
017414e4 cancel order
d5d93fcb wants 48,600 CNY for 50,000 BTS
1e339908 wants 48,700 CNY for 50,000 BTS
c8e85f32 cancel order
0a6795f2 cancel order
3f3b489d wants 48,750 CNY for 50,000 BTS
b7988309 paid 312.5 BTS for 304.7 CNY
443bd440 paid 1,480 BTS for 1,443 CNY
7d63cf13 paid 100 BTS for 97.5 CNY
a557ae61 wants 48,750 CNY for 50,000 BTS
e51d6bc6 paid 10,870 BTS for 10,598 CNY
89315c6a wants 48,750 CNY for 50,000 BTS
virtual paid 0.0001 BTS for 0.0001 CNY
c9561a53 paid 39,417 BTS for 38,431 CNY
037928fd paid 7.34 BTS for 7.16 CNY
34aa4ad2 paid 5.87 BTS for 5.72 CNY
c240e43e paid 9.39 BTS for 9.15 CNY
f961a35d paid 7.34 BTS for 7.15 CNY
0dbfcfbb paid 9.77 BTS for 9.52 CNY
e9099cf0 paid 8,308 BTS for 8,100 CNY
e9382b8b paid 872 BTS for 850 CNY
a0296237 paid 312.5 BTS for 304.7 CNY
ddf218e7 wants 48,750 CNY for 50,000 BTS
7a06267a paid 121 BTS for 118 CNY
89ce02dd paid 50 BTS for 48.8 CNY
ef98353e paid 312.5 BTS for 304.7 CNY
95198792 paid 535 BTS for 521 CNY
32b1dbd6 paid 33.4 BTS for 32.6 CNY
f85e8820 paid 204.7 BTS for 200 CNY
fa857495 paid 582 BTS for 569 CNY
d3b2215b paid 49.9 BTS for 48.8 CNY
66a39048 paid 18.38 BTS for 17.96 CNY
ffd01e7f paid 1,177 BTS for 1,150 CNY
e886d467 paid 78.1 BTS for 76.3 CNY
185c09a8 paid 50 BTS for 48.8 CNY
442d0136 paid 92.1 BTS for 90 CNY
74b695f0 paid 78.1 BTS for 76.3 CNY
de635a2e paid 1,833 BTS for 1,791 CNY
02f32364 paid 900 BTS for 880 CNY
36b14f04 paid 1,036 BTS for 1,012 CNY
833faa98 paid 184.5 BTS for 180.3 CNY
2164a432 paid 23.06 BTS for 22.53 CNY
0f1344fe paid 2.886 BTS for 2.82 CNY
a207b388 paid 356 BTS for 348 CNY
47d2f7d4 paid 89 BTS for 87 CNY
17b91df5 paid 19.53 BTS for 19.1 CNY
335639b8 wants 48,850 CNY for 50,000 BTS
5c453678 paid 12,950 BTS for 12,575 CNY
db6d2b0f paid 10,299 BTS for 10,000 CNY
6fa338e2 paid 10,844 BTS for 10,530 CNY
virtual paid 26,751 BTS for 25,975 CNY
b1bc2e84 paid 10,299 BTS for 10,000 CNY
0cb4124b paid 1,000 BTS for 971 CNY
a995dd3a wants 48,550 CNY for 50,000 BTS
8c3e4f2a paid 41 BTS for 39.8 CNY
2b57bace paid 10,299 BTS for 10,000 CNY