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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS7Ygd27veaC1XQ6gpr1SoWqir1EWsmUkbBDAkL8k7836ukHZR82 1 50%
BTS5yTtsxNYuZ3XDQCguxTHwjxs4y7xF5C5YEysCt6KaasdAZ7aoy 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
BTS8P4frJgpLSPqLhbFSn9F6MTHgwGRf8MnWSCff9WT8rtfgYws5R 1 50%
BTS7XMNwpSvKggUw2mCSf6WCSEFToEazxZyRjf1ZnUkKTLKeTV1af 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight5.61 BTS
Lifetime fees paid161.8 BTS
Cashback/vesting2.02 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 36.3
OPEN.BTC 0.00000022
ICOO 0.0013
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
CHICOIN 0.0001
TELETON 0.0002
SEED 158
NOBLE 0.0001
XBTSX.STH 0.0248
53de4c92 withdraw 33.2 BTS from vesting
5510ec77 sent 0.0001 NOBLE to
7a21a13d sent 0.0013 ICOO.VOTING to
a15a2754 sent 11,290 BTS to
73708f41 paid 6,924 CNY for 10,507 BTS
2bbc8c7f wants 10,507 BTS for 6,924 CNY
a32fa00b sent 28 BTS to
b8212478 sent 80 BTS to
a2b286d3 paid 947 BTS for 1,010 CNY
e848b980 sent 4,000 CNY to
b2c5dc14 sent 1,010 CNY to
47356fd3 adjust collateral by 1,641 BTS, debt by 1,010 CNY
7d728119 paid 50 BTS for 39.8 CNY
31f9f7e2 paid 3,094 BTS for 2,460 CNY
f9b5259c sent 499,784 GDEX.SEER to
672ccd27 sent 666 GDEX.SEER to
9c3462da update account/votes
8c031605 cancel order
345d0d5a wants 48,734 CNY for 500,450 GDEX.SEER
c88f159f wants 482,689 GDEX.SEER for 482,689 SEER
virtual paid 30,000 SEER for 30,000 GDEX.SEER
virtual paid 452,689 SEER for 452,689 GDEX.SEER
b234b8cc sent 10 BTS to
870b760e register hashyun
9377ee9a paid 2,394 CNY for 17,473 GDEX.SEER
dff6a28c paid 105.7 CNY for 772 GDEX.SEER
161a3397 wants 18,244 GDEX.SEER for 2,500 CNY
2c5502db adjust collateral by 4,981 BTS, debt by 2,500 CNY
0831f2cf cancel order
9b4e5815 cancel order
78b4582e wants 11,565 CNY for 5,028 BTS
7f54506f wants 113,220 CNY for 482,689 SEER
b8732052 withdraw 0.092 BTS from vesting
b45ead23 cancel order
43afc051 wants 30,361 CNY for 482,689 SEER
517795b5 paid 3,834 BTS for 6,000 CNY
467e6a69 paid 2.31 CNY for 1.106 BTS
9878c08e paid 0.064 CNY for 0.0307 BTS
4a0142c1 wants 2,874 BTS for 6,000 CNY
830b3a50 paid 5,219 CNY for 2,500 BTS
47894082 paid 395 CNY for 189.3 BTS
752e0332 paid 326 CNY for 156.2 BTS
bf7ac969 paid 56.8 CNY for 27.2 BTS
cb11622e adjust collateral by 6,000 BTS, debt by 6,000 CNY
834d6cdc sent 5,999 BTS to
090074fb paid 3,477 CNY for 1,293 BTS
07aba3df paid 2,689 CNY for 1,000 BTS
65ee6d55 paid 7,992 CNY for 2,972 BTS
8fd10c0a wants 5,265 BTS for 14,158 CNY
1dac485c cancel order
9873d64d wants 5,280 BTS for 14,158 CNY
10109e26 cancel order
834d0df5 wants 2,708 CNY for 734 BTS
13d647e4 paid 63,983 SEER for 7,793 CNY
50828311 paid 16,017 SEER for 1,951 CNY
d13b4a08 wants 1,200 CNY for 10,211 SEER
virtual paid 10,211 SEER for 1,200 CNY
d6d4906e cancel order
8792d5d6 wants 5,535 CNY for 47,100 SEER
virtual paid 2,100 SEER for 251 CNY
virtual paid 3,000 SEER for 353 CNY
virtual paid 10,000 SEER for 1,175 CNY
e5f2e59d wants 1,435 CNY for 12,000 SEER
virtual paid 12,000 SEER for 1,435 CNY
200a2268 wants 9,744 CNY for 80,000 SEER
d581737c cancel order
28f15310 wants 9,813 CNY for 88,888 SEER
5d4bfc30 cancel order
a178c832 wants 93,330 CNY for 600,000 SEER
8e22df92 paid 164.8 BTS for 300 CNY
virtual paid 193 BTS for 351 CNY
virtual paid 191.7 BTS for 349 CNY
ca7ac12b paid 1,000 CNY for 400 BTS
daac0eb2 wants 400 BTS for 1,000 CNY
764b6422 adjust collateral by 878 BTS, debt by 1,000 CNY
b1eef8d4 sent 160 CNY to
4b177595 sent 100 CNY to
baa87388 sent 100 CNY to
d6b6a276 sent 100 CNY to
9f1a26a2 sent 100 CNY to
b0a18793 cancel order
b564c23e wants 43,740 CNY for 600,000 SEER
55125339 upgrade account
72cc416b update account/votes
ad5d765d wants 981 BTS for 3,336 CNY
virtual paid 3,336 CNY for 984 BTS
f62e57fb update account/votes
79a4272b wants 10 BTS for 48.2 CNY
virtual paid 48.2 CNY for 10.04 BTS
a753db94 sent 0.49 WWW.ETH to
3e2033dd sent 3 WWW.ETH to
904ecfe4 paid 554 BTS for 3,388 CNY
3bbb74c7 wants 3,388 CNY for 554 BTS
89569b61 sent 10 BTS to
2ab89b97 sent 447,990 BTS to
ff666508 paid 2,271 ICOO for 261,154 BTS
1d6e9de7 paid 715 ICOO for 77,260 BTS
b6078ec9 paid 135.3 ICOO for 14,616 BTS
874677f9 wants 261,154 BTS for 2,271 ICOO
fe1db60f wants 91,840 BTS for 850 ICOO
virtual paid 850 ICOO for 91,840 BTS
0988408f wants 93,920 BTS for 870 ICOO
virtual paid 18.93 ICOO for 2,079 BTS
5d49b4c1 wants 762 BTS for 6.67 ICOO
virtual paid 6.67 ICOO for 762 BTS
d2bd965f wants 291 BTS for 2.423 ICOO
virtual paid 2.423 ICOO for 291 BTS
3c5dc015 sent 486,465 BTS to