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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid44.8 BTS
ade07ede sent 487,768 BTS to
virtual paid 109,499 CNY for 487,768 BTS
97cec974 settle 109,499 CNY
6e9a78a3 sent 109,500 CNY to
ae715adc sent 953,272 BTS to
virtual paid 511 CNY for 2,275 BTS
virtual paid 4 CNY for 17.82 BTS
virtual paid 0.359 CNY for 1.6 BTS
virtual paid 10 CNY for 44.5 BTS
virtual paid 13,666 CNY for 60,876 BTS
virtual paid 124 CNY for 552 BTS
virtual paid 13 CNY for 57.9 BTS
virtual paid 208 CNY for 927 BTS
virtual paid 30,000 CNY for 133,636 BTS
virtual paid 5,650 CNY for 25,168 BTS
virtual paid 40,600 CNY for 180,855 BTS
virtual paid 123,214 CNY for 548,862 BTS
070324f9 settle 214,000 CNY
e697b5b6 sent 988,909 BTS to
virtual paid 1 CNY for 4.45 BTS
virtual paid 0.5 CNY for 2.227 BTS
virtual paid 0.1 CNY for 0.445 BTS
virtual paid 0.28 CNY for 1.247 BTS
virtual paid 29,960 CNY for 133,456 BTS
virtual paid 2.807 CNY for 12.5 BTS
virtual paid 1,566 CNY for 6,976 BTS
virtual paid 166,000 CNY for 739,455 BTS
virtual paid 5,618 CNY for 25,026 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 CNY for 44,545 BTS
virtual paid 0.1486 CNY for 0.662 BTS
virtual paid 8,852 CNY for 39,430 BTS
7069c102 sent 21,770 CNY to
60888e4b settle 222,000 CNY
a0ee1752 sent 11,030 CNY to
7c293d0e sent 11,030 CNY to
6a485f9f sent 11,050 CNY to
3115bddb sent 25,415 CNY to
a8b5c4f2 sent 1,102 CNY to
9759d496 sent 11,000 CNY to
c2f2915e sent 19,764 CNY to
1ff9d6df sent 15,400 CNY to
73f2009c sent 55,000 CNY to
e35de5f4 sent 1,100 CNY to
b01cebaa sent 10,950 CNY to
7d68f769 sent 55,500 CNY to
415368a3 sent 1,086 CNY to
dc90fb61 sent 16,290 CNY to
97553195 sent 54,350 CNY to
97ce4fbf sent 21,710 CNY to
346de23e sent 21,720 CNY to
e237c3a8 sent 54,400 CNY to
46cd907e sent 50,000 CNY to
eae96800 sent 21,710 CNY to
ef19c3f1 sent 11,560 CNY to
366063e2 sent 50,000 CNY to
7f94daa2 sent 10,780 CNY to
1b916d6d sent 54,000 CNY to
bac8f0ed sent 10,780 CNY to
48e64298 sent 80 CNY to
672037a8 sent 10,700 CNY to
4f9cf8b3 sent 10,770 CNY to
f6004b70 sent 10,765 CNY to
b5995d32 sent 18,326 CNY to
b7b5980d sent 1,076 CNY to
c164791a sent 33,325 CNY to
6c5e7258 sent 53,750 CNY to
ace5d3ba sent 32,250 CNY to
2844fd3d sent 21,450 CNY to
e1c35314 cancel order
0172d376 wants 1,004,072 BTS for 200,865 CNY
67dafe94 sent 108 CNY to
35a1cca5 sent 41,758 CNY to
3ae00412 sent 7,598 CNY to
f9fee6f0 sent 4,080 CNY to
567b2484 sent 23,416 CNY to
32b1fadf sent 15,480 CNY to
ef6a0fee sent 20,640 CNY to
17cd9034 sent 41,300 CNY to
0a4534e4 sent 41,280 CNY to
c535d98b sent 5,160 CNY to
9f1074d2 sent 15,480 CNY to
a1d2c95b sent 10,320 CNY to
74cc7744 sent 1,032 CNY to
5fab86ab sent 50,470 CNY to
5b353de7 sent 20,600 CNY to
b306ba17 sent 2,060 CNY to
d0511e89 sent 30,900 CNY to
109b118c sent 10,280 CNY to
0b9dd9e8 sent 10,350 CNY to
20c4d29f sent 10,350 CNY to
843fccac sent 20,700 CNY to
5c985291 sent 51,700 CNY to
fbb77825 sent 51,700 CNY to
dd923492 sent 51,700 CNY to
bb1016ef sent 31,020 CNY to
8aabef17 sent 41,380 CNY to
6bfb9e1c sent 20,640 CNY to
ef4c21af sent 20,630 CNY to
4e33728d wants 20 BTS for 4.16 CNY
virtual paid 4.16 CNY for 20 BTS