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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight21.67 BTS
Lifetime fees paid71.5 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -


Asset Balance
BTS 21.67
BADCOIN 10,000
ARCOIN 0.0325
ZALUPA 0.009
CHICOIN 0.0001
TIREX 0.21
TELETON 0.0002
RIPLE 0.12
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
NOBLE 0.0001
2273ecc0 sent 0.0001 NOBLE to
a2b8ad98 sent 11,631 CNY to
a6e76ee8 sent 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM to
16d9ff00 sent 0.00001 ALIBABACOM to
44f2dc7a wants 464 CNY for 14,063 SEER
virtual paid 10,000 SEER for 330 CNY
virtual paid 4,063 SEER for 134 CNY
0bfe3e2e sent 0.00001 BAIDUCOM to
f8358083 sent 0.00001 MICROSOFTCOM to
2eeb167e wants 21.3 CNY for 643 SEER
virtual paid 643 SEER for 21.3 CNY
bb53f217 wants 1,446 CNY for 43,671 SEER
virtual paid 43,671 SEER for 1,446 CNY
2e7deacc wants 9,711 CNY for 291,622 SEER
virtual paid 291,622 SEER for 9,711 CNY
virtual cancel order
bd532b0e cancel order
7337abbe wants 12,495 CNY for 350,000 SEER
40a7bce6 cancel order
4ab24cf1 sent 2,073 OPEN.MUSEOL to
67c2e441 sent 3,536 OPEN.MUSEOL to
19de7301 cancel order
8aadb805 wants 353,559 BTS for 3,536 OPEN.MUSEOL
94784dcb cancel order
416a8d8a wants 123,746 BTS for 3,536 OPEN.MUSEOL
7184f6c9 cancel order
6b9c543d wants 1,011,500 CNY for 350,000 SEER
2bab3a5b sent 1 BTS to
54a7b84b wants 12,375 BTS for 3,536 OPEN.MUSEOL
59fb8c25 sent 99,107 CNY to
a73572c1 paid 13,987 BTS for 60,703 CNY
cf45e06b wants 98,735 CNY for 22,750 BTS
virtual paid 6,664 BTS for 28,923 CNY
virtual paid 2,099 BTS for 9,108 CNY
e3cb85f1 wants 163.5 BTS for 80.7 OPEN.MUSEOL
virtual paid 80.7 OPEN.MUSEOL for 163.5 BTS
6608025f cancel order
c5aeb005 sent 5,000 OPEN.MUSEOL to
a62edead paid 3,333 BTS for 3,000 OPEN.MUSEOL
779f3f50 paid 5,555 BTS for 5,000 OPEN.MUSEOL
ff137f96 paid 704 BTS for 634 OPEN.MUSEOL
486459bc wants 28,803 OPEN.MUSEOL for 32,000 BTS
9aba83ed cancel order
46281791 wants 142,720 CNY for 32,000 BTS
9e582a1e cancel order
2b7e689c cancel order
ea285252 wants 28,938 OPEN.MUSEOL for 32,150 BTS
1c62754e cancel order
61bbd450 cancel order
6816b11b wants 24,634 OPEN.MUSEOL for 10,100 BTS
05904419 wants 323 BTS for 372 CNY
e21035b8 sent 60,302 CNY to
19d656b8 cancel order
acbda58e wants 53,222 BTS for 60,674 CNY
2fab4075 wants 60,500 CNY for 50,000 BTS
virtual paid 600 BTS for 728 CNY
virtual paid 11,627 BTS for 14,117 CNY
virtual paid 13,403 BTS for 16,271 CNY
virtual paid 4,943 BTS for 6,000 CNY
virtual paid 10 BTS for 12.13 CNY
virtual paid 10,239 BTS for 12,420 CNY
virtual paid 8,896 BTS for 10,783 CNY
virtual paid 282 BTS for 342 CNY
5bcbfc86 cancel order
57049b3c sent 12,200 CNY to
365c40c6 wants 63,000 OPEN.MUSEOL for 22,050 BTS
2f792628 wants 12,200 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 81.7 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 409 BTS for 499 CNY
virtual paid 9,510 BTS for 11,602 CNY
9e766e1c sent 11,120 BTS to
162d9ada wants 120,000 OPEN.MUSEOL for 60,000 BTS
f0048eb7 cancel order
5f0c64c7 sent 5,703 OPEN.MUSEOL to
29413e31 paid 715 BTS for 286 OPEN.MUSEOL
23fe7ac9 wants 99,000 OPEN.MUSEOL for 99,000 BTS
ba0dbe7d wants 286 OPEN.MUSEOL for 715 BTS
53e200b2 paid 19,000 BTS for 5,429 OPEN.MUSEOL
d5b685f7 sent 800 BTS to
35d276bb wants 5,429 OPEN.MUSEOL for 19,000 BTS
0e172777 cancel order
5e57eea5 sent 2.37 CNY to
79f6dcf4 wants 2.37 CNY for 6 BTS
virtual paid 6 BTS for 2.37 CNY
663b11ce wants 5,709 OPEN.MUSEOL for 19,980 BTS
6b4ce9a3 cancel order
5f4d4b16 wants 3,300 OPEN.MUSEOL for 19,833 BTS
2863fa6c sent 330 BTS to
8e8dddf1 sent 2,700 BTS to
02d71cfe cancel order
e3183ddd wants 6,667 OPEN.MUSEOL for 20,000 BTS
f5de19ee cancel order
07ee04fd sent 110,001 OPEN.MUSE to
4a7a0f14 wants 66,666 CNY for 20,000 BTS
b64d1edf sent 897,898 OPEN.MUSE to
2a107ca3 cancel order
59ec4f13 cancel order
e1467266 wants 134,676 BTS for 897,898 OPEN.MUSE
ef8148e9 sent 10,319 OPEN.MUSE to
586f557c cancel order
38c02ec9 wants 995,000 OPEN.MUSE for 19,920 BTS
af8c7931 cancel order
79daebf4 wants 317,876 BTS for 908,217 OPEN.MUSE
f1b3cf62 sent 29,980 OPEN.MUSE to
dd525cac sent 29,980 OPEN.MUSE to
21892909 sent 29,980 OPEN.MUSE to
6138caf1 sent 29,980 OPEN.MUSE to
344a34bd sent 19,300 BTS to
ca4985cf wants 9,263 BTS for 247,000 OPEN.MUSE
virtual paid 247,000 OPEN.MUSE for 9,263 BTS
3bc3ceb3 wants 10,000 BTS for 250,000 OPEN.MUSE
virtual paid 250,000 OPEN.MUSE for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 0.0002 OPEN.MUSE for 0.00001 BTS
virtual cancel order
17aab673 wants 44 BTS for 1,100 OPEN.MUSE
virtual paid 1,100 OPEN.MUSE for 44 BTS
bab04d15 cancel order
bd1b746d wants 228,936 BTS for 1,526,237 OPEN.MUSE
05a37bb0 wants 2,450,000 OPEN.MUSE for 19,845 BTS
e5b0cb35 sent 79,980 OPEN.MUSE to
37bedd15 sent 79,980 OPEN.MUSE to
9aff46e2 sent 79,980 OPEN.MUSE to
f461f081 sent 268,700 OPEN.MUSE to
82fae781 cancel order
1c2f3c3e cancel order
19862f7f wants 205,452 BTS for 1,884,877 OPEN.MUSE
c9b301ba cancel order
784da89c sent 73,700 BTS to
61582924 wants 1,242,082 OPEN.MUSE for 20,000 BTS
18db8125 sent 50,000 BTS to
a38062c7 cancel order
e260d059 cancel order
0cfa962f wants 103,668 BTS for 1,884,877 OPEN.MUSE
861eb989 wants 0.0276 BTS for 1 OPEN.MUSE
virtual paid 1 OPEN.MUSE for 0.0276 BTS
8bb0b241 cancel order
56872743 wants 103,668 BTS for 1,884,878 OPEN.MUSE
abd26cd7 wants 1,037 BTS for 25,300 OPEN.MUSE
virtual paid 4,000 OPEN.MUSE for 164 BTS
virtual paid 21,252 OPEN.MUSE for 871 BTS
97f2db83 paid 31 OPEN.MUSE for 1.27 BTS
7268d3c8 paid 17.47 OPEN.MUSE for 0.716 BTS
virtual cancel order
1fae7048 cancel order
ae81e55c wants 710,000 OPEN.MUSE for 8,875 BTS
2c315a5c sent 17,500 BTS to
a801e259 cancel order
d6ac5b28 wants 11,670,000 OPEN.MUSE for 133,762 BTS
d7a497e7 cancel order
a1b4e818 cancel order
97af7793 cancel order
56219cbe cancel order
1ba37f57 wants 1,740,000 OPEN.MUSE for 24,360 BTS
b0446615 wants 1,800,000 OPEN.MUSE for 23,760 BTS
86974ee0 cancel order
87300d05 wants 2,395,000 OPEN.MUSE for 48,140 BTS
c2a76e41 wants 2,100,000 OPEN.MUSE for 31,710 BTS
f74a89ac wants 2,100,000 OPEN.MUSE for 26,460 BTS
b399dd09 wants 2,100,000 OPEN.MUSE for 33,810 BTS
6c00e150 wants 96,559 BTS for 1,910,178 OPEN.MUSE
7f5c34e1 paid 3,494,421 OPEN.MUSE for 140,126 BTS
ae392ac0 paid 30,817 BTS for 1,914,000 OPEN.MUSE
bb614391 paid 0.174 BTS for 6 OPEN.MUSE
8920d5f4 wants 6 OPEN.MUSE for 0.174 BTS
c7eea7b2 wants 140,126 BTS for 3,494,421 OPEN.MUSE
5b37c4f8 wants 1,914,000 OPEN.MUSE for 30,817 BTS
c29569b7 wants 30,766 BTS for 1,027,291 OPEN.MUSE
virtual paid 1,027,291 OPEN.MUSE for 30,766 BTS
e2fbbc68 cancel order
844b641c wants 181,321 BTS for 4,521,712 OPEN.MUSE
ff80c57a paid 2,981 BTS for 135,415 OPEN.MUSE
8fce934b paid 86.9 BTS for 3,946 OPEN.MUSE
c873f40b paid 2,507 BTS for 113,914 OPEN.MUSE
e258a61a paid 767 BTS for 34,865 OPEN.MUSE
31e2f791 paid 22,012 BTS for 1,000,000 OPEN.MUSE
71cc51cb paid 21,613 BTS for 981,859 OPEN.MUSE
79369f40 wants 2,270,000 OPEN.MUSE for 49,967 BTS
5719a0cc cancel order
26683074 wants 564,063 BTS for 2,256,252 OPEN.MUSE
60ff7958 cancel order
c3af0ad3 wants 225,623 BTS for 2,256,252 OPEN.MUSE
014c14f8 cancel orders (2)
706b10c1 cancel order
1b3d4987 wants 53,090 BTS for 151,686 OPEN.MUSE
0976d842 sent 472,450 OPEN.MUSE to
b5dad4d6 cancel order
e26e9a03 sent 16,450 BTS to
de6f7a11 sent 100 BTS to
78de5256 sent 50,000 OPEN.MUSE to
2d44e8f0 sent 4,612,210 OPEN.MUSE to
839c15c0 wants 132,534 BTS for 331,336 OPEN.MUSE
6016eb95 paid 6,646 BTS for 332,000 OPEN.MUSE
efc7b311 wants 332,000 OPEN.MUSE for 6,646 BTS
c2e6afef wants 218,443 BTS for 624,122 OPEN.MUSE
4b2231ef sent 362,900 OPEN.MUSE to
c0c6b2bb cancel order
5d5baeec wants 345,458 BTS for 987,022 OPEN.MUSE
e0d46a9c paid 24,736 BTS for 989,000 OPEN.MUSE
666e6129 wants 443,308 BTS for 1,773,230 OPEN.MUSE
3c205655 sent 109,980 OPEN.MUSE to
5db75b5b sent 109,980 OPEN.MUSE to
7336f67a sent 109,980 OPEN.MUSE to
14a0864a sent 109,980 OPEN.MUSE to
f88279eb cancel order