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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00013 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.766 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00013
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00769
DEEX 0.1
1b026c13 sent 0.1 DEEX to
518e2943 sent 1 DECENTRALIZED to
d6a53387 issue 370 BRIDGE.BEET to
cec87a75 issue 180 BRIDGE.BEET to
6c2865db wants 1,000 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0094 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0094 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,001 BRIDGE.SNCZ
aeae7a65 wants 0.01255 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.8 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.02397 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.000377 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.776 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.01217 BRIDGE.BTC
04e41c28 cancel order
5949a47e wants 0.01259 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.8 BRIDGE.LTC
12d5d0f2 wants 0.0002445 BRIDGE.BTC for 370 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 370 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0002445 BRIDGE.BTC
c3f9691f wants 0.0001914 BRIDGE.BTC for 383 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 14.7 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.00000897 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 368 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000184 BRIDGE.BTC
8236da97 wants 0.000979 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,301 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 1,301 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000979 BRIDGE.BTC
2b187a80 wants 0.000314 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,848 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 1,848 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.000314 BRIDGE.BTC
71e2daef wants 0.0000678 BRIDGE.BTC for 399 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 399 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000678 BRIDGE.BTC
738a3cc8 wants 0.000387 BRIDGE.BTC for 540 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 540 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000387 BRIDGE.BTC
4c20cd60 wants 0.0001345 BRIDGE.BTC for 95.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 95.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0001345 BRIDGE.BTC
8d9048a9 wants 0.0000985 BRIDGE.BTC for 81.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 81.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0000985 BRIDGE.BTC
1f21bbe4 wants 0.0001825 BRIDGE.BTC for 179.4 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 179.4 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0001825 BRIDGE.BTC
e1142690 wants 0.000067 BRIDGE.BTC for 268 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 268 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.000067 BRIDGE.BTC
84627553 wants 0.000349 BRIDGE.BTC for 359 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 348 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000339 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 11.31 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00001097 BRIDGE.BTC
57628978 wants 0.0002945 BRIDGE.BTC for 186.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 186.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0002945 BRIDGE.BTC
56a54af2 wants 0.0001282 BRIDGE.BTC for 513 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 513 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0001282 BRIDGE.BTC
7bda8488 wants 0.000201 BRIDGE.BTC for 179.4 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 179.4 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000201 BRIDGE.BTC
cc70cb8b wants 0.000064 BRIDGE.BTC for 52.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 52.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000064 BRIDGE.BTC
d15a7a20 wants 0.000414 BRIDGE.BTC for 331 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 331 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000414 BRIDGE.BTC
6ee94938 wants 0.0000238 BRIDGE.BTC for 298 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 298 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000238 BRIDGE.BTC
d98eb8bb wants 0.0001173 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 99.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0001173 BRIDGE.BTC
1cc01777 wants 0.0002474 BRIDGE.BTC for 233.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 233.4 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0002474 BRIDGE.BTC
870e2926 wants 0.0000642 BRIDGE.BTC for 803 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 803 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000642 BRIDGE.BTC
ed53af60 sent 0.00911 BRIDGE.BTC to
40739302 wants 0.0002483 BRIDGE.BTC for 186.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 186.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.0002483 BRIDGE.BTC
192fc9e8 wants 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 591 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 591 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC
3ffe40af wants 0.0000862 BRIDGE.BTC for 862 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 862 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000862 BRIDGE.BTC
c5dbb460 wants 0.000579 BRIDGE.BTC for 320 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 320 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000579 BRIDGE.BTC
a5d0dd9a wants 0.0000747 BRIDGE.BTC for 467 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 467 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000747 BRIDGE.BTC
7957b1a8 wants 0.000572 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 400 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000572 BRIDGE.BTC
e6e83a7f wants 0.000339 BRIDGE.BTC for 224.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 224.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00034 BRIDGE.BTC
846fe1f2 wants 0.0002593 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,852 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 136.6 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.00001913 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 179 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.00002507 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,536 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.000215 BRIDGE.BTC
859fd80d wants 0.0000344 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.77 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 13.77 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0000344 BRIDGE.BTC
f8d62036 wants 0.000479 BRIDGE.BTC for 191.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 191.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000479 BRIDGE.BTC
414013cb wants 0.0001467 BRIDGE.BTC for 63.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 63.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0001467 BRIDGE.BTC
49064e60 wants 0.000365 BRIDGE.BTC for 115.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 115.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000365 BRIDGE.BTC
0bbf4365 wants 0.000328 BRIDGE.BTC for 224.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 224.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000328 BRIDGE.BTC
c88e42a6 wants 0.0002866 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,686 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 1,686 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0002866 BRIDGE.BTC
19432ece wants 0.000423 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,629 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 1,629 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.000423 BRIDGE.BTC
8aa8c203 cancel order
a98e0e25 wants 0.000191 BRIDGE.BTC for 47.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 47.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000191 BRIDGE.BTC
0551cebe wants 0.000569 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,539 BRIDGE.XAR
8607e78d wants 0.0000572 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 179 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000572 BRIDGE.BTC
af05e50a wants 0.0002513 BRIDGE.BTC for 47.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 47.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0002513 BRIDGE.BTC
8703ded1 wants 0.00042 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 79.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.00042 BRIDGE.BTC
92d0b242 wants 0.0000744 BRIDGE.BTC for 109.4 BRIDGE.OMEGA
virtual paid 109.4 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.0000744 BRIDGE.BTC
d3f9adcf wants 0.0002053 BRIDGE.BTC for 604 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 604 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0002053 BRIDGE.BTC
30f6698f wants 0.000346 BRIDGE.BTC for 249.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 1.037 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00000149 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 248.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000345 BRIDGE.BTC
2830566d wants 0.00131 BRIDGE.BTC for 252 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 252 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.00131 BRIDGE.BTC
39927906 wants 0.000322 BRIDGE.BTC for 249.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 249.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000322 BRIDGE.BTC
94df4916 wants 0.001035 BRIDGE.BTC for 203.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 203.8 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.001035 BRIDGE.BTC
dcb4ed15 paid 135.2 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.0000554 BRIDGE.BTC
1c7787fb sent 0.01066 BRIDGE.BTC to
9bf4f6f0 wants 0.00501 BRIDGE.BTC for 836 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 12 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 56.9 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000342 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 413 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.002483 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 354 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.002122 BRIDGE.BTC
9212face wants 0.000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 255.7 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 255.7 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.000327 BRIDGE.BTC
ee863682 wants 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0965 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 0.0965 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC
81bf291a wants 0.000813 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,982 BRIDGE.XAR
virtual paid 1,847 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.000757 BRIDGE.BTC
7c35b2ac wants 0.000892 BRIDGE.BTC for 222 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 222 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000892 BRIDGE.BTC
117e069f wants 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC for 495 BRIDGE.SNCZ
virtual paid 495 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC
fb500d00 cancel order
e0391866 wants 0.00393 BRIDGE.BTC for 394 BRIDGE.SNCZ
7fd8a7c2 cancel order
e47717f6 wants 0.00394 BRIDGE.BTC for 394 BRIDGE.SNCZ
ef34a906 paid 167 BRIDGE.SNCZ for 0.000918 BRIDGE.BTC
dcfb5675 wants 0.000918 BRIDGE.BTC for 167 BRIDGE.SNCZ
84aa3769 sent 8,973 BRIDGE.SNCZ to
6bd303d4 cancel order
7425556d cancel order
ac12753a wants 3.63 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,973 BRIDGE.SNCZ
c322d8c9 wants 1 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.SNCZ
dea21686 cancel order
4a4227d8 wants 4.49 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,973 BRIDGE.SNCZ
38a05c9c sent 0.0578 BRIDGE.BTC to
d11c1403 paid 7,947 BRIDGE.XAR for 0.01573 BRIDGE.BTC
b38d7a76 wants 0.01573 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,947 BRIDGE.XAR
9709c621 paid 534 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.0225 BRIDGE.BTC
5884e1a8 paid 102.1 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.0043 BRIDGE.BTC
ec879453 paid 102.1 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.0043 BRIDGE.BTC
5300bc23 wants 0.0000651 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.766 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 0.766 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0000651 BRIDGE.BTC
424b1734 paid 135 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.00569 BRIDGE.BTC
348dda6d paid 13.95 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.000587 BRIDGE.BTC
bc8121ed paid 100 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.00421 BRIDGE.BTC
b466a8b5 wants 0.0421 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.OMEGA
virtual paid 12.4 BRIDGE.OMEGA for 0.000522 BRIDGE.BTC
2f848c35 sent 219.5 BRIDGE.BEET to
0865cac8 sent 3,139 BRIDGE.XAR to
4eed7d78 cancel order
b06a9ba7 wants 0.0404 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,139 BRIDGE.XAR
7cbcf8d5 cancel order
bb7ab0ff wants 0.0408 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,139 BRIDGE.XAR
3aba8bba sent 0.728 BRIDGE.BTC to
5029b7de paid 587 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.338 BRIDGE.BTC
57b3b3e3 wants 0.338 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.CROP
bc22e0d8 cancel order
addc364a wants 0.343 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.CROP
719a4036 cancel order
c54ee5ec paid 429 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.2365 BRIDGE.BTC
c043e8d9 wants 0.56 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,016 BRIDGE.CROP
c4a4e957 sent 1,016 BRIDGE.CROP to
ddeb251b sent 1,017 BRIDGE.CROP to
d790a192 cancel order
c4ee910c wants 0.589 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,017 BRIDGE.CROP
206ee01c cancel order
69ac739a wants 0.595 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,017 BRIDGE.CROP
b4d8efef paid 0.546 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,020 BRIDGE.CROP
a857c50d wants 1,020 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.546 BRIDGE.BTC
6feaf8dd cancel order
ae54d0e8 wants 1,020 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.51 BRIDGE.BTC