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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid6.85 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00669 0
BRIDGE.FYD 20,020 20,000
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
932da12b wants 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.FYD
86cf38a8 wants 0.0095 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.FYD
1dccf612 issue 20,000 BRIDGE.FYD to
4828a3b2 issue 20 BRIDGE.FYD to
b022d618 sent 1,403 BRIDGE.P59 to
f3f63ef4 paid 2,496 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.000873 BRIDGE.BTC
66a2b82e paid 0.00357 BRIDGE.BTC for 177 BRIDGE.P59
8c95e389 paid 0.002477 BRIDGE.BTC for 122.6 BRIDGE.P59
4d9ff5b3 paid 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC for 634 BRIDGE.P59
2e75666c paid 0.00599 BRIDGE.BTC for 296.4 BRIDGE.P59
2b0d8868 paid 0.00359 BRIDGE.BTC for 177.8 BRIDGE.P59
ef48df09 wants 1,408 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.02844 BRIDGE.BTC
e8725795 wants 0.000873 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,496 BRIDGE.FYD
c9b12a31 cancel order
a0dee385 cancel order
24f5b6cc sent 3,344 BRIDGE.SPDR to
1374dfc5 paid 0.15 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,352 BRIDGE.SPDR
40035c07 wants 3,352 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.15 BRIDGE.BTC
95238c41 wants 950 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.0343 BRIDGE.BTC
d2934f98 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.01596 BRIDGE.BTC
4086bf65 paid 4,000 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.01836 BRIDGE.BTC
61e7dc01 wants 0.01953 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,997 BRIDGE.FYD
9b9bcb7d wants 0.01596 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.FYD
058c8d28 wants 0.01836 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.FYD
c050f8a9 sent 0.511 BRIDGE.BTC to
e6bbbfa3 sent 249.4 BRIDGE.P59 to
74dd42bc paid 0.00746 BRIDGE.BTC for 59.8 BRIDGE.P59
0d047c00 paid 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.92 BRIDGE.P59
26440373 paid 0.00312 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.P59
d2e59fb7 paid 0.00745 BRIDGE.BTC for 59.7 BRIDGE.P59
1094379e paid 0.01118 BRIDGE.BTC for 89.6 BRIDGE.P59
71ba1849 wants 250 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.0312 BRIDGE.BTC
073b7269 cancel order
95ac06c5 sent 701 BRIDGE.P59 to
dc337507 paid 0.0623 BRIDGE.BTC for 499 BRIDGE.P59
3b2f936b paid 0.0254 BRIDGE.BTC for 203.5 BRIDGE.P59
443111fe wants 750 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.0936 BRIDGE.BTC
b2abe7d6 cancel order
d7788de1 sent 1,003 BRIDGE.P59 to
bfb03b13 paid 0.00638 BRIDGE.BTC for 48.7 BRIDGE.P59
c87107a5 paid 0.0412 BRIDGE.BTC for 315 BRIDGE.P59
8cea92b3 paid 0.0716 BRIDGE.BTC for 547 BRIDGE.P59
8ee7e413 paid 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC for 94.7 BRIDGE.P59
78dcc05a wants 1,005 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.1316 BRIDGE.BTC
0271b125 wants 5,100 BRIDGE.WOPC for 0.132 BRIDGE.BTC
ecc13a36 sent 1,228 BRIDGE.P59 to
07f01bda paid 0.01022 BRIDGE.BTC for 44.6 BRIDGE.P59
4216e3e3 wants 385 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.088 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000634 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.78 BRIDGE.P59
virtual paid 0.0402 BRIDGE.BTC for 176.3 BRIDGE.P59
virtual paid 0.02277 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.P59
virtual paid 0.01422 BRIDGE.BTC for 62.1 BRIDGE.P59
9e9aa21b cancel order
267cde30 paid 0.0511 BRIDGE.BTC for 452 BRIDGE.P59
862507ba paid 0.01137 BRIDGE.BTC for 100.5 BRIDGE.P59
16edbe0f wants 750 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.0848 BRIDGE.BTC
dd32b037 cancel order
80adc8f5 wants 755 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.0853 BRIDGE.BTC
2c2f8983 cancel order
7940335e wants 750 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.0757 BRIDGE.BTC
4006c40b sent 1,536 BRIDGE.FYD to
8a545353 cancel order
d3c47b73 paid 0.0253 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.8 BRIDGE.P59
d1665dfe paid 0.0002767 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.76 BRIDGE.P59
297ef87d paid 0.02036 BRIDGE.BTC for 129.5 BRIDGE.P59
212e32ed wants 292 BRIDGE.P59 for 0.0459 BRIDGE.BTC
553f8cc1 sent 6,088 BRIDGE.SYD to
93e24f3a paid 10 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.00028 BRIDGE.BTC
e239a600 paid 1.903 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.0000533 BRIDGE.BTC
70bd421f paid 0.1105 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,199 BRIDGE.SYD
0467728d paid 0.01917 BRIDGE.BTC for 902 BRIDGE.SYD
b34ff8a8 sent 6,195 BRIDGE.SYD to
385bce21 wants 6,200 BRIDGE.SYD for 0.1318 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002114 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.5 BRIDGE.SYD
174769fb wants 100 BRIDGE.SYD for 0.002125 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001083 BRIDGE.BTC for 51 BRIDGE.SYD
virtual paid 0.001042 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BRIDGE.SYD
1eedf219 cancel order
561dd485 wants 0.0434 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,550 BRIDGE.FYD
5aa18653 paid 0.1205 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,010 BRIDGE.SYD
59269bf7 wants 596 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.1795 BRIDGE.BTC
bf057383 wants 6,010 BRIDGE.SYD for 0.1205 BRIDGE.BTC
51e1118a sent 1,623 BRIDGE.FYD to
d150e21d paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0001 BRIDGE.FYD
a26b023b paid 0.1627 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,627 BRIDGE.FYD
a3e38caa wants 1,627 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.1627 BRIDGE.BTC
0efc8e1f sent 667 BRIDGE.FYD to
66b2c2cb paid 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC for 664 BRIDGE.FYD
24334ed4 wants 664 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
d4e009d0 sent 2,570 BRIDGE.FYD to
69e418a0 paid 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,580 BRIDGE.FYD
adae098f wants 2,580 BRIDGE.FYD for 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC