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BitShares Block Explorer



3 30%
3 30%
3 30%
BTS8hhKgSZcptsKdh8rXKaBiuFZYkDA1a7bN59xAds8gjQRGJbiCx 1 10%
Threshold 1 10%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.267 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.72 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.267
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
ASHION 0.021
65087408 sent 3.016 BTS to
8ca0eafa sent 0.0014 OPEN.BTC to
e674d2bd sent 25 CRYPTOCEEDS to
04905f95 sent 120,248,153 COMPUCEEDS to
f3f8b26c sent 16,155 BTCCORE to
1fc88056 sent 10.36 COMPUCEEDS to
eb47afdd sent 16,126 BTCCORE to
23615ac4 cancel orders (28)
525d278e wants 20,571 BTS for 0.418 BTCCORE
e1ec9bd9 wants 35,998 BTS for 0.716 BTCCORE
0d3a004c wants 41,839 BTS for 0.816 BTCCORE
7bf36ec8 wants 47,879 BTS for 0.916 BTCCORE
2b884708 wants 54,120 BTS for 1.016 BTCCORE
3ea98cd4 wants 60,560 BTS for 1.116 BTCCORE
33a8c5ae wants 67,201 BTS for 1.216 BTCCORE
23662752 wants 74,042 BTS for 1.316 BTCCORE
4f9811a8 wants 7,856 USD for 1.28 BTCCORE
381dffe9 wants 5,029 USD for 0.828 BTCCORE
813f633d wants 7,298 USD for 1.228 BTCCORE
141b05c7 wants 8,573 USD for 1.428 BTCCORE
bc8a7215 wants 8,118 USD for 1.328 BTCCORE
7ba1a659 wants 8,873 USD for 1.428 BTCCORE
6a4baefe wants 13,500 USD for 1.5 BTCCORE
5c04da11 wants 10,688 USD for 1.25 BTCCORE
4b6e0148 wants 5,425 USD for 0.7 BTCCORE
4b2793c3 wants 5,888 USD for 0.75 BTCCORE
070b22f4 wants 6,360 USD for 0.8 BTCCORE
73216b5a wants 6,733 USD for 0.84 BTCCORE
c9e33374 wants 7,304 USD for 0.9 BTCCORE
3136778d wants 8,215 USD for 1 BTCCORE
975ced43 wants 61,500 BTS for 1.5 BTCCORE
00c5cd2c wants 48,000 BTS for 1.2 BTCCORE
0ed3641e wants 25,550 BTS for 0.7 BTCCORE
9818e942 wants 30,000 BTS for 0.8 BTCCORE
8fee65de wants 34,515 BTS for 0.9 BTCCORE
7d780007 wants 39,350 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
91d403bf sent 501 BTCPLUS to
c3db2430 cancel order
6faa671b sent 2.217 BTCPLUS to
1bc8dadf sent 496 BTCPLUS to
69e421e6 cancel order
9e7a5f60 update account/votes
46521da6 cancel order
d97ee471 sent 70 BTS to
d546f8a1 sent 1 BTS to
5ebc4dd9 sent 1 BTS to
20539c8a sent 500 BTCPLUS to
d1400cb9 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
08cd3891 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
f6e55847 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
6e179ae8 sent 2,022 BTCPLUS to
5fc1ac4e cancel order
c0d91ed5 cancel order
51a56c94 cancel order
a096e313 cancel order
68362436 cancel order
b69aa608 wants 2,232,922 USD for 496 BTCPLUS
f9ed0913 wants 9,970 USD for 2.217 BTCPLUS
9ad6be5b wants 2,255,108 USD for 501 BTCPLUS
fcc3d48b sent 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d1ae16e4 update account/votes
e145b7fa sent 10 BTS to
2abe38fc wants 5,560,164 USD for 2,022 BTCPLUS
3fd3027a wants 5,970,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
719395ed wants 5,985,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
3fdebd60 cancel order
8072e156 wants 6,985,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
6d1d3afd cancel order
82053174 cancel order
5d97c069 wants 2,980,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
99ad6e26 wants 2,985,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
8b6f0a8a wants 1,495,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
e0934790 wants 1,497,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
7423b546 update account/votes