立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



2 33.3%
2 33.3%
1 16.67%
1 16.67%
Threshold 3 50%
1 33.3%
1 33.3%
1 33.3%
Threshold 2 66.7%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight175 BTS
Lifetime fees paid23.83 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 175
BADCOIN 10,000
BCDN 0.813
bfb45a34 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
f08a3cd4 sent 575,000 BCDN to
e6f4e136 sent 287,500 BCDN to
53db54a0 sent 57,500 BCDN to
8fd70c5c sent 103,500 BCDN to
ae79887f sent 862,507 BCDN to
8f40ee27 sent 420,325 BCDN to
067c8ae8 sent 287,299 BCDN to
25434d72 sent 287,500 BCDN to
9a06404d sent 172,500 BCDN to
c28c818a sent 287,500 BCDN to
1718ed0c sent 114,943 BCDN to
6ed5d5c8 sent 115,016 BCDN to
2261aec6 sent 1,150,000 BCDN to
f10b525c sent 287,500 BCDN to
e7ebece6 sent 287,500 BCDN to
15538e30 sent 287,500 BCDN to
783f1808 sent 229,971 BCDN to
d87394b2 sent 287,500 BCDN to
cbdba371 sent 575,000 BCDN to
359c0c66 sent 86,250 BCDN to
a77ddf21 sent 287,500 BCDN to
e4246bea sent 57,500 BCDN to
9dffa310 sent 287,500 BCDN to
3b65adb4 sent 402,500 BCDN to
7a1f11d9 sent 398,981 BCDN to
29f8acac sent 57,563 BCDN to
98d392aa sent 402,500 BCDN to
e43c571b sent 345,000 BCDN to
72143cb4 sent 172,500 BCDN to
c6da76a9 sent 115,000 BCDN to
308be96e sent 115,000 BCDN to
976200c3 sent 646,875 BCDN to
7da5e377 sent 287,500 BCDN to
843f2c9f sent 287,500 BCDN to
f3ebe3dd sent 8,625,000 BCDN to
c99b8b4b sent 115,000 BCDN to
4721254b sent 1 BTS to
ec6bf505 update account/votes