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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight6.07 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.197 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 6.07
BADCOIN 10,000
d13763fd sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
4d583f3d paid 2.693 BTS for 6 CNY
22b3951e update account/votes
b0e6bcd2 update account/votes
859d9991 update account/votes
429d3a13 adjust collateral by -3.78 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
259b09fb update account/votes
e243cea4 sent 39 BTS to
14cb41f8 sent 10 BTS to
4f4dbe93 adjust collateral by 1.11 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
adf0dacd update account/votes
74b3131e update account/votes
03c757de update account/votes
f5bdb90a update account/votes
cbb40704 update account/votes
4cd9cc24 adjust collateral by -35.4 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
f7e980cd update account/votes
d0acbe0b update account/votes
f8983e05 update account/votes
31a7c9ef paid 6.68 CNY for 10.74 BTS
ac5c48cc wants 10.74 BTS for 6.68 CNY
47044b33 cancel order
5c889439 adjust collateral by -3.96 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
438ab02d wants 16.75 BTS for 6.68 CNY
3a83f510 adjust collateral by 46.2 BTS, debt by 6 CNY
b5835d12 adjust collateral by -46.5 BTS, debt by -6.2 CNY
b9bd6628 wants 1 BTS for 0.43 CNY
virtual paid 0.43 CNY for 1 BTS
34a80851 cancel order
2eea5807 wants 1 BTS for 0.426 CNY
4a9d562a cancel order
e10dd30d wants 19.77 BTS for 7.22 CNY
4cb0741e paid 19 BTS for 7.31 CNY
6799e05f wants 7.31 CNY for 19 BTS
4a14636b paid 6.2 CNY for 17.22 BTS
9f4636ed wants 17.22 BTS for 6.2 CNY
6b24844d adjust collateral by 46.5 BTS, debt by 6.2 CNY
d04b1ef7 sent 185 STRANGE to
03e4acf2 sent 1 BTS to
8637d3dd update account/votes
55c1c4eb update account/votes