立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



3 42.9%
3 42.9%
BTS82qaQzkAndvJda4U7hyJuHU9u8cjUcwQc8PQxQdLY5mw4BJSp3 1 14.3%
Threshold 1 14.3%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight3.87 BTS
Lifetime fees paid20.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 3.004
COMPUCEEDS 369,711,003
STATER 1,980
PROTON 0.0005
ASHION 0.021
757b1a77 sent 0.1 DEEX to
93d67c08 sent 550,054 EPESO to
c3dc2fbc sent 3,427 BTCCORE to
650f359a paid 138.2 BTS for 1,041 BTCCORE
29e0b43f sent 0.1 DEEX to
76686913 sent 53.8 BTS to
b141d4ea wants 305,764 COMPUCEEDS for 0.865 BTS
virtual paid 0.865 BTS for 305,764 COMPUCEEDS
becd978f sent 527 BTS to
0fc6ced2 sent 550 BTS to
18695671 wants 550,054 EPESO for 27 BTS
virtual paid 27 BTS for 550,054 EPESO
d39dfbe9 sent 3,830 BTCCORE to
07b72b52 wants 812 BTCCORE for 537 BTS
virtual paid 537 BTS for 812 BTCCORE
fdfaa516 wants 1,041 BTCCORE for 138.2 BTS
5c5dcf9a wants 548 BTCCORE for 89.1 BTS
virtual paid 89.1 BTS for 548 BTCCORE
89a330ab wants 518 BTCCORE for 125 BTS
virtual paid 0.397 BTS for 1.654 BTCCORE
virtual paid 124.6 BTS for 516 BTCCORE
9db99456 sent 850 BTS to
34023daf sent 12.45 BTS to
3f013fc8 sent 8,527 BTCCORE to
e2f5002b sent 1,024 BTCCORE to
2dcbdea0 sent 1,220 BTCCORE to
28e3b646 sent 300 BTCCORE to
0a17b3d0 sent 11,064 BTCCORE to
a996e685 sent 48,527 BTCCORE to
b6a5490e paid 1,500 BTS for 75,000 BTCCORE
9cd49b27 sent 485 BTS to
be05a406 wants 75,000 BTCCORE for 1,500 BTS
dde60959 sent 40.9 BTCCORE to
0b338a86 paid 61.5 BTS for 40.9 BTCCORE
bf2a301f wants 40.9 BTCCORE for 61.5 BTS
bc4ddbde cancel order
9b05b4aa wants 30.5 BTCCORE for 61.5 BTS
f7944af4 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
bc4ec2ce sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
9ebb595c sent 9.5 BTS to
61a06800 sent 375,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
aa52d886 sent 213,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
baf72a50 sent 6,360 BTCPLUS to
4eebcf93 sent 10 BTS to
427f7274 sent 3,057 BTCPLUS to
e53b9ab5 sent 3,586 BTCPLUS to
aa7f6921 sent 5,334 BTCPLUS to
2aff5f1c sent 5,334 BTCPLUS to
ae2a9c2f update account/votes
5e52778c sent 500 BTS to
05a99dee sent 91,418 BTCPLUS to
f5661b02 update account/votes
fa12bf9f paid 1,903 BTS for 13,542 BTCPLUS
4ca49847 wants 13,542 BTCPLUS for 1,903 BTS
5dba6485 paid 1,903 BTS for 13,542 BTCPLUS
88945f6d wants 13,542 BTCPLUS for 1,903 BTS
3aec33e0 cancel order
7d8aa70a cancel order
a5147e03 wants 26,537 BTCPLUS for 3,981 BTS
virtual paid 3,981 BTS for 26,537 BTCPLUS
e9978401 wants 29,540 BTCPLUS for 4,013 BTS
0329a479 paid 986 BTS for 7,255 BTCPLUS
4350b6ec paid 1,000 BTS for 7,255 BTCPLUS
cbc8de76 paid 1,007 BTS for 7,255 BTCPLUS
bd593189 wants 7,255 BTCPLUS for 1,007 BTS
47037aa0 paid 1,015 BTS for 7,255 BTCPLUS
40adfc48 wants 7,255 BTCPLUS for 1,015 BTS
875b314a paid 1,022 BTS for 7,255 BTCPLUS
421b353b wants 7,255 BTCPLUS for 1,022 BTS
a1335c81 wants 7,255 BTCPLUS for 1,000 BTS
c6eb6c89 wants 7,255 BTCPLUS for 986 BTS
daa8b314 wants 1,477 BTCPLUS for 193.3 BTS
24889f5e wants 1.58 BTCPLUS for 0.237 BTS
virtual paid 0.237 BTS for 1.58 BTCPLUS
12a20117 paid 208.6 BTS for 1,513 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 205.5 BTS for 1,513 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 198 BTS for 1,513 BTCPLUS
fb83ce7e wants 10.58 BTCPLUS for 1.587 BTS
virtual paid 1.587 BTS for 10.58 BTCPLUS
d534e834 paid 656 BTS for 4,727 BTCPLUS
2bbb6311 wants 4,727 BTCPLUS for 656 BTS
9b0eac08 wants 1,513 BTCPLUS for 208.6 BTS
cfb18173 paid 210 BTS for 1,513 BTCPLUS
d4486170 wants 1,513 BTCPLUS for 210 BTS
dea1027c paid 211.6 BTS for 1,513 BTCPLUS
3797cc32 wants 1,513 BTCPLUS for 211.6 BTS
7956b483 paid 213 BTS for 1,513 BTCPLUS
80d8c3ca wants 1,513 BTCPLUS for 213 BTS
cecad39e wants 1,513 BTCPLUS for 205.5 BTS
1b69ca63 wants 1,513 BTCPLUS for 198 BTS
b3f6d4a3 wants 5,437 BTCPLUS for 924 BTS
virtual paid 924 BTS for 5,437 BTCPLUS
7eee23ef sent 10 BTS to
60809c36 sent 10 BTS to
7e533d5a sent 50 BTS to
1f3ace0c paid 0.00518 BTS for 183 COMPUCEEDS
93fcd440 paid 0.00717 BTS for 143.4 COMPUCEEDS
d66652c0 paid 1.83 BTS for 36,564 COMPUCEEDS
73db1b26 wants 36,707 COMPUCEEDS for 1.835 BTS
d1da835c wants 108,512,221 COMPUCEEDS for 3,071 BTS
virtual paid 284.7 BTS for 10,728,652 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 198 BTS for 7,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 249 BTS for 8,798,368 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 257.5 BTS for 9,102,174 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 257.5 BTS for 9,102,135 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 257.6 BTS for 9,102,134 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 257.6 BTS for 9,102,134 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 1,309 BTS for 46,265,908 COMPUCEEDS
706ca24b wants 11,354 COMPUCEEDS for 0.568 BTS
virtual paid 0.568 BTS for 11,354 COMPUCEEDS
cd802ae6 cancel order
79e69eb9 wants 33,694,982 COMPUCEEDS for 1,300 BTS
virtual paid 570 BTS for 14,835,158 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 234.6 BTS for 6,078,374 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 234.6 BTS for 6,078,374 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 234.6 BTS for 6,078,343 COMPUCEEDS
8200852c cancel order
4cdbc5d8 cancel order
8d027d2f wants 1.287 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00009 BTS
virtual paid 0.00009 BTS for 1.364 COMPUCEEDS
cfbff938 wants 15,309,954 COMPUCEEDS for 611 BTS
virtual paid 611 BTS for 15,309,954 COMPUCEEDS
8324bae4 wants 21,721,290 COMPUCEEDS for 867 BTS
virtual paid 256 BTS for 6,411,335 COMPUCEEDS
c178a833 cancel order
e26fd6e6 paid 114 BTS for 2,857,079 COMPUCEEDS
8793230b paid 248.4 BTS for 6,226,438 COMPUCEEDS
85ef5af4 paid 248.4 BTS for 6,226,438 COMPUCEEDS
8a522d01 wants 32,295,908 COMPUCEEDS for 1,289 BTS
virtual paid 163.7 BTS for 4,102,494 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 257 BTS for 6,441,730 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 257 BTS for 6,441,730 COMPUCEEDS
cb3e5b3c cancel order
70922b2f wants 32,295,908 COMPUCEEDS for 1,227 BTS
3b2e2d4f wants 32,295,908 COMPUCEEDS for 1,195 BTS
7131860c sent 760,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
038b7518 sent 721,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to