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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.177 BTS
Lifetime fees paid76.8 BTS
Registrar-40% -
Referrer120% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.177
BADCOIN 10,000
7f4aa003 sent 0.2037 BTS to
0132991f sent 0.1976 BTS to
cd9bd91a sent 0.1982 BTS to
3cefe32a sent 0.257 BTS to
2f89dbed sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
6ca5580b paid 33.3 STRANGE for 0.261 BTS
4f2db553 paid 151.7 STRANGE for 1.19 BTS
456747d2 sent 427 BTS to
c4c55354 wants 6.87 BTS for 3.28 USD
virtual paid 3.28 USD for 6.87 BTS
e0ffbcbe wants 0.478 BTS for 0.2013 EUR
virtual paid 0.2013 EUR for 0.478 BTS
4e436b8e wants 1.45 BTS for 185 STRANGE
6d35299a sent 31.8 BTS to
14e80128 sent 0.1588 BTS to
bb65ea9d sent 32.5 BTS to
a68c4320 sent 0.1624 BTS to
6ff47ac9 sent 0.0006 USD to
06533576 sent 0.1652 BTS to
b7fc8899 sent 33 BTS to
1bec53de sent 0.1652 BTS to
4d98bf28 sent 33 BTS to
ac03184a sent 33 BTS to
e367b5c8 sent 0.1652 BTS to
141610d4 sent 0.1652 BTS to
49ca3001 sent 33 BTS to
ef17f633 sent 0.1652 BTS to
b862b0b8 sent 33 BTS to
afb4f767 sent 0.1652 BTS to
ca02cffe sent 33 BTS to
d9638ad9 sent 0.1652 BTS to
ec4e4557 sent 33 BTS to
e3dcfa21 sent 0.1652 BTS to
886b28cb sent 33 BTS to
630c4c84 sent 0.1652 BTS to
dfd578c1 sent 33 BTS to
fb1e028a sent 33 BTS to
4474176b sent 0.1652 BTS to
b4bcdfbb sent 33 BTS to
2609631b sent 0.1652 BTS to
50a9462e sent 0.0006 USD to