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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS7rY3DE19Rsj6HCFok65yUk8HbaV94YF2YMbaxzRM7keMfgcNHw 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight94.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.0544 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 94.5
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
virtual cancel order
0331f986 wants 491 BTS for 2,888 BRIDGE.EOT
4eb4ca85 cancel order
1742511d cancel order
1742511d wants 27.9 BTS for 3,815 BRIDGE.EOT
025b0609 sent 0.1 DEEX to
445a3a21 wants 825 BTS for 3,815 BRIDGE.EOT
278787d0 cancel order
8da447c8 sent 0.00001 BAIDUCOM to
fe59cd81 sent 0.00001 FACEBOOKCOM to
56ef5cba wants 545 BTS for 3,205 BRIDGE.EOT
720b40a4 cancel order
d51ceea7 cancel order
d51ceea7 wants 426 BTS for 2,783 BRIDGE.EOT
cdf70429 wants 502 BTS for 2,783 BRIDGE.EOT
741c4344 cancel order
50cd1f31 paid 0.603 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.00521 BTS
118857bc cancel order
118857bc wants 14.23 BTS for 1,648 BRIDGE.EOT
1e0129f4 cancel order
1e0129f4 wants 35.2 BTS for 1,648 BRIDGE.EOT
b8119d22 cancel order
b8119d22 wants 63.3 BTS for 1,648 BRIDGE.EOT
8487a843 wants 413 BTS for 1,648 BRIDGE.EOT
1996220c cancel order
1996220c wants 4,320 BRIDGE.EOT for 194.2 BTS
de93e436 paid 194.2 BTS for 4,320 BRIDGE.EOT
e214f251 wants 211,171 BRIDGE.EOT for 194.2 BTS
21abf59d cancel order
21abf59d wants 7.55 BTS for 1,830 BRIDGE.EOT
8c8d8e2c paid 1,830 BRIDGE.EOT for 7.55 BTS
77712951 cancel order
77712951 wants 51.8 BTS for 1,830 BRIDGE.EOT
e027da38 wants 328 BTS for 1,830 BRIDGE.EOT
6708ba98 cancel order
1abd06cc wants 397 BTS for 2,207 BRIDGE.EOT
34f8b1bc cancel order
d71f41ed cancel order
d71f41ed wants 108.8 BTS for 4,348 BRIDGE.EOT
f15f74bc wants 787 BTS for 4,348 BRIDGE.EOT
d0dc109d cancel order
8edcd64e wants 736 BTS for 4,045 BRIDGE.EOT
3d9f84c8 cancel order
344a8845 wants 696 BTS for 3,823 BRIDGE.EOT
bf107607 cancel order
173db812 wants 645 BTS for 3,505 BRIDGE.EOT
65a47822 cancel order
aa2a4194 wants 563 BTS for 4,286 BRIDGE.EOT
fa81007b cancel order
cff22298 sent 1 ELECTRON to
ff35e3cc wants 475 BTS for 3,598 BRIDGE.EOT
b1ca3858 cancel order
fbade0a9 paid 0.345 BTS for 7.19 BRIDGE.EOT
02d8acc8 paid 5.97 BTS for 124.5 BRIDGE.EOT
1577bc8b paid 2.22 BTS for 46.4 BRIDGE.EOT
1e5b7f48 paid 16 BTS for 334 BRIDGE.EOT
a6e5492f paid 5.04 BTS for 105.2 BRIDGE.EOT
9ce93074 paid 47.1 BTS for 983 BRIDGE.EOT
fdc922ae paid 5.42 BTS for 113 BRIDGE.EOT
5eb9a770 paid 2.017 BTS for 42.1 BRIDGE.EOT
032bc0fe paid 0.721 BTS for 15.05 BRIDGE.EOT
31f56c83 wants 1,770 BRIDGE.EOT for 84.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.00016 BTS for 0.00462 BRIDGE.EOT
31f56c83 wants 442 BTS for 3,349 BRIDGE.EOT
14436e99 cancel order
39f2482d cancel order
39f2482d wants 293.4 BTS for 2,223 BRIDGE.EOT
09ae82b2 paid 0.00022 BTS for 0.0038 BRIDGE.EOT
8610c3a2 paid 0.01235 BTS for 0.2134 BRIDGE.EOT
496a0677 paid 73.3 BTS for 1,265 BRIDGE.EOT
40e9d9eb paid 12.73 BTS for 220 BRIDGE.EOT
17e58de5 paid 12.7 BTS for 219.4 BRIDGE.EOT
4126ddb7 paid 0.406 BTS for 7.01 BRIDGE.EOT
a786556f paid 0.406 BTS for 7.01 BRIDGE.EOT
9b6b45f6 paid 12.73 BTS for 220 BRIDGE.EOT
61d29c02 paid 0.166 BTS for 2.863 BRIDGE.EOT
5d67f2cd paid 0.166 BTS for 2.863 BRIDGE.EOT
39a6276c paid 1 BTS for 17.26 BRIDGE.EOT
2455feb4 paid 0.164 BTS for 2.83 BRIDGE.EOT
b4405723 paid 0.2723 BTS for 4.7 BRIDGE.EOT
1ba98438 paid 0.257 BTS for 4.44 BRIDGE.EOT
4933041e paid 0.163 BTS for 2.815 BRIDGE.EOT
1510ce5a paid 0.0506 BTS for 0.874 BRIDGE.EOT
7819719c paid 0.256 BTS for 4.42 BRIDGE.EOT
18cdbf6f paid 0.0937 BTS for 1.617 BRIDGE.EOT
a6971f77 wants 2,935 BRIDGE.EOT for 170 BTS
a6971f77 wants 408 BTS for 2,223 BRIDGE.EOT
18afeb6c paid 55.2 BTS for 953 BRIDGE.EOT
a2a38f1c paid 11.92 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.49 BTS
45f640e0 paid 94.8 BRIDGE.EOT for 3.9 BTS
808f4461 paid 37.9 BRIDGE.EOT for 1.56 BTS
382392b9 paid 75.9 BRIDGE.EOT for 3.12 BTS
734cb849 paid 948 BRIDGE.EOT for 38.9 BTS
d8baa8b3 paid 474 BRIDGE.EOT for 19.47 BTS
b89d8ca9 paid 3.57 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.1466 BTS
c0751331 paid 23.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.966 BTS
7c418285 paid 138.6 BRIDGE.EOT for 5.7 BTS
fafc24b1 paid 34.8 BRIDGE.EOT for 1.429 BTS
8f9e810b paid 128 BRIDGE.EOT for 5.26 BTS
877d8818 paid 20.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.842 BTS
18380e11 paid 31 BRIDGE.EOT for 1.273 BTS
ac606865 paid 20.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.842 BTS
b3dba6c9 paid 0.516 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.0212 BTS
6a0c2901 paid 22.23 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.914 BTS
174cceda paid 22.23 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.914 BTS
05e7d9e7 paid 22.23 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.914 BTS
0e0cf3bc paid 23.35 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.96 BTS
021e73a5 paid 216.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 8.9 BTS
b2d5e2e7 paid 21.25 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.874 BTS
34bd02fb paid 200 BRIDGE.EOT for 8.22 BTS
cbcfa094 paid 20.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.842 BTS
db23dcea paid 32 BRIDGE.EOT for 1.316 BTS
2d514d45 paid 20.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.842 BTS
40a32e16 paid 20.5 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.842 BTS
63375760 paid 22.4 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.92 BTS
623aca3d paid 11.46 BRIDGE.EOT for 0.471 BTS
5c3b8da9 cancel order
5c3b8da9 wants 111 BTS for 2,698 BRIDGE.EOT
d2c2c46f wants 501 BTS for 2,698 BRIDGE.EOT
f11b4479 cancel order
785aded3 wants 524 BTS for 2,825 BRIDGE.EOT
4f0a73bf cancel order
6806ba14 wants 322 BTS for 1,737 BRIDGE.EOT
4988f614 cancel order
106206c8 paid 0.00228 BTS for 0.0322 BRIDGE.EOT
1f2621e0 paid 1.08 BTS for 15.27 BRIDGE.EOT
cb4fbe87 paid 0.212 BTS for 2.994 BRIDGE.EOT
7d7e9cc9 paid 12.2 BTS for 172.6 BRIDGE.EOT
6fc3eba1 paid 2.44 BTS for 34.5 BRIDGE.EOT
1ed5ea51 paid 97.7 BTS for 1,381 BRIDGE.EOT
9430ed9b paid 78.1 BTS for 1,104 BRIDGE.EOT
34dea85d paid 78.1 BTS for 1,104 BRIDGE.EOT
cff251d7 wants 3,815 BRIDGE.EOT for 270 BTS
cff251d7 wants 287.7 BTS for 1,504 BRIDGE.EOT
7289b410 cancel order
50dcb087 paid 156.3 BTS for 2,209 BRIDGE.EOT
041d7d50 paid 0.1914 BTS for 2.705 BRIDGE.EOT
7d89f087 paid 153.5 BTS for 2,170 BRIDGE.EOT
c72051f5 update account/votes
63eabf4b wants 6,527 BRIDGE.EOT for 462 BTS
7fbbffc0 update account/votes