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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.583 BTS
Lifetime fees paid18.05 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 1.583
DEEX 0.1
77355a87 sent 0.1 DEEX to
ca567f71 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
f2d07e74 sent 4.98 BTCCORE to
b7ef4240 sent 25.3 CRYPTOCEEDS to
eacde48e sent 3,100,423 COMPUCEEDS to
1ae82cfc sent 2 BTS to
2d55127f wants 4.98 BTCCORE for 6.37 BTS
virtual paid 6.37 BTS for 4.98 BTCCORE
548313fa sent 500 BTCPLUS to
f181a40b cancel order
0d743d37 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
582a251c cancel order
3bbd30dd sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
34cfdd91 cancel order
4b2a3a29 sent 2,501 BTCPLUS to
fc3dcf80 cancel order
679127fc sent 500 BTCPLUS to
7231d62d cancel order
45615bc8 sent 105 BTCPLUS to
cb1a9a5b cancel order
399bdcd6 wants 5,999,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
59c95a64 wants 3,749,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
8c0a012a wants 5,999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
96891c02 sent 6 BTS to
4603a604 wants 11,251,904 USD for 2,501 BTCPLUS
e5c9bf6c sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
60bf3e03 cancel order
a9a5a60c wants 2,247,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
a104f925 wants 471,975 USD for 105 BTCPLUS
39e61ffa sent 3,100,423 COMPUCEEDS to
b24187a0 sent 300 BTCPLUS to
774f82c6 sent 300 BTCPLUS to
f4639125 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
b5ae5e46 sent 70 BTCPLUS to
3e8bd146 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
19088106 sent 20 BTCPLUS to
b0ffeeb0 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
0a5b5253 sent 300 BTCPLUS to
0ddc5932 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
7f83b321 cancel order
d7703a79 wants 2,999,500 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
ea36edc4 cancel order
bf08ef2a cancel order
9abf1fc9 cancel order
bdf5f92e cancel order
bafb058e cancel order
3427cbd7 cancel order
22851764 cancel order
1a1efeaf cancel order
692f4ca9 cancel order
9e69ad2b cancel order
ab1f4485 wants 115,000 GOLD for 100 BTCPLUS
81cb07fe wants 435,000 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
8419b4ae wants 441,000 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
814ce007 wants 439,500 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
f58bd571 wants 400,000 BTS for 5 BTCPLUS
0e72f0f2 wants 29,640 USD for 20 BTCPLUS
e4b29490 wants 104,020 USD for 70 BTCPLUS
4b636c5c wants 14,920 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
bd8b6a99 wants 14,800 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
b7b5c2b1 wants 14,850 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
08d8902a wants 8,940 USD for 6 BTCPLUS