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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00821 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.51 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00821
DEEX 0.1
SEED 0.2084
90cac242 sent 0.1 DEEX to
01c0ba49 sent 10 NOWCOIN to
ecff34b5 sent 0.09 BTS to
a048f37d sent 7,224 SEED to
4990118e sent 0.11 BTS to
d63d037a cancel order
d38f6c17 wants 3,612 BTS for 7,224 SEED
062bc845 sent 29.9 BTS to
0e9abb10 wants 30 BTS for 99,994 BADCOIN
virtual paid 99,994 BADCOIN for 30 BTS
7de32c95 sent 0.64 BTS to
4fea8dfc paid 0.021 BCL for 0.378 BTS
b46b581a wants 0.378 BTS for 0.021 BCL
0398461d sent 73.8 BCL to
d024eff7 cancel order
a97b79db cancel order
dffef759 cancel order
9172f1da cancel order
8840386d cancel order
6e517cf8 cancel order
a0b8a15a cancel order
a65bb2ae sent 2,071 BTS to
0768c490 sent 69.4 BCL to
32261203 sent 10 BCL to
ca466898 sent 750 BTS to
81e3fe88 wants 183 BTS for 15 BCL
virtual paid 15 BCL for 183 BTS
36250297 wants 400 BTS for 20 BCL
2865867e wants 61 BTS for 5 BCL
virtual paid 5 BCL for 61 BTS
1c9046cb wants 122 BTS for 10 BCL
virtual paid 10 BCL for 122 BTS
2ffe76cf wants 193 BTS for 6.33 BCL
94b10333 paid 2.2 BCL for 67.1 BTS
1ec99093 wants 103.7 BTS for 4.15 BCL
virtual paid 4.15 BCL for 103.7 BTS
f8b7ee18 cancel order
7e653485 wants 27.1 BCL for 542 BTS
cc671c63 wants 67.1 BTS for 2.2 BCL
fd56ca23 wants 55.8 BTS for 1.8 BCL
03295472 wants 64 BTS for 2 BCL
d9d7b943 wants 1,000 BTS for 28.65 BCL
74ed8ef0 sent 0.03 BTS to
9c23b50b sent 0.02 BTS to
48ee8e7d wants 195 BTS for 5 BCL
4f9e8f96 wants 400 BTS for 10 BCL
a3c9627e paid 60 BTS for 5 BCL
44dd1232 paid 48 BTS for 4 BCL
b315fdb9 paid 6.25 BTS for 0.521 BCL
a42cc583 paid 0.0636 BTS for 0.0053 BCL
4326e53a paid 0.0324 BTS for 0.0027 BCL
90559e6a paid 0.672 BTS for 0.056 BCL
8bf2a648 paid 0.0168 BTS for 0.0014 BCL
eb693f8c paid 4.95 BTS for 0.413 BCL
a6ad7223 wants 10 BCL for 120 BTS
a9d83f6e sent 0.0001 BTS to
170139c9 sent 1 BTS to
84a5c1e4 cancel order
b4787a73 sent 0.01 BTS to
aebf9c46 wants 90 USD for 300 BTS