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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.597 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.41 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.597 0
ESCODEX.SINS 0.000046 0
ESCODEX.BTC 0 0.0000166
8a35ad17 paid 0.00000662 ESCODEX.BTC for 12.04 ESCODEX.AWR
46732840 paid 0.00000998 ESCODEX.BTC for 18.15 ESCODEX.AWR
98510b6c paid 0.0000379 ESCODEX.BTC for 68.9 ESCODEX.AWR
6ec15a5c wants 99 ESCODEX.AWR for 0.0000545 ESCODEX.BTC
acf7dae0 wants 0.0000545 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.319 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.319 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0000545 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
e227a85a sent 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC to
a7ff361e sent 1 BTS to
4ca7b415 cancel order
6f39c308 wants 616 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
e72be3c3 cancel order
bbc24402 wants 99,868 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
74c71014 cancel order
eb0be6aa wants 616 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
ca7846de cancel order
6aefb279 wants 616 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
aa7d929a cancel order
27bdc949 wants 548 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
192e7f44 cancel order
0d6fc541 wants 548 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
1cb91d26 cancel order
960cf940 wants 548 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
8a0bd22b cancel order
a7c2e186 wants 548 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
1d76a2f4 cancel order
e6e458c5 wants 548 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
264a4b5c cancel order
a9b64d46 wants 552 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
e65c6fbf cancel order
ccfedaae cancel order
c0233f3a wants 555 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0999 ESCODEX.BTC
38c5964d paid 0.009 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00000189 ESCODEX.BTC
e3d7d419 paid 0.001 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00000021 ESCODEX.BTC
8a96db94 paid 0.642 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000135 ESCODEX.BTC
9f2cb0e6 wants 0.000206 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.98 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.00909 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000002 ESCODEX.BTC
efc11e3e cancel order
0b3c02ff wants 554 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0997 ESCODEX.BTC
153c9f68 cancel order
a4a9713c wants 554 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0997 ESCODEX.BTC
2f7113f5 cancel order
b1ada9ac wants 477 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0997 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.000197 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.98 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.98 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000197 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
341f8649 wants 0.000201 ESCODEX.BTC for 1 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.01 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0000022 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.01 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0000021 ESCODEX.BTC
79744771 cancel order
a5caf129 wants 554 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0997 ESCODEX.BTC
297ae1f3 wants 1 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000273 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.000273 ESCODEX.BTC for 1 ESCODEX.SINS
12aa966d cancel order
5d210f89 wants 556 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC
86b84590 cancel order
73eb5c55 wants 500 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0825 ESCODEX.BTC
d36b4016 wants 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC for 500 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 500 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
1b0c7d60 paid 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC for 500 ESCODEX.SINS
20182d8e wants 500 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC
c98ef5bf cancel order
f731a32a wants 500 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC
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8edd6a7e wants 0.0686 ESCODEX.BTC for 228 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 228 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0686 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
2c56bafe sent 0.092 ESCODEX.BTC to
60d4c8f4 wants 0.0906 ESCODEX.BTC for 292 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 292 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0906 ESCODEX.BTC
ce389cc9 wants 0.00155 ESCODEX.BTC for 5 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 5 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00155 ESCODEX.BTC
54601a7f sent 0.1813 BRIDGE.BTC to
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virtual paid 6.19 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.1817 BRIDGE.BTC
3341cf2d paid 0.182 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.2 BRIDGE.ETH
74e20cab wants 6.2 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.182 BRIDGE.BTC
7fe1f3d8 wants 0.1825 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.21 BRIDGE.ETH
virtual paid 6.21 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.1825 BRIDGE.BTC
82f232bb sent 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC to
9fc560af cancel order
6c3c63ee wants 510 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
cb100f23 cancel order
1c3b936e wants 510 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
bb04b128 cancel order
26f9d399 wants 537 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
d5e25965 cancel order
c7946cdd cancel order
3446cd82 wants 323 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.104 ESCODEX.BTC
1c751bb9 wants 263 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.1 ESCODEX.BTC
3b129218 cancel order
e46ab5ea wants 635 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
63f7d6a6 cancel order
e89dfc6b wants 637 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
b6f946aa cancel order
ed62528f wants 2,040 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
b43a8ad0 cancel order
d288ed53 wants 680 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.204 ESCODEX.BTC
24db299f cancel order
1615570b wants 490 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2024 ESCODEX.BTC
b85a595f cancel order
5a440f29 wants 49 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.02024 ESCODEX.BTC
eb61ee90 cancel order
2ee78a5b wants 490 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.202 ESCODEX.BTC
3fdfd491 cancel order
2d5eb931 wants 492 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2026 ESCODEX.BTC
47b583f3 cancel order
f28261ee wants 492 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2026 ESCODEX.BTC
25b89a4c cancel order
ee9e3e4d wants 493 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.203 ESCODEX.BTC
95c657c8 cancel order
67beb75e wants 494 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2033 ESCODEX.BTC
04e07bbe cancel order
48c02cd2 wants 494 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2033 ESCODEX.BTC
a279206e cancel order
55ccc68a wants 495 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2037 ESCODEX.BTC
924e11f9 cancel order
3f658a69 wants 495 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.203 ESCODEX.BTC
1a2e0983 cancel order
45b33da2 wants 495 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.203 ESCODEX.BTC
a910412c cancel order
3ff05024 wants 495 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.203 ESCODEX.BTC
057c8b8b cancel order
64f0d814 wants 495 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.203 ESCODEX.BTC
45740d78 cancel order
ef75e4ef wants 496 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2034 ESCODEX.BTC
447f04d2 cancel order
3b464187 wants 496 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2034 ESCODEX.BTC
8874f5a6 cancel order
06fc81fe wants 497 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2038 ESCODEX.BTC
f520d383 cancel order
70beac75 wants 497 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2038 ESCODEX.BTC
1fbf94bd cancel order
08429484 wants 497 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2038 ESCODEX.BTC
28cd0ac3 cancel order
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8404b54d wants 488 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2 ESCODEX.BTC
fb187b06 cancel order
dc3827b2 wants 485 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.2 ESCODEX.BTC