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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight17.76 BTS
Lifetime fees paid73 BTS
Cashback/vesting0 BRIDGE.BCO


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 17.9 0
BRIDGE.BCO 0.01225 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.001252 0
BRIDGE.LTC 0.0000944 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BRIDGE.ALQO 0.0483 0
BRIDGE.VTAR 13,966 13,966
BRIDGE.BTX 113.9 113.9
AMAZONCOM 0.00001 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00001 0
EBAYCOM 0.00001 0
STELLER 0.01 0
BRIDGE.ROE 1,236 1,236
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
VISACOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.CIV 78.5 78.5
BRIDGE.HTRC 0.0000001 0
BRIDGE.PAR 230.6 230.6
BRIDGE.TSC 0.308 0.308
BRIDGE.LPC 10.33 10.33
TWITTERCOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.GCASH 0.0001597 0.0001597
BRIDGE.ETH 0.000022 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
dad3c80a wants 102.2 BTS for 10.33 BRIDGE.LPC
9b613020 wants 24.9 BTS for 83 BRIDGE.SNCZ
bda0bc5c wants 17,083 BTS for 113.9 BRIDGE.BTX
f184f6a5 wants 230.6 BTS for 230.6 BRIDGE.PAR
7538287c wants 24.7 BTS for 1,236 BRIDGE.ROE
33b56bf2 wants 1,396,594 BTS for 13,966 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
76b02e10 paid 27.27 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC
b91cde7c wants 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.27 BRIDGE.BCO
virtual cancel order
42e1dcb2 withdraw 45.4 BRIDGE.BCO from vesting
aff78a9d create proposal
49616413 create proposal
f97c783b paid 1.768 BRIDGE.RVN for 1.768 BTS
0012aa11 paid 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO for 0.00000383 BRIDGE.BTC
00afdcff wants 0.0347 BTS for 9.7 BRIDGE.CHEESE
0414b8c4 cancel order
1c6a2e34 wants 0.0348 BTS for 9.7 BRIDGE.CHEESE
5fd3320f paid 0.01 CYBERCOIN for 0.048 BTS
4cda0de2 wants 0.048 BTS for 0.01 CYBERCOIN
e55b4d42 cancel order
7ba2516f wants 0.0498 BTS for 0.01 CYBERCOIN
32a08450 wants 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0001597 BRIDGE.GCASH
f65fb044 wants 0.00000383 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO
5cb771f3 paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.015 BRIDGE.XDOGE
8d547c73 sent 11,572 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
e16bc2b9 paid 0.00637 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,806 BRIDGE.XDOGE
17da69c9 wants 11,597 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00754 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001164 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,790 BRIDGE.XDOGE
d493c24a cancel order
7ce54691 wants 11,778 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00754 BRIDGE.BTC
945e23da paid 0.00001 ALIBABACOM for 10 BTS
496f2e65 paid 658 BRIDGE.ZBA for 0.000921 BRIDGE.BTC
7ebf30f6 paid 274 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.000282 BRIDGE.BTC
48923bc0 paid 44.8 BRIDGE.IC for 0.001256 BRIDGE.BTC
ca58bc42 paid 245.3 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.0001472 BRIDGE.BTC
2cdf8283 paid 2.845 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.00000293 BRIDGE.BTC
6f26b84c wants 0.0001472 BRIDGE.BTC for 245.3 BRIDGE.MEDIC
31cbe92a wants 0.000285 BRIDGE.BTC for 277 BRIDGE.FROST
765bbcbb wants 3,003,015 BTS for 0.308 BRIDGE.TSC
3de5fe65 paid 0.1 BRIDGE.ZBA for 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC
5d6a256c wants 0.000921 BRIDGE.BTC for 658 BRIDGE.ZBA
60e88557 wants 0.001256 BRIDGE.BTC for 44.8 BRIDGE.IC
8223b212 wants 0.00118 BRIDGE.BTC for 59,046 BRIDGE.TSC
virtual paid 8,093 BRIDGE.TSC for 0.0001646 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 50,952 BRIDGE.TSC for 0.001036 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
55455a7b cancel order
e893db23 wants 0.00485 BRIDGE.BTC for 238,442 BRIDGE.TSC
virtual paid 149,396 BRIDGE.TSC for 0.003055 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 30,000 BRIDGE.TSC for 0.00061 BRIDGE.BTC
9301df55 paid 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO for 0.000013 BRIDGE.BTC
240961e8 wants 0.000013 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO
87ba2e78 sent 0.02916 BRIDGE.BTC to
607e178e wants 0.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.CIV
61e71e03 cancel order
01bec53e cancel order
1a2ad1d3 wants 54,904 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.0291 BRIDGE.BTC
e77f5aed cancel order
753e6551 paid 9,700 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC
19458135 wants 29,674 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.01632 BRIDGE.BTC
a77b0ab1 wants 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,700 BRIDGE.CAZ
bcb646d1 paid 0.00651 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,720 BRIDGE.CAZ
a0708187 paid 7,610 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00944 BRIDGE.BTC
a57b63f2 paid 5,544 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00687 BRIDGE.BTC
00482744 wants 0.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.CIV
62890670 wants 0.0235 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.5 BRIDGE.CIV
80e5fd8d wants 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC for 35 BRIDGE.CIV
3960d9a7 cancel order
f4ac24cf wants 0.000822 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.5 BRIDGE.CIV
3cb66896 wants 0.0163 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,154 BRIDGE.CAZ
cdc676d0 cancel order
b3762a59 paid 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,407 BRIDGE.CAZ
9ca8c094 wants 0.00899 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,759 BRIDGE.CAZ
36c60015 paid 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,773 BRIDGE.CAZ
f29150ff wants 22,900 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.01534 BRIDGE.BTC
28cb97e7 paid 14,068 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.01533 BRIDGE.BTC
642fe201 wants 0.01533 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,068 BRIDGE.CAZ
790a736a cancel order
7b5db1c2 cancel order
45ab1a9e wants 0.00459 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,290 BRIDGE.CAZ
caf9d8ed paid 0.00327 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,299 BRIDGE.CAZ
dd1cc285 wants 0.01046 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,778 BRIDGE.CAZ
7127f46f cancel order
7fc9915b wants 4,299 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00327 BRIDGE.BTC
19b94c37 paid 3,088 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00327 BRIDGE.BTC
da3e6027 wants 0.01364 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,866 BRIDGE.CAZ
9759c1e5 cancel order
9ffbb6e0 wants 0.0135 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,866 BRIDGE.CAZ
66153c5c cancel order
8319bfe4 wants 0.01467 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,866 BRIDGE.CAZ
d4251d42 cancel order
70e2ab1c paid 0.0000532 BRIDGE.BTC for 72.8 BRIDGE.CAZ
a1c664f9 wants 0.01522 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,793 BRIDGE.CAZ
deea1533 wants 72.8 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.0000532 BRIDGE.BTC
1f0860f1 paid 0.00949 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,819 BRIDGE.CAZ
8ee73de1 wants 12,819 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00949 BRIDGE.BTC
4b7b5dbf paid 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00946 BRIDGE.BTC
bc5ed306 wants 0.00946 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ
1ebd9427 cancel order
4b309e55 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ
e54f6ed7 cancel order
c8fa1bb7 wants 0.0096 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ
9edb40c7 cancel order
a6e919a8 wants 0.01694 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ
a9f0e68e cancel order
f94921ca wants 0.01714 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ
c2cf3ef2 cancel order
dfe6e159 wants 0.01708 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,618 BRIDGE.CAZ
afec1b22 cancel order
09ba6654 paid 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,956 BRIDGE.CAZ
79cf7c0e wants 0.01602 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,671 BRIDGE.CAZ
eeafff8c paid 0.00324 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,676 BRIDGE.CAZ
85add3bb wants 0.00618 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,236 BRIDGE.ROE
3e7f6293 wants 0.000415 BRIDGE.BTC for 83 BRIDGE.SNCZ
d04d6dfd wants 0.01383 BRIDGE.BTC for 230.6 BRIDGE.PAR
6485bb8b wants 0.002793 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,966 BRIDGE.VTAR
863286c3 wants 10 BTS for 1 DECENTRALIZED
c150b4d7 wants 10 BTS for 1 VIRTUAL
d1462810 wants 6,632 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00802 BRIDGE.BTC
558022c1 cancel order
fa74adb1 paid 0.00001 APPLECOM for 1 BTS
f1162b16 wants 7,904 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00798 BRIDGE.BTC
4067d868 cancel order
31fd1c58 paid 60.5 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.0001505 BRIDGE.BTC
f9e24e9f wants 0.0001505 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.5 BRIDGE.CAZ
21eed1ed cancel order
00fa3c1c wants 39,166 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00783 BRIDGE.BTC
aa29339c wants 0.532 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.532 BRIDGE.CAZ
029ebc34 cancel order
0616de5a cancel order
e51ad519 cancel order
aa34f804 wants 152 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.0000304 BRIDGE.BTC
edf03c50 wants 0.00000036 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.000588 BRIDGE.BCO
e10e85c9 wants 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.53 BRIDGE.FIX
be613fad cancel order
18d291b2 wants 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.53 BRIDGE.FIX
3f704da4 wants 505 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.000101 BRIDGE.BTC
ce97a931 wants 0.0001001 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,012 BRIDGE.FIX
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.FIX for 0.000011 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 9,011 BRIDGE.FIX for 0.0000901 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f3912057 wants 38,510 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.0077 BRIDGE.BTC
5c87f7e6 paid 23.9 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.00712 BRIDGE.BTC
7fdd9b72 wants 0.00712 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.9 BRIDGE.BITG
b7595687 paid 177 BRIDGE.CAZ for 0.000601 BRIDGE.BTC
534cae15 sent 0.1209 BRIDGE.BTC to
6f1d4c01 wants 0.000804 BRIDGE.BTC for 237 BRIDGE.CAZ
9cc41fb1 cancel order
bb494e02 sent 10,012 BRIDGE.FIX to
189e7d49 wants 0.000804 BRIDGE.BTC for 237 BRIDGE.CAZ
1da69018 cancel orders (9)
7053cd8d paid 0.00001 GOOGL for 10 BTS