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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00039 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.97 BTS
Cashback/vesting62.2 BRIDGE.BCO


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00039
BRIDGE.BCO 0.01813
BRIDGE.BTC 0.000133
BRIDGE.LTC 0.00000101
CEMENT 0.00334
BRIDGE.ETH 0.000047
1d10936c sent 0.00000016 BRIDGE.BTC to
db1d965f sent 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC to
15904d83 sent 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC to
c9aace7e sent 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC to
0ae8aab3 sent 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC to
84090241 sent 0.00000008 BRIDGE.BTC to
ccfe89fd sent 0.00000033 BRIDGE.BTC to
c44be364 sent 0.00000046 BRIDGE.BTC to
ea9c0619 sent 0.00000069 BRIDGE.BTC to
e5442f5f sent 0.00000067 BRIDGE.BTC to
109369ab paid 0.003157 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,637 BRIDGE.XAP
09adacfb paid 0.01476 BRIDGE.BTC for 26,354 BRIDGE.XAP
228c2841 wants 31,991 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0179 BRIDGE.BTC
c386eada paid 0.00892 BRIDGE.BTC for 64.7 BRIDGE.BCO
0fec4c37 wants 64.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00892 BRIDGE.BTC
5b813ed0 wants 0.00894 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.997 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.997 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00894 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2dab2ab6 sent 66.7 BRIDGE.XAP to
16474808 wants 67.9 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.001352 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001352 BRIDGE.BTC for 67.9 BRIDGE.XAP
0db6569c paid 16 BRIDGE.NYX for 0.001355 BRIDGE.BTC
958a5a00 wants 0.001355 BRIDGE.BTC for 16 BRIDGE.NYX
facaac05 sent 454 BRIDGE.XAP to
742c974c wants 456 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00782 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00782 BRIDGE.BTC for 456 BRIDGE.XAP
3761ac01 paid 80 BRIDGE.NYX for 0.00784 BRIDGE.BTC
895049e8 wants 0.00784 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.NYX
6038741f sent 1,427 BRIDGE.XAP to
e3b78567 wants 1,431 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02834 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.02834 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,431 BRIDGE.XAP
341e2d01 paid 0.3105 BRIDGE.BCH for 0.0284 BRIDGE.BTC
873f7513 wants 0.0284 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.3105 BRIDGE.BCH
891357a4 sent 598 BRIDGE.XAP to
03a42018 paid 0.002422 BRIDGE.BTC for 200.7 BRIDGE.XAP
de8049a2 paid 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.XAP
5bd519bc wants 601 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00725 BRIDGE.BTC
15d3bd3c wants 0.000188 BRIDGE.BTC for 93 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 93 BRIDGE.FRM for 0.000188 BRIDGE.BTC
458af256 cancel order
61a428a3 wants 0.00524 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,078 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 1,985 BRIDGE.FRM for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
01c03124 wants 0.000355 BRIDGE.BTC for 140.3 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 140.3 BRIDGE.FRM for 0.000355 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
21c68726 wants 0.00172 BRIDGE.BTC for 677 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 677 BRIDGE.FRM for 0.00172 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
aaa7ac6e sent 2,374 BRIDGE.XAP to
d7cb2bef wants 2,360 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0304 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0304 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,360 BRIDGE.XAP
0497e37b cancel order
fb05759b wants 2,380 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.03066 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002646 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.55 BRIDGE.XAP
314ffd22 wants 0.0307 BRIDGE.BTC for 256 BRIDGE.NYX
virtual paid 256 BRIDGE.NYX for 0.0307 BRIDGE.BTC
bd46426b cancel order
91a8e3b7 wants 0.0333 BRIDGE.BTC for 256 BRIDGE.NYX
98afdc81 sent 5,457 BRIDGE.VTAR to
b3c8f66e paid 0.00121 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,035 BRIDGE.VTAR
2ec5e84a paid 0.000225 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.VTAR
7d2ee88d paid 0.00021 BRIDGE.BTC for 700 BRIDGE.VTAR
19ed2e99 wants 5,485 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.001645 BRIDGE.BTC
52f23ed2 sent 2,663 BRIDGE.FRM to
f12b11ce wants 2,534 BRIDGE.FRM for 0.01738 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000498 BRIDGE.BTC for 83.9 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.000484 BRIDGE.BTC for 81.5 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.000297 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC for 192.6 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.0000509 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.52 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.000671 BRIDGE.BTC for 112 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.0000595 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.91 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.000888 BRIDGE.BTC for 143.5 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.00001256 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.026 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.003016 BRIDGE.BTC for 464 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC for 370 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.0001045 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.83 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.000895 BRIDGE.BTC for 134.6 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.0068 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.FRM
virtual paid 0.0000101 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.483 BRIDGE.FRM
5179576b paid 168 BRIDGE.NYX for 0.01906 BRIDGE.BTC
3e8f98da wants 0.01906 BRIDGE.BTC for 168 BRIDGE.NYX
a9ab9787 cancel order
0b9c35d9 wants 0.02317 BRIDGE.BTC for 168 BRIDGE.NYX
29be39d3 sent 2,911 BRIDGE.XVG to
bb8c080e paid 0.00929 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,060 BRIDGE.XVG
be9b27b4 paid 0.002706 BRIDGE.BTC for 600 BRIDGE.XVG
e2a11ecf wants 2,917 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.01316 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00116 BRIDGE.BTC for 257 BRIDGE.XVG
e8d55f2a cancel order
1e67f059 wants 0.253 BRIDGE.DASH for 0.01316 BRIDGE.BTC
125f5b51 wants 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,013 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual paid 2,013 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC
02a43c49 wants 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC for 799 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual paid 799 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC
0984c298 cancel order
4cb67420 wants 0.00298 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,875 BRIDGE.VTAR
6c36f94f wants 0.00398 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,521 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual paid 2,521 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00398 BRIDGE.BTC
b6920d6c wants 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,105 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual paid 2,100 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00000795 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
abaa9c2b cancel order
94b8984a wants 0.00185 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.8 BRIDGE.NIHL
virtual paid 10.8 BRIDGE.NIHL for 0.00185 BRIDGE.BTC
e87ab7aa paid 62 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.000116 BRIDGE.BTC
aad1ec51 wants 0.00877 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,688 BRIDGE.VTAR
8388347a sent 2,179 BRIDGE.XVG to
218fa700 wants 2,183 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.01087 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01087 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,183 BRIDGE.XVG
fca4f8b9 cancel order
063d1d37 paid 10 BRIDGE.NIHL for 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC
f039b8cb sent 931 BRIDGE.XVG to
4260c0db paid 0.002177 BRIDGE.BTC for 445 BRIDGE.XVG
231a931f wants 2,271 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0111 BRIDGE.BTC
a546d39c cancel order
7971334d paid 0.0000515 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.41 BRIDGE.XVG
cf657214 wants 2,732 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.01352 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002363 BRIDGE.BTC for 478 BRIDGE.XVG
a9218fc2 wants 0.00195 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.NIHL
2741896f cancel order
d963262f wants 0.01277 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,700 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual paid 5,700 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.01277 BRIDGE.BTC
4ee6d2e2 cancel order
e371c268 wants 0.0031 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.NIHL
4d6364be wants 0.01414 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,700 BRIDGE.VTAR
47cb429c cancel order
1d5ede52 paid 300 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.000777 BRIDGE.BTC
dd214f95 wants 0.01554 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
0ab6e53e sent 99.4 BRIDGE.NIHL to
dd53a0da paid 0.0232 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.6 BRIDGE.NIHL
7615ab8f sent 31.13 BRIDGE.NIHL to
e890ea29 paid 0.00652 BRIDGE.BTC for 28 BRIDGE.NIHL
7db361f8 paid 0.000751 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.22 BRIDGE.NIHL
807e92c2 wants 130.8 BRIDGE.NIHL for 0.0305 BRIDGE.BTC
04e3e3f7 paid 2,452 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00613 BRIDGE.BTC
cf045a9a paid 923 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00231 BRIDGE.BTC
eb733fb3 wants 0.00844 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,375 BRIDGE.VTAR
4d54c07e paid 2,009 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00442 BRIDGE.BTC
9437faa2 paid 869 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00191 BRIDGE.BTC
d605bde5 paid 2,093 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.0046 BRIDGE.BTC
23ddb1c1 paid 1,903 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00419 BRIDGE.BTC
9c4be8ab wants 0.01512 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,873 BRIDGE.VTAR
fdfa2b36 cancel order
35f45211 cancel order
e6c51fb8 cancel order
f12dc327 cancel order
40a82a46 cancel order
0c826140 cancel order
6e2091b6 cancel order
5a4e0f22 cancel order
d623c931 wants 3,830 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC
fda3a1ce cancel order
1ac2caf6 wants 4,357 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC
dfefbaed paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.0027 BRIDGE.BTC
fc3b3c85 paid 593 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.001595 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC
5dc4d906 sent 0.421 BRIDGE.DASH to
9ca2e952 paid 0.0219 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.386 BRIDGE.DASH
907ad5f8 wants 0.421 BRIDGE.DASH for 0.0239 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001985 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.035 BRIDGE.DASH
054d220b paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 407 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.001095 BRIDGE.BTC
c222d35a paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00261 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00261 BRIDGE.BTC
1deafc91 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC
462a310b paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC
87b283e4 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC
16f4e9f6 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00245 BRIDGE.BTC
84253ba9 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
6852a139 wants 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC for 873 BRIDGE.VTAR
1b0ce83b wants 0.0031 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
1a19af66 wants 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
1a758f34 wants 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
fd120ea1 wants 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
a72a1c67 wants 0.00287 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
a2a536c8 wants 0.00285 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
509b7982 wants 0.0027 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
6e36802e wants 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
4e2ba090 wants 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
c2b29d26 wants 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
2e5bd1f6 wants 0.00261 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
83f43c09 wants 0.00261 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
fd52df76 wants 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
8a9b9a65 wants 0.00259 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
6a7f4609 wants 0.00245 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
b0731d6d wants 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
7562b348 wants 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
e817db48 sent 3,374 BRIDGE.VTAR to
d99f9ab7 cancel order
6c1fbbad cancel order
b886f66e cancel order
987848ff wants 0.00439 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,375 BRIDGE.VTAR
cddcfacc wants 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
b8d16bac wants 0.0031 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR
60ae2cb5 sent 0.0499 BRIDGE.BTC to
7b7cfc59 wants 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,750 BRIDGE.VTAR
virtual paid 4,750 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.01577 BRIDGE.BTC
5a698c93 cancel order
7df99487 cancel order
a3d7f713 cancel order
d6aed263 wants 0.00459 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,125 BRIDGE.VTAR
1ed8b4d5 cancel order
f0ab2a2f wants 0.00929 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,125 BRIDGE.VTAR
63001ff2 cancel order
436ab1b1 paid 0.005 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
76a63a30 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.VTAR for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC