立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid26.14 BTS


Asset Balance
4f8e3ba7 sent 12.65 BTS to
3d6acca7 wants 1.03 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.03 BTS
91589b8a issue 10,000 FREECOIN to
22863013 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
10b17773 whitelisted
10b17773 whitelisted
021c7134 sent 30 BTS to
06d277d5 whitelisted
dab3b3cb sent 30 BTS to
b316a34a sent 7.36 OPEN.BTC to
34e8ec79 wants 2,651 PEERPLAYS for 54 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 54 OPEN.BTC for 2,651 PEERPLAYS
virtual cancel order
63e0f7ca cancel order
a6b850a8 wants 2,651 PEERPLAYS for 54 OPEN.BTC
b2a925a1 cancel order
31941368 sent 9,997 BLKONE to
83e898fe sent 23,802 BTS to
16426a4f wants 17.1 PEERPLAYS for 59,850 BTS
virtual paid 59,850 BTS for 17.1 PEERPLAYS
ff40780d wants 98.7 PEERPLAYS for 299,091 BTS
virtual paid 119,200 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 29,890 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 150,000 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 0.00033 PEERPLAYS
facfdc0a paid 1,769 BTS for 0.804 PEERPLAYS
9665e3d6 paid 285,563 BTS for 129.7 PEERPLAYS
447e6307 paid 794 BTS for 0.361 PEERPLAYS
14acd2f7 paid 3,525 BTS for 1.602 PEERPLAYS
7b7f7020 paid 8,344 BTS for 3.79 PEERPLAYS
a330fcea wants 136.3 PEERPLAYS for 299,995 BTS
74546d18 cancel order
db5e4b69 wants 148 PEERPLAYS for 299,995 BTS
14a55550 cancel order
a3ba06a4 wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 296,400 BTS
cbe3ce33 cancel order
e3d2da7e wants 34,989,149 BTS for 8,747 PEERPLAYS
76d963e0 cancel order
ae64f4fe wants 32,802,329 BTS for 8,747 PEERPLAYS
885cc6cd cancel order
6a3aafae wants 32,363,900 BTS for 8,747 PEERPLAYS
bd9f33d3 wants 71 PEERPLAYS for 149,049 BTS
virtual paid 149,049 BTS for 71 PEERPLAYS
87350e03 cancel order
e037e973 wants 75.5 PEERPLAYS for 149,047 BTS
b557ff21 cancel order
a95bad34 wants 75.5 PEERPLAYS for 149,049 BTS
c26f7baf wants 100 PEERPLAYS for 210,000 BTS
virtual paid 210,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
d7412b56 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 420,000 BTS
virtual paid 420,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
5e1f0b7e wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 420,000 BTS
virtual paid 420,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
93ff098c wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 420,000 BTS
virtual paid 420,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
b74aaad6 wants 228 PEERPLAYS for 501,886 BTS
virtual paid 501,886 BTS for 228 PEERPLAYS
e6b5e3a7 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 410,010 BTS
virtual paid 2.43 BTS for 0.00119 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 2.188 BTS for 0.00107 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 2.7 BTS for 0.00132 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.166 BTS for 0.00057 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.597 BTS for 0.00078 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 205,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 205,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
76d9e7e7 wants 114 PEERPLAYS for 228,000 BTS
virtual paid 228,000 BTS for 114 PEERPLAYS
36cab26d wants 281 PEERPLAYS for 561,628 BTS
virtual paid 561,628 BTS for 281 PEERPLAYS
2dc622bb wants 147.7 PEERPLAYS for 295,128 BTS
virtual paid 295,128 BTS for 147.7 PEERPLAYS
c0f984e3 cancel order
62299d75 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 300,000 BTS
9f017589 cancel order
5bd85b33 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 355,421 BTS
d75c9113 wants 1.31 PEERPLAYS for 2,325 BTS
virtual paid 103.5 BTS for 0.0585 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 194.8 BTS for 0.1102 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 142 BTS for 0.0803 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 127.8 BTS for 0.0723 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 157.8 BTS for 0.0892 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 240.5 BTS for 0.136 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 175.3 BTS for 0.0991 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 115 BTS for 0.065 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 49.5 BTS for 0.028 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 216.4 BTS for 0.1224 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 44.6 BTS for 0.0252 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 40.1 BTS for 0.0227 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 19.2 BTS for 0.01085 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 55 BTS for 0.0311 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 93.2 BTS for 0.0527 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 12.6 BTS for 0.00712 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 32.5 BTS for 0.01837 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 75.5 BTS for 0.0427 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 83.9 BTS for 0.0474 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.026 BTS for 0.00058 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.831 BTS for 0.00047 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 36.1 BTS for 0.0204 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 26.3 BTS for 0.01488 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 14 BTS for 0.00791 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 61.1 BTS for 0.0346 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 29.24 BTS for 0.01653 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 23.7 BTS for 0.0134 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 21.3 BTS for 0.01205 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.716 BTS for 0.00097 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 9.18 BTS for 0.00519 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 17.27 BTS for 0.00976 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 2.6 BTS for 0.00147 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 8.27 BTS for 0.00467 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.566 BTS for 0.00032 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 4.89 BTS for 0.00276 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.133 BTS for 0.00064 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 15.54 BTS for 0.00878 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 11.33 BTS for 0.0064 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 10.2 BTS for 0.00576 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 7.44 BTS for 0.0042 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 2.11 BTS for 0.00119 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 6.7 BTS for 0.00378 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.691 BTS for 0.00039 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 2.89 BTS for 0.00163 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.26 BTS for 0.00071 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 6.03 BTS for 0.0034 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 3.21 BTS for 0.00181 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1.898 BTS for 0.00107 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 4.4 BTS for 0.00248 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.621 BTS for 0.00035 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 5.43 BTS for 0.00306 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 3.57 BTS for 0.00201 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 2.34 BTS for 0.00132 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.515 BTS for 0.00029 PEERPLAYS
1e2a9152 wants 133.7 PEERPLAYS for 236,390 BTS
virtual paid 236,323 BTS for 137 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 67.9 BTS for 0.0384 PEERPLAYS
29dfd30c cancel order
a53a8d60 wants 137 PEERPLAYS for 236,323 BTS
465caa5f cancel order
8d41b6f5 cancel order
4612572c wants 137 PEERPLAYS for 236,323 BTS
012fd709 cancel order
82264a7b wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 600,000 BTS
0986121d cancel order
3b1358ca wants 600 PEERPLAYS for 900,000 BTS
54aa77a0 cancel order
08c93b16 wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 258,750 BTS
8648a13e paid 262,650 BTS for 150 PEERPLAYS
312fe98e wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 340,000 BTS
4e52dc85 cancel order
2c7be8b1 wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 262,500 BTS
9c8f2c2d wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 262,650 BTS
30703e73 paid 70 BTS for 0.04 PEERPLAYS
7fa4d4ba paid 131,150 BTS for 74.9 PEERPLAYS
57259fae paid 105 BTS for 0.06 PEERPLAYS
67b2e16f wants 75 PEERPLAYS for 131,325 BTS
daa87b66 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 360,000 BTS
virtual paid 360,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
11ba2714 wants 925 PEERPLAYS for 1,711,250 BTS
virtual paid 1,711,250 BTS for 925 PEERPLAYS
e231e7d5 wants 210 PEERPLAYS for 378,000 BTS
virtual paid 36,180 BTS for 20.1 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 341,820 BTS for 190 PEERPLAYS
cdfb8fc9 paid 0.0225 OPEN.BTC for 5 PEERPLAYS
48931112 wants 20 PEERPLAYS for 31,000 BTS
virtual paid 31,000 BTS for 20 PEERPLAYS
5946ce1f wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 330,000 BTS
virtual paid 330,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
3c17f34f wants 415 PEERPLAYS for 622,085 BTS
virtual paid 622,085 BTS for 415 PEERPLAYS
bef20d6f wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 298,000 BTS
virtual paid 298,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
b3e12241 cancel order
b5099f5c cancel order
621c2df3 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 260,200 BTS
a74e17f9 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 280,000 BTS
virtual paid 280,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
e322f4a6 wants 106.9 PEERPLAYS for 146,948 BTS
virtual paid 6,869 BTS for 5 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 140,079 BTS for 101.9 PEERPLAYS
c095e86c cancel order
ae7beb71 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 240,200 BTS
b12c3dbc paid 11,970 BTS for 9.98 PEERPLAYS
2cef7c81 paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00127 BTS
556d92f6 paid 0.752 OPEN.BTC for 95,605 BTS
0e168258 paid 0.00638 OPEN.BTC for 810 BTS
20dc869e paid 0.00479 OPEN.BTC for 609 BTS
9b1d9e55 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 240,000 BTS
5d531073 paid 0.00385 OPEN.BTC for 490 BTS
642b7b43 wants 97,513 BTS for 0.767 OPEN.BTC
8ab83119 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 260,000 BTS
virtual paid 260,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
644226f8 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 260,000 BTS
virtual paid 260,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
c27554e3 paid 0.1802 OPEN.BTC for 22,114 BTS
1bd1710d paid 0.301 OPEN.BTC for 36,953 BTS
50492f57 paid 0.0163 OPEN.BTC for 2,000 BTS
bbc3cc87 paid 0.0023 OPEN.BTC for 282.5 BTS
754bda72 cancel order
39fd7c1d wants 61,350 BTS for 0.5 OPEN.BTC
2f329b3a wants 40 PEERPLAYS for 47,959 BTS
virtual paid 47,959 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
449a839d wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 153,900 BTS
edf9ee99 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 240,000 BTS
virtual paid 240,000 BTS for 200 PEERPLAYS
d44434d2 wants 100 PEERPLAYS for 130,000 BTS
virtual paid 130,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS