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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid1.033 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.FOX 0.00475
474bb9d8 issue 1 BRIDGE.READMENOW to
341cbe1c issue 1 BRIDGE.READMENOW to
b0a0489d sent 292 BRIDGE.MIDAS to
98e549bb cancel order
3dba6d2e sent 0.225 BRIDGE.BTC to
7e972b9b paid 280.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0873 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 130.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0407 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 264 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0845 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 39.4 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0129 BRIDGE.BTC
364ff4e3 wants 0.0407 BRIDGE.BTC for 130.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
0ec68a45 wants 0.0873 BRIDGE.BTC for 280.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
f7eef217 wants 0.047 BRIDGE.BTC for 143.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
aae8b358 wants 0.0845 BRIDGE.BTC for 264 BRIDGE.MIDAS
19a56712 cancel orders (4)
96cc846b wants 0.0396 BRIDGE.BTC for 122.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
fe1f81af wants 0.0788 BRIDGE.BTC for 252.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
37949fbb wants 0.0788 BRIDGE.BTC for 252.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
7b377a7f wants 0.0256 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.MIDAS
1af3beab sent 0.509 BRIDGE.BTC to
c14f4535 wants 0.2896 BRIDGE.BTC for 800 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 21.2 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00767 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 6.6 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00239 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 772 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.2796 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
62de46b6 wants 0.0715 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 200 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0715 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bc03257d wants 0.0693 BRIDGE.BTC for 198 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 57.2 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 141 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0493 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7e7da0b4 wants 0.0702 BRIDGE.BTC for 200.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 200.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0702 BRIDGE.BTC
88194160 sent 0.1503 BRIDGE.BTC to
5bb8245b wants 0.0432 BRIDGE.BTC for 121.3 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 121.3 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0432 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
af3b433d wants 0.1098 BRIDGE.BTC for 324 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 304 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.103 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 20.2 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00684 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
266227de paid 18 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00708 BRIDGE.BTC
94de5ac8 wants 0.00708 BRIDGE.BTC for 18 BRIDGE.MIDAS
d73d4553 sent 0.3067 BRIDGE.BTC to
6790dc6f paid 117.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0425 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 99.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0364 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 100 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0368 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 158 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0584 BRIDGE.BTC
ff34882c wants 0.0584 BRIDGE.BTC for 158 BRIDGE.MIDAS
11b3f8af wants 0.0368 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.MIDAS
6df03505 paid 57.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.02068 BRIDGE.BTC
1e2593f9 paid 156 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 150.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0532 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 12.8 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00459 BRIDGE.BTC
a9359f2f wants 0.0425 BRIDGE.BTC for 117.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS
16ab21f6 wants 0.02526 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS
2480077f wants 0.0364 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS
a2e617c1 wants 0.0532 BRIDGE.BTC for 150.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS
ed70c8d1 wants 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC for 156 BRIDGE.MIDAS
fcec63b3 sent 700 BRIDGE.MIDAS to
02ce0baa sent 0.12 BRIDGE.BTC to
de4252f5 wants 0.1202 BRIDGE.BTC for 389 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 0.302 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0000932 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 389 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.1202 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8ed01e8f sent 0.218 BRIDGE.BTC to
dbd224f6 wants 0.1032 BRIDGE.BTC for 347 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 1.595 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000475 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 33.6 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 16.8 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 33.6 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 261.3 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0778 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
66478daf wants 0.02435 BRIDGE.BTC for 18,037 BRIDGE.TRTT
virtual paid 185 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.0002516 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 17,852 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.0241 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
93e096eb wants 0.000856 BRIDGE.BTC for 463 BRIDGE.FOX
virtual paid 54.9 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.000107 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 117 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.0002175 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 291 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.000538 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
35ce5354 wants 0.0898 BRIDGE.BTC for 330 BRIDGE.MIDAS
virtual paid 1.595 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000437 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 11.3 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00309 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 54.8 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 18.27 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 244 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0664 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order