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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.135 BTS
Lifetime fees paid19.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.135
DEEX 0.0942
ZALUPA 0.008
BRIDGE.XAP 0.002153
BRIDGE.CTS 0.00306
BRIDGE.TAL 0.000471
BRIDGE.XG 0.0312
BRIDGE.SMK 0.00125
BRIDGE.C2P 0.000465
BRIDGE.PRJ 0.0000152
BRIDGE.SNO 0.00023
BRIDGE.SPHX 0.000715
BRIDGE.PHON 0.0002316
BRIDGE.XDRC 0.0002516
BRIDGE.SND 0.000384
BRIDGE.FOX 0.0000493
BRIDGE.EPS 0.00673
BRIDGE.PPO 0.0000477
BRIDGE.DKPC 0.000736
BRIDGE.ENCO 0.0000113
BRIDGE.CADS 0.0000238
BRIDGE.QBO 0.000035
BRIDGE.MNDX 0.000386
2492e43d sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
eaddd83d sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
bfc97710 sent 0.0252 BRIDGE.BTC to
b7bd45cb cancel orders (2)
68795f6b cancel order
c5bc3e95 wants 356 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
a9f02772 cancel order
28fb67f9 wants 92.6 BRIDGE.MBOX for 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC
dae85c73 wants 72.5 BRIDGE.MBOX for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
c89d2a8f wants 360 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
d9bbed83 cancel order
8f4c9051 wants 6,257 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.0252 BRIDGE.BTC
f3302870 cancel order
e02756fa cancel order
f361c696 cancel order
90d925e9 wants 2,488 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
a813a40c cancel order
df61562d wants 2,664 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.01002 BRIDGE.BTC
f201dfce wants 2,767 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
a348a405 cancel order
2282a524 sent 710 BRIDGE.PNDM to
0381c821 cancel orders (4)
c86152c3 wants 46,351 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC
24fd4f8e wants 2,817 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
17b378b2 wants 0.000018 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.37 BRIDGE.CFL
virtual paid 18.37 BRIDGE.CFL for 0.000018 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
677b3017 cancel order
1993187e cancel orders (2)
bd29c71f paid 980 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.00656 BRIDGE.BTC
c128d03e wants 0.00656 BRIDGE.BTC for 980 BRIDGE.ZNZ
cf10fa01 cancel orders (4)
55dbb4bf wants 0.002037 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ZNZ
a7f73d52 cancel order
fe1c1cef cancel orders (2)
07e5f0a6 wants 77.5 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.00342 BRIDGE.BTC
91c26d20 cancel order
ed0b11f1 cancel order
ff1de21a wants 5,581 BRIDGE.CFUND for 0.00564 BRIDGE.BTC
7d0590b4 wants 444 BRIDGE.CFUND for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
13df8097 cancel order
3190b6d4 cancel order
9028d040 wants 107.5 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
dfd8d3bf cancel order
f1730651 wants 88.3 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.002055 BRIDGE.BTC
997b09e4 cancel order
cc98ad19 wants 99.3 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
6b05194e cancel order
af2cb7bf wants 476 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.001594 BRIDGE.BTC
351a32a7 cancel order
4bdd2bd4 wants 53.6 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
f036eeeb cancel order
28b5bab8 wants 0.001797 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ZNZ
325a083d cancel order
cc683ea9 wants 0.000868 BRIDGE.BTC for 79 BRIDGE.ZNZ
1b4bb80e wants 0.002994 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ZNZ
ada93c78 wants 0.002697 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ZNZ
0c3ce49a wants 0.001743 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ZNZ
4608e53c cancel order
279b4cfb paid 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 663 BRIDGE.ZNZ
813b494e wants 479 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.001594 BRIDGE.BTC
6666c438 cancel order
aecc4804 wants 39.4 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.001365 BRIDGE.BTC
95185561 wants 121.2 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.00564 BRIDGE.BTC
232c4eda wants 99.7 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
ed144358 paid 0.00000226 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.5 BRIDGE.ZNZ
155bec47 paid 146.7 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01203 BRIDGE.BTC
9a810385 wants 0.01203 BRIDGE.BTC for 146.7 BRIDGE.BIH
f2b3e463 cancel order
d88246ed wants 4,194 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.001594 BRIDGE.BTC
19ac66fd cancel order
6ca50415 wants 53.9 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
4a88a271 cancel order
7cc016b5 wants 0.002195 BRIDGE.BTC for 317 BRIDGE.ZNZ
239f551e cancel order
fb6ef5e7 wants 0.0528 BRIDGE.BTC for 146.7 BRIDGE.BIH
ae7ed130 cancel order
bea3ac94 cancel order
f798508c wants 76 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.002055 BRIDGE.BTC
eaff5be1 wants 0.0022 BRIDGE.BTC for 317 BRIDGE.ZNZ
fb7a25a4 cancel order
e8090a15 cancel order
bc3dbfc2 wants 664 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
b51f4c37 cancel order
cdc27673 paid 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC for 108.7 BRIDGE.BIH
80e4b4f6 wants 1,136 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
22f7a086 cancel order
1999e2f3 wants 1,149 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
9eb31c86 cancel order
0436a326 wants 0.00683 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.5 BRIDGE.BIH
4c2b7a0a cancel order
a9129b3e wants 0.00333 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.67 BRIDGE.BIH
89f1fdfb wants 108.7 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
253987e4 cancel order
453659fe paid 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.75 BRIDGE.BIH
b4995334 wants 28.75 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
74323229 cancel order
83575aa0 wants 29.45 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
0d1c0104 cancel order
dceeae78 wants 41.8 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
64fb525f cancel order
4090b80f wants 0.00342 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.5 BRIDGE.BIH
b86bd721 paid 0.00149 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.55 BRIDGE.BIH
9ab18364 wants 9.55 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.00149 BRIDGE.BTC
e9c9ff89 cancel order
4f93d964 wants 450 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC
ab8634df wants 1,184 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.00505 BRIDGE.BTC
76ee2c41 wants 0.002695 BRIDGE.BTC for 301 BRIDGE.ZNZ
1eeef459 cancel order
9494f037 cancel order
d70ebde3 wants 144.8 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.001594 BRIDGE.BTC
01e51c5a wants 53.9 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
ea75bc04 cancel order
301fa9ea wants 9.6 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.00149 BRIDGE.BTC
0d6ea815 cancel order
a7549a3a wants 0.0001144 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.04 BRIDGE.ZNZ
4522004a paid 0.0000806 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.13 BRIDGE.ZNZ
98295605 wants 90.9 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
b2fc7f40 cancel order
ac10bd66 wants 89.2 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
594a2887 cancel order
6ac14f30 wants 103 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
cc6db398 cancel order
4163a21a wants 314 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.00157 BRIDGE.BTC
3c910d67 paid 222 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.001574 BRIDGE.BTC
9a1b3def wants 26.9 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
a13044f7 cancel order
dd422591 wants 27 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
bed6b48d cancel order
dd705b8c wants 26 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00695 BRIDGE.BTC
029bd6cf cancel order
a318acf9 wants 27 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
c8a93d6b wants 104 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
57d65ce1 cancel order
a00c2fe5 wants 0.001574 BRIDGE.BTC for 222 BRIDGE.ZNZ
9aa49e93 wants 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 301 BRIDGE.ZNZ
35e9d7da paid 0.0022 BRIDGE.BTC for 524 BRIDGE.ZNZ
a782b23f wants 454 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
c130d1e6 cancel order
5884e9fa wants 26 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00695 BRIDGE.BTC
05caafe5 cancel order
4a57bff2 wants 454 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
991ff86c cancel order
7ee8aa1f wants 380 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
c8bfbc92 cancel order
cd2f8ff6 wants 333 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
431362d7 cancel order
cf976ec0 cancel order
409e7f08 wants 524 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.0022 BRIDGE.BTC
af23c6e6 wants 480 BRIDGE.ZNZ for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
35d1cfa2 cancel order
9c3fb4c2 wants 307 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
5732fa05 cancel order
ac496c5c wants 26 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00695 BRIDGE.BTC
b102baa4 cancel order
87eca800 wants 26 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00695 BRIDGE.BTC
9e606f99 wants 313.5 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
1d85e51b cancel order
9eeaf4d2 wants 678 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01495 BRIDGE.BTC
8cf15916 cancel order
42229fe2 wants 501 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01199 BRIDGE.BTC
c527130b cancel order
fc8f7da2 wants 20,000 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.0042 BRIDGE.BTC
02cfce90 wants 418 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
3f4fdeed wants 0.00112 BRIDGE.BTC for 55.9 BRIDGE.FOX
virtual paid 14.87 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.0002987 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 41 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.000822 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
29bbd610 cancel order
4cb0cb7c cancel order
509b7da3 cancel orders (3)
e1666472 cancel orders (2)
9660859e wants 9.98 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
5b2956ec wants 17.96 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
dd547566 wants 30.76 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.00492 BRIDGE.BTC
2040a449 cancel order
cb1e94d5 cancel order
67444223 wants 1,207 BRIDGE.MNDX for 0.00291 BRIDGE.BTC
fe345e36 cancel order
e6bc167e wants 12.5 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
b4a7ccc0 cancel order
79f207af wants 9.09 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00291 BRIDGE.BTC
47f662c1 wants 23.24 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.0042 BRIDGE.BTC
e0c9f501 wants 77.5 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00433 BRIDGE.BTC
e1609523 cancel order
b805d041 wants 95.4 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00531 BRIDGE.BTC
bc378515 wants 22.13 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.002595 BRIDGE.BTC
4169f371 wants 22.13 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
c8e708c6 cancel order
a219e15f wants 26,130 BRIDGE.PNDM for 0.01803 BRIDGE.BTC