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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.84 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.33 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.84
DEEX 0.0118
ZALUPA 0.005
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.000409
1ee7b046 wants 1,138 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00842 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00842 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,138 BRIDGE.SPD
58290aef wants 2,696 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.01968 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01968 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,696 BRIDGE.SPD
f03e1932 cancel order
ac5a98dc wants 3,850 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0281 BRIDGE.BTC
75ecf5ec cancel order
8e8bda6e wants 3,876 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0281 BRIDGE.BTC
eac7c880 cancel order
f5901507 wants 3,871 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0281 BRIDGE.BTC
a8801bf3 cancel order
805c1249 paid 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC for 483 BRIDGE.SPD
7af6a5a7 wants 4,359 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
54104089 cancel order
ba85c72b wants 4,377 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
d81875c2 cancel order
87e7f97d wants 4,482 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
6ff357f4 cancel order
072d66c2 wants 4,938 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
07ac47ed cancel order
b33722fe wants 4,717 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
dab80514 cancel order
d827fd36 wants 4,682 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
07b34046 cancel order
17d3d2bb wants 4,709 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
97fc46b7 cancel order
d318faf7 wants 4,738 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
513e66e0 cancel order
553981f1 wants 4,702 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
96e8a17f cancel order
72847602 wants 4,717 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
72b4670b cancel order
1253e221 wants 4,731 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
aaa5945d cancel order
91aca33e wants 4,745 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
8f254ba3 cancel order
70dbb71e wants 4,759 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
0852b558 cancel order
d2d61956 wants 4,774 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
b6b2b2af cancel order
5a8367d1 wants 4,788 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
5f768652 cancel order
64f27925 wants 4,803 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
8eb9da50 cancel order
c8764066 wants 4,817 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
d14e52d2 cancel order
01717f16 wants 4,832 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
59daa4bd cancel order
d9f72dac wants 4,847 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
86a57541 cancel order
b9f002ed wants 4,862 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
af1b33f4 cancel order
e5166a54 wants 4,953 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
e4d543d3 cancel order
d1128767 wants 4,969 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
7cf23604 cancel order
6e5ea220 wants 4,984 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
14b73cc0 cancel order
27a64a06 wants 5,000 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
b41e82f5 cancel order
4833a773 wants 5,016 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
ac2334ce cancel order
e5e888c7 wants 5,032 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
dde38508 cancel order
54f6e71a wants 5,048 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
cdb63d0b cancel order
2f19b23b wants 5,016 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
7b64f0b9 cancel order
f09e6ce3 wants 5,032 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
2ff9e614 cancel order
ba9feeb2 wants 5,048 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
3bfd72c7 sent 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC to
116fa72e cancel order
066c79ee wants 4,404 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
fa206d0f cancel order
a95099c6 wants 4,435 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
0b798c6a cancel order
1fe7f1e7 wants 4,600 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
724061db cancel order
4890ef29 wants 5,026 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
18ecca89 cancel order
6117fa93 wants 4,632 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
9d8cd863 cancel order
94045d58 wants 4,646 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
54f2f86d cancel order
28a38735 wants 4,666 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
394d15cf cancel order
06a24ace wants 5,026 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
d4ef5d14 cancel order
111259c8 wants 5,026 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
12578466 cancel order
9a0c464a wants 5,039 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
e683dc67 cancel order
8dd8f8bb wants 4,525 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
8dd18fbb cancel order
993913a2 wants 4,512 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
75913b29 cancel order
f7a55735 wants 4,659 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
124cc5d0 cancel order
29f000b2 wants 4,652 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
f8c63957 cancel order
83ee9ff0 wants 4,730 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
f6453049 cancel order
e93bddf3 wants 4,708 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
7a414471 cancel order
75d44b6a wants 4,780 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
fcf301cb cancel order
3cf8d4fe wants 5,002 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0313 BRIDGE.BTC
79cc41b0 cancel order
826acf9d wants 5 BTS for 0.0000734 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000734 BRIDGE.BTC for 5 BTS
1e82b414 wants 0.00381 BRIDGE.BTC for 354 BRIDGE.SPD
9ae8ffa7 cancel order
6dac5826 wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 354 BRIDGE.SPD
c753da13 cancel order
655c9a42 wants 0.00407 BRIDGE.BTC for 326 BRIDGE.SPD
7f4a1c8b cancel order
9bb12bc0 wants 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC for 326 BRIDGE.SPD
233bf321 cancel order
6534c835 wants 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC for 326 BRIDGE.SPD
c956d9b3 cancel order
e08be70d wants 0.00361 BRIDGE.BTC for 326 BRIDGE.SPD
f158d871 cancel order
b0914882 wants 0.00412 BRIDGE.BTC for 326 BRIDGE.SPD
c4b70b0b cancel order
75ad1f37 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00144 BTS
virtual paid 0.0008 BTS for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
73417e4f wants 0.00000105 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0697 BRIDGE.CRCO
virtual paid 0.0693 BRIDGE.CRCO for 0.00000105 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
98ebe76f wants 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 326 BRIDGE.SPD
3ba8abbc paid 0.00291 BRIDGE.BTC for 407 BRIDGE.SPD
a5f039a8 wants 407 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00291 BRIDGE.BTC
f4686212 cancel order
4089a653 wants 409 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00291 BRIDGE.BTC
1d00455e cancel order
39ecb368 wants 410 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00291 BRIDGE.BTC
639f6822 cancel order
eb623749 paid 0.00000705 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SPD
58e86c89 paid 0.00000705 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SPD
cdc57b8a wants 415 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.002925 BRIDGE.BTC
6a32fdc6 paid 0.02827 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,021 BRIDGE.SPD
fb16bc67 wants 2,021 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.02827 BRIDGE.BTC
ce271e61 cancel order
40a77628 wants 2,044 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.02827 BRIDGE.BTC
d312fbb3 cancel order
8887ae39 wants 2,050 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.02827 BRIDGE.BTC
42838968 wants 1 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0000155 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000155 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SPD
102e8004 cancel order
cd9ee630 paid 0.0045 BRIDGE.BTC for 304.3 BRIDGE.SPD
f0fc898e paid 0.000532 BRIDGE.BTC for 36 BRIDGE.SPD
9bb50830 paid 0.001444 BRIDGE.BTC for 97.7 BRIDGE.SPD
355696dd wants 2,052 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0283 BRIDGE.BTC
96fc736a wants 438 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00647 BRIDGE.BTC
c183dd6b cancel order
7dcb17a3 wants 2,528 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC
deb342cf cancel order
d9423eb6 wants 2,537 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0348 BRIDGE.BTC
049b34d9 paid 0.00897 BRIDGE.BTC for 600 BRIDGE.SPD
f839ef0b wants 600 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00897 BRIDGE.BTC
dee1bfd9 paid 0.00667 BRIDGE.BTC for 528 BRIDGE.SPD
391009c3 sent 1,162 BRIDGE.SPD to
4c4cfc09 wants 528 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00667 BRIDGE.BTC
e2571131 cancel order
28b85a5f paid 0.01067 BRIDGE.BTC for 846 BRIDGE.SPD
8e35ba2e wants 1,374 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.01734 BRIDGE.BTC
71f4828f cancel order
9152814d paid 0.00094 BRIDGE.BTC for 75 BRIDGE.SPD
555806e9 paid 0.00283 BRIDGE.BTC for 225.5 BRIDGE.SPD
77b9eb72 paid 0.0002197 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.52 BRIDGE.SPD
aa16a8b0 wants 1,701 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.02133 BRIDGE.BTC
c5a0289d cancel order
e4dbf60f wants 1,702 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.02133 BRIDGE.BTC
b61c7bd2 paid 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,294 BRIDGE.SPD
93ddc8c5 wants 1,294 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
1d6f664e cancel order
f6d85512 wants 1,387 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
bf31b196 cancel order
07d543aa wants 1,356 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
c9e46c63 cancel order
26691915 wants 1,387 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
910daa49 cancel order
30265e89 wants 1,387 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
f295389f cancel order
3f6a417d wants 1,386 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
6717595e cancel order
0d5ce121 wants 1,388 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0217 BRIDGE.BTC
e036fc0f cancel order