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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.212 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.1307 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.212
CNY 0.495
OPEN.DOGE 39,526
f6934095 issue 10,000 FREECOIN to
23b4eea5 wants 120 OPEN.DOGE for 11.04 CNY
virtual paid 11.04 CNY for 120 OPEN.DOGE
de3e2f6c paid 3,002 CNY for 22,600 OPEN.DOGE
0529c64e wants 22,600 OPEN.DOGE for 3,002 CNY
9db06d96 paid 206 CNY for 1,548 OPEN.DOGE
f7841c3d wants 7,525 OPEN.DOGE for 1,001 CNY
virtual paid 795 CNY for 5,977 OPEN.DOGE
72cd045d sent 3,010 CNY to
d3aedb9d sent 1,003 CNY to
312ada6d wants 360 OPEN.DOGE for 43.9 CNY
virtual paid 43.9 CNY for 360 OPEN.DOGE
b88577ae wants 9,000 OPEN.DOGE for 1,098 CNY
virtual paid 1,098 CNY for 9,000 OPEN.DOGE
d302f3ce cancel order
0f79d79a wants 9,000 OPEN.DOGE for 1,095 CNY
0e2bcd17 paid 264 BTS for 1,140 CNY
11826726 wants 1,140 CNY for 264 BTS
3a56b1e5 cancel order
0b1a607f wants 1,145 CNY for 264 BTS
5b4d0430 cancel order
9dcd0845 wants 1,164 CNY for 264 BTS
b8d21079 paid 22.2 CNY for 6 BTS
939e99e9 wants 6 BTS for 22.2 CNY
0be12c9c paid 1,116 CNY for 258 BTS
64b846c0 wants 258 BTS for 1,116 CNY
8505d1a9 wants 437 CNY for 110 BTS
virtual paid 110 BTS for 437 CNY
61b9e401 cancel order
c63c208e wants 440 CNY for 110 BTS
370e949f cancel order
51faac79 wants 444 CNY for 110 BTS
b592471b wants 100 BTS for 356 CNY
virtual paid 356 CNY for 100.3 BTS
c940a6f5 cancel order
9e4b36b5 wants 10 BTS for 36 CNY
6d180ed9 cancel order
93b1c160 wants 10 BTS for 35.6 CNY
9d7aeb29 wants 10 BTS for 39.2 CNY
virtual paid 39.2 CNY for 10.05 BTS