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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0906 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.02 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0906
CNY 0.0798
4f2dbcef sent 0.01 CNY to
53920acf sent 0.1 CNY to
e8efbe7d sent 0.1 CNY to
c9881453 sent 2,726 CNY to
8d885e4c sent 2,727 CNY to
ba7944c9 sent 85,238 ACRLL to
5aa5c0ec sent 17.3 BTS to
bb8118f4 paid 22,714 CNY for 41,723 ACRLL
881d0986 paid 23,694 CNY for 43,524 ACRLL
40ab0013 wants 85,247 ACRLL for 46,408 CNY
0c8a4a6e sent 322 CNY to
9cfee9f1 wants 31,695 CNY for 58,359 ACRLL
virtual paid 36,881 ACRLL for 20,030 CNY
virtual paid 21,478 ACRLL for 11,665 CNY
virtual cancel order
3d5af557 paid 13,583 CNY for 25,888 ACRLL
fe5a1e97 paid 17,041 CNY for 32,477 ACRLL
54a214fd wants 58,364 ACRLL for 30,624 CNY
dde24e19 sent 118 CNY to
b415d996 paid 20,435 ACRLL for 10,733 CNY
76ca096c wants 10,733 CNY for 20,435 ACRLL
2e40f1c3 paid 10,341 CNY for 20,437 ACRLL
f1e3e324 wants 20,437 ACRLL for 10,341 CNY
2596c90a sent 146 CNY to
38a33e4e paid 20,726 ACRLL for 10,498 CNY
4d4cb4f3 wants 10,498 CNY for 20,726 ACRLL
25e1b7b9 paid 10,012 CNY for 20,728 ACRLL
0107cc03 wants 20,728 ACRLL for 10,012 CNY
4319aa59 paid 8.29 CNY for 19.85 BTS
a47bc67e cancel order
4f08b289 wants 19.85 BTS for 8.29 CNY
2c22a783 wants 19.85 BTS for 8.29 CNY