TATCH.EUR is price-stable cryptocurrency or SmartCoin.
TATCH.EUR always have 100% or more of their value backed by TATCHCOIN to which they can be converted at any time at an exchange rate set by the price feed.
In all but the most extreme market conditions, TATCH.EUR are guaranteed to be worth at least their face value, one euro, (and perhaps more, in some circumstances).
Like any other cryptocurrency, TATCH.EUR is fungible, divisible, and free from any restrictions.
Market | Last Price | Last Price ($) | 24h Volume | Volume ($) |
TATCH.EUR : OBITS | 40 OBITS | $1.583 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : BEOS | 66.7 BEOS | $0.0000332 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : TATCH.USD | 1.033 TATCH.USD | $0.2333 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : TATCH.BTC | 0.0000333 TATCH.BTC | $0.2334 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : BRIDGE.BCO | 2.857 BRIDGE.BCO | $0.804 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : OPEN.ETH | 0.00667 OPEN.ETH | $0.517 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : TATCH.NLG | 40 TATCH.NLG | $0.18 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : TCLGULDEN | 33.9 TCLGULDEN | $0.0892 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : EUR | 0.5 EUR | $0.0452 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : BRIDGE.WSP | 1,000 BRIDGE.WSP | $0.674 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : BRIDGE.RPI | 930 BRIDGE.RPI | $0.0326 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : OPEN.EOS | 0.02128 OPEN.EOS | $0.978 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : TATCHCOIN | 0.5 TATCHCOIN | $0.1288 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
TATCH.EUR : BTS | 7.02 BTS | $1,211 | 0 TATCH.EUR | $0 |
Supply | 15,675 TATCH.EUR |
Issued by | ttch |
Feed Price | -- |
Internal ID | 1.3.4705 |
Decimal points | 4 (0.0001) |
Market fee | 0.1% |
Max market fee | 0 TATCH.EUR |
Max supply | 100,000,000,000 TATCH.EUR |
Permissions |
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable force settle Global settle Disable confidential Witness fed asset Committee fed asset |
Flags |
Charge market fee Override authority Disable force settle Disable confidential |
Fee Pool
Accumulated | 6.56 TATCH.EUR |
Pool Balance | 0.13946 BTS |
Exchange Rate | 52.6 BTS/TATCH.EUR |
SmartCoin Settings
Maintenance collateral ratio | 1750 |
Maximum short squeeze ratio | 1500 |
Feed lifetime | 20d |
Minimum feeds | 1 |
Force settlement delay | 20d |
Force settlement offset | 10% |
Max force settle vol | 15% |
Short backing asset | TATCHCOIN |
Account | Date | Price | CER | MCR | SQP |
Current feed |
-- | -- | 1750 | 1500 |
Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?
# | Account | Balance | Orders | Collateral / Debt |
1 | ttch | 98 | 155,141 | -245,600 |
2 | tatch-vault | - | 50,002 | - |
3 | ykz13013 | - | 23,269 | -2,339 |
4 | luckypv1 | 16,987 | - | - |
5 | xtreox92 | 1,621 | - | - |
6 | dangelang1 | 260.3 | - | - |
7 | starrider1 | 227.6 | - | - |
8 | az00 | 171 | - | - |
9 | luckypv2 | 100 | - | - |
10 | peter87 | 34.9 | - | - |
11 | tatchwalletstefan1 | 8.74 | - | - |
12 | mike1978 | 2.824 | 0.535 | - |
13 | cab-bac | 2.68 | - | - |
14 | unemployed | 2.185 | - | - |
15 | as-a-bell | 0.677 | - | - |
16 | barry-haazen | - | 0.67 | - |
17 | aqua-bot | 0.48 | - | - |
18 | aa02 | 0.2377 | - | - |
19 | aa03 | 0.0964 | - | - |
20 | az99 | 0.058 | - | - |
21 | fast-bot | 0.0119 | - | - |
22 | bea-bot | 0.0082 | - | - |
23 | president-jiang | 0.0046 | - | - |
24 | double-bot | 0.0006 | - | - |