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FANS 通过两方面来实现易用性。一是提供区块链即服务平台(Blockchain as a Service,简称 BaaS)来降低企业及个人的使用门槛。通过网络分叉、数据定制、智能合约 发布和升级、资产交易监控等并辅以可视化功能,让区块链应用变得简单易用。二是 fanschain 提供多种语言支持,从 Lua、C++到 Java,让不同平台的开发者都可以便捷地开发。

Place order with web wallet FANSCHINA BTS Price History | Market Depth

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Supply250,000,000 FANSCHINA
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.3153
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0%
Max market fee0 FANSCHINA
Max supply250,000,000 FANSCHINA
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Flags None

Fee Pool

Accumulated0.0334 FANSCHINA
Pool Balance23.053 BTS
Exchange Rate1 FANSCHINA/BTS

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 249,888,800 -
2 98,975 -
3 10,000 -
4 1,200 -
5 1,015 -
6 10 -