CRECE The official currency of the CRECE Community. This currency brings a new concept of collaborative trading to produce organic growth, and a fair distribution of wealth.
Market | Last Price | Last Price ($) | 24h Volume | Volume ($) |
CRECE : USD | 0.77 USD | $0.77 | 0 CRECE | $0 |
CRECE : OPEN.BTC | 0.0003 OPEN.BTC | $0.1338 | 0 CRECE | $0 |
CRECE : BTS | 11 BTS | $0.0996 | 0 CRECE | $0 |
Supply | 787,000 CRECE |
Issued by | m |
Internal ID | 1.3.1385 |
Decimal points | 7 (0.0000001) |
Market fee | 0% |
Max market fee | 0 CRECE |
Max supply | 7,770,000 CRECE |
Permissions | None |
Flags | |
White list |
Fee Pool
Accumulated | 0.376 CRECE |
Pool Balance | 1,815 BTS |
Exchange Rate | 1 CRECE/BTS |
Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?
# | Account | Balance | Orders |
1 | gladiator7 | 785,000 | 1,700 |
2 | bryan1 | 135.6 | - |
3 | brian1 | 135.6 | - |
4 | trash-box | 14.76 | - |
5 | gladiator1 | 7 | - |
6 | gladiator2 | 4.93 | - |
7 | scorpion123 | 0.962 | - |
8 | facilitador1 | 0.769 | - |
9 | sdr.m03 | 0.001628 | - |
10 | sdr.m04 | 0.000411 | - |
11 | fast-bot | 0.0000112 | - |
12 | sdr.m02 | 0.0000072 | - |